Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Anyone else remember that "great" GWB speech about the axis of evil? Well, we attacked (under Cheney's "presidency") the WEAKEST of the 3....Iraq with no-fly zones, a weak military, etc....and how did THAT work out?................Iran is 3 times the size of Iraq, with a navy, air force and a disciplined army.......Do you nut cases really want to send our troops there? (I mean, unless we are now taking direct orders from Jerusalem.)
Ongoing now. Tune it in.

He is describing the history of people trying to annihilate Jews, reciting quotes from Iran's recent leaders saying they want to do exactly that, pointing out example after example of Iran and other dictators reneging on their word to play nice and restrict their nuclear research... all in the last ten years.

He stated flatly that the greatest threat to the United STATES and Israel, and the rest of the world, is a marriage between a fanatic militant Jihadi state, and nuclear weapons.

Pointed out that just because Iran is helping us fight ISIS, that doesn't mean they are our friend. They and ISIS are competing for the title of Supreme Islamic Jihadi State. "If you defeat ISIS but let Iran get the Bomb, you win the battle but lose the war."

And he hasn't said a word about attacking Iran or any offensive military operations by the West.

Tune it in.

Why can't Western leaders be this cognizant and frank?

Because you have the most corrupt and vile men in power here in America now. Never in the history of America has the leadership been so evil, so crooked, so vile and full of sin. It is an hour of utter disgrace and shame for America.

It is a fulfillment of scripture.
Ongoing now. Tune it in.

He is describing the history of people trying to annihilate Jews, reciting quotes from Iran's recent leaders saying they want to do exactly that, pointing out example after example of Iran and other dictators reneging on their word to play nice and restrict their nuclear research... all in the last ten years.

He stated flatly that the greatest threat to the United STATES and Israel, and the rest of the world, is a marriage between a fanatic militant Jihadi state, and nuclear weapons.

Pointed out that just because Iran is helping us fight ISIS, that doesn't mean they are our friend. They and ISIS are competing for the title of Supreme Islamic Jihadi State. "If you defeat ISIS but let Iran get the Bomb, you win the battle but lose the war."

And he hasn't said a word about attacking Iran or any offensive military operations by the West.

Tune it in.

Why can't Western leaders be this cognizant and frank?

Because you have the most corrupt and vile men in power here in America now. Never in the history of America has the leadership been so evil, so crooked, so vile and full of sin. It is an hour of utter disgrace and shame for America.

It is a fulfillment of scripture.
Oh Puh-leeeeeze!
The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Iran does want to annotate Israel. And they probably want to annotate the USA because we support Israel.
Ooooooooooh! Don't let them annotate us!!!!!!
The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Yeah, just like that hostage crisis never happened, nor did Iran arm and train the Somalis that shot down our Blackhawks in Mogadishu in 93'.

They're just a tiny country.

The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Yeah, just like that hostage crisis never happened, nor did Iran arm and train the Somalis that shot down our Blackhawks in Mogadishu in 93'.

They're just a tiny country.
I can't believe you pants shitters are afraid of Iran.

What a pack of wimps.

You remind me of the pants shitting Left of the 70s.
All it took was just over a dozen assholes with boxcutters to bring down the WTC. Imagine those same freaks with a bunch of nukes.
Iran was, and is, a client state of Russia. They were a client state of the USSR, and are a client state of Russia. As a state sponsor of terror, they are acting as one of many arms of Mother Russia.

And as such, they represent a direct threat to Israel. Doesn't matter what Russia does, it matters what Iran does. Let's not lose focus here.

It is amazing to me this actually has to be explained to some of the dumber rubes.

It's amazing to me how you continually engage in name calling, and attempt to shift the discussion away from Israel and Iran to Russia, India and Pakistan, while critiquing the intelligence of his fellow posters. Cute.

It is also precisely because Iran is the lap dog of Russia that a nuclear Iran is nowhere near as unstable as the hyperbolic pants shitters are led to believe.

How would you know if you were there? Russia doesn't matter, Israel does.

This is why Russia has offered to provide uranium to Iran for nuclear power plants so as to undercut Iran's claim it is enriching for peaceful purposes.

Interesting conspiracy, now back it up with some evidence.
The left wingers here are already dodging, twisting, denying, fabricating, spinning and making feeble minded excuses. What else is new?
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks. He thinks it will improve his standing back home. He would rather have war than a treaty, and he wants us to fight it for him.

That's what the right wants as well.

This is shameful day for Republicans and RWs.
They want the end days.
If the US walks away from the possible agreement for ten years, the countries supporting the sanctions Hillary got will walk away from sanctions ... leaving one of two options: watch Iran finish a bomb or bomb them. From the US security standpoint the former might actually be safer than the latter.
I cant believe the stupidity of people falling for this speech.
I'm not sure they fall for the speech. It's Netanyahu who is more a question. I doubt any Americans, who want to avoid a settlement that would give ten years of certainty and then revisit Iran's intentions, consider the consequences of abandoning the negotiations. Now if Iran didn't take the deal, then we'd be in a position or arguing the sanctions should remain, and Iran is bleeding economically. But, if we walked away ... a different story. Iran actually has a pretty good case for wanting nuclear power: it's even cheaper than their oil and they have a huge baby boom generation that is economically depressed. Good luck getting France and the EU to support sanctions then.

But, Bibi knows this. It's like Putin, or any other for politician. He has an endgame to force or influence America's actions. He wants us to bomb Iran, or at the least give him greenlights and the bombs to do it himself. You'd probably find 25% of Americans who'd prefer that to a ten year deal.
I definitely read between the lines where he said "Israel ain't taking no shit no, more and if something isn't acomplished toot sweet, say goodby to Iran's nuke facilities." Heard it plain as day.
Bibi is chickenshit. If he can convince his Generals that a unilateral attack against a nation without nuclear bombs is in their interest, good luck. He'll be internationally more isolated than Putin if he does though.
So, what does he want us to do for him in regards to Pakistan?

That's a good question.

India and Pakistan are mortal enemies the same way Iran and Israel are. India and Pakistan both have nukes.

Israel has nukes.

A nuclear Iran would not be good, but it does not automatically follow that nuclear war would result.

Neither Israel, nor Pakistan, nor India are currently being lead by a group of radical who want to create death, carnage, and chaos to hasten the return of the Mahdi. And the end of days
If the US walks away from the possible agreement for ten years, the countries supporting the sanctions Hillary got will walk away from sanctions ... leaving one of two options: watch Iran finish a bomb or bomb them. From the US security standpoint the former might actually be safer than the latter.
I cant believe the stupidity of people falling for this speech.
I'm not sure they fall for the speech. It's Netanyahu who is more a question. I doubt any Americans, who want to avoid a settlement that would give ten years of certainty and then revisit Iran's intentions, consider the consequences of abandoning the negotiations. Now if Iran didn't take the deal, then we'd be in a position or arguing the sanctions should remain, and Iran is bleeding economically. But, if we walked away ... a different story. Iran actually has a pretty good case for wanting nuclear power: it's even cheaper than their oil and they have a huge baby boom generation that is economically depressed. Good luck getting France and the EU to support sanctions then.

But, Bibi knows this. It's like Putin, or any other for politician. He has an endgame to force or influence America's actions. He wants us to bomb Iran, or at the least give him greenlights and the bombs to do it himself. You'd probably find 25% of Americans who'd prefer that to a ten year deal.
I definitely read between the lines where he said "Israel ain't taking no shit no, more and if something isn't acomplished toot sweet, say goodby to Iran's nuke facilities." Heard it plain as day.
Bibi is chickenshit. If he can convince his Generals that a unilateral attack against a nation without nuclear bombs is in their interest, good luck. He'll be internationally more isolated than Putin if he does though.
I think Bibi convinced the world today. WETSU
Not Present List of Lawmakers Skipping Netanyahu s Speech - Washington Wire - WSJ

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.)
Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.)
Sen. Martin Heinrich (D., N.M.)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.)
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) (socialist scumbag = dimocrap, no difference)
Sen. Brian Schatz (D., Hawaii)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.)

Rep. Karen Bass (D., Calif.)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D., Ore.)
Rep. Corrine Brown (D., Fla.)
Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D., N.C.)
Rep. André Carson (D., Ind.)
Rep. Joaquin Castro (D., Texas)
Rep. Katherine Clark (D., Mass.)
Rep. Lois Capps (D., Calif.)
Rep. Lacy Clay (D., Mo.)
Rep. James Clyburn (D., S.C.)
Rep. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.)
Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D., N.J.)
Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (D., Ill.)
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D., Ore.)
Rep. Diana DeGette (D., Colo.)
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D., Texas)
Rep. Donna Edwards (D., Md.)
Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.)
Rep. Chaka Fattah (D., Pa.)
Rep. Martha Fudge (D., Ohio)
Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D., Ariz.)
Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D., Ill.)
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.)
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D., Texas)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Ohio)
Rep. Barbara Lee (D., Calif)
Rep. John Lewis (D., Ga.)
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D., Calif.)
Rep. Betty McCollum (D., Minn.)
Rep. Jim McDermott (D., Wash.)
Rep. Jim McGovern (D., Mass.)
Rep. Jerry McNerney (D., Calif.)
Rep. Gregory Meeks (D., N.Y.)
Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D., Texas)
Rep. Chellie Pingree (D., Maine)
Rep. David E. Price (D., N.C.)
Rep. Charles Rangel (D., N.Y.)
Rep. Cedric Richmond (D., La.)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D., Ill.)
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.)
Rep. John Yarmouth (D., Ky.)
Good for them...thank you for posting those with the courage to buck the Israel Lobby.
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, or that Iran will keep its promises to stop trying to get it, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???
Well, the Emperor is only wearing his wrist watch and Nikes but the libs see him in a Superman suit.

Or... a black and blue/black and gold/gold and white dress....
A bit of history for those that will bitch and moan about Iran's taking our embassy hostage.........Back in the 50's, Iran (Persia) had a duly elected president who, rightfully, wanted a share of the oil revenue that came out of its soil.....British Petroleum didn't like to share and DEMANDED that our CIA overthrow that government and placed instead the Shah who was more interested in bieng a European playboy......What was installed to keep the Iranians in check was the evil Savak (secret service) who tortured and killed any dissenters....Is it any wonder why, when the Shah was dying, that the Iranina revolution started? LEARN some history and THEN, judge.

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