Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, or that Iran will keep its promises to stop trying to get it, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???
If the US walks away from the possible agreement for ten years, the countries supporting the sanctions Hillary got will walk away from sanctions ... leaving one of two options: watch Iran finish a bomb or bomb them. From the US security standpoint the former might actually be safer than the latter.
I cant believe the stupidity of people falling for this speech.
I'm not sure they fall for the speech. It's Netanyahu who is more a question. I doubt any Americans, who want to avoid a settlement that would give ten years of certainty and then revisit Iran's intentions, consider the consequences of abandoning the negotiations. Now if Iran didn't take the deal, then we'd be in a position or arguing the sanctions should remain, and Iran is bleeding economically. But, if we walked away ... a different story. Iran actually has a pretty good case for wanting nuclear power: it's even cheaper than their oil and they have a huge baby boom generation that is economically depressed. Good luck getting France and the EU to support sanctions then.

But, Bibi knows this. It's like Putin, or any other for politician. He has an endgame to force or influence America's actions. He wants us to bomb Iran, or at the least give him greenlights and the bombs to do it himself. You'd probably find 25% of Americans who'd prefer that to a ten year deal.
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, or that Iran will keep its promises to stop trying to get it, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???

Is that what you think this is? You idiot, it's about keeping them from getting the damn bomb dumbass.
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.
Are you gonna volunteer to patch up the holes that Barry kicked and punched in the walls of the Oval Office?

You may behave like that when you get upset in your trailer park, but our president is more mature than the average teabagger.

So how long have you and Nutz been dating?
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, or that Iran will keep its promises to stop trying to get it, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???

In Iran they trust!
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, or that Iran will keep its promises to stop trying to get it, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???
Well, the Emperor is only wearing his wrist watch and Nikes but the libs see him in a Superman suit.
The Democratic boycott of the speech is nothing more than the demonstration of solidarity with the party and presidents positions as it regards Israel and misconception that with appeasement and negotiations will lead to a peaceful resolution. Never in the history of man has there been an example where appeasement, capitulation, and negotiations have succeeded in achieving peace without a strong military option to enforce it.
Waiting till this evenings talk shows to see how the liberal pukes mock, deny, twist and spin the best speech in a generation.

Well, at least you are praising Netanyahu. A couple of weeks ago it was Putin. Teabaggers will support anyone who opposes our country just to show their hatred for our president. Nothing but a bunch of childish traitors.
No, we want leadership. It's a shame we have to look elsewhere to see it.
“Achilles glared at him and answered, "Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall”

We made a lot of treaties with the USSR. How'd that turn out for us in the long run, even though the USSR broke nearly every one of them?

We won.

Stop being such a fearful bitch.
The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Yeah, just like that hostage crisis never happened, nor did Iran arm and train the Somalis that shot down our Blackhawks in Mogadishu in 93'.

They're just a tiny country.
There's no leadership in putting together an intl unity of countries supporting sanctions that lead to an agreement spanning ten years of inspections, with the agreement subject to review then? That seems to be the worst case scenario emerging.
The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Yeah, just like that hostage crisis never happened, nor did Iran arm and train the Somalis that shot down our Blackhawks in Mogadishu in 93'.

They're just a tiny country.
I can't believe you pants shitters are afraid of Iran.

What a pack of wimps.

You remind me of the pants shitting Left of the 70s.
If the US walks away from the possible agreement for ten years, the countries supporting the sanctions Hillary got will walk away from sanctions ... leaving one of two options: watch Iran finish a bomb or bomb them. From the US security standpoint the former might actually be safer than the latter.
I cant believe the stupidity of people falling for this speech.
I'm not sure they fall for the speech. It's Netanyahu who is more a question. I doubt any Americans, who want to avoid a settlement that would give ten years of certainty and then revisit Iran's intentions, consider the consequences of abandoning the negotiations. Now if Iran didn't take the deal, then we'd be in a position or arguing the sanctions should remain, and Iran is bleeding economically. But, if we walked away ... a different story. Iran actually has a pretty good case for wanting nuclear power: it's even cheaper than their oil and they have a huge baby boom generation that is economically depressed. Good luck getting France and the EU to support sanctions then.

But, Bibi knows this. It's like Putin, or any other for politician. He has an endgame to force or influence America's actions. He wants us to bomb Iran, or at the least give him greenlights and the bombs to do it himself. You'd probably find 25% of Americans who'd prefer that to a ten year deal.
I definitely read between the lines where he said "Israel ain't taking no shit no, more and if something isn't acomplished toot sweet, say goodby to Iran's nuke facilities." Heard it plain as day.
Ongoing now. Tune it in.

He is describing the history of people trying to annihilate Jews, reciting quotes from Iran's recent leaders saying they want to do exactly that, pointing out example after example of Iran and other dictators reneging on their word to play nice and restrict their nuclear research... all in the last ten years.

He stated flatly that the greatest threat to the United STATES and Israel, and the rest of the world, is a marriage between a fanatic militant Jihadi state, and nuclear weapons.

Pointed out that just because Iran is helping us fight ISIS, that doesn't mean they are our friend. They and ISIS are competing for the title of Supreme Islamic Jihadi State. "If you defeat ISIS but let Iran get the Bomb, you win the battle but lose the war."

And he hasn't said a word about attacking Iran or any offensive military operations by the West.

Tune it in.

Why can't Western leaders be this cognizant and frank?

I think it was a very very good speech. I don't really think that can be argued against.

For all the pre speech drama Netanyahu came out of this a winner. As a leader he looks strong and concerned about the safety of his people and he doesn't give a damn about who he offends in the interests of protecting them. He also has the world focused on the terms of this deal and the administration was clearly on the defensive yesterday and will continue to be after this speech.

Also if he is correct about the sunset provision of this speech the administration is screwed. No way no how now -- if there ever was a way. And if that has been a key part of the deal the administration must be saying -- oh shit, what do we do now.

And a note on Netanyahu and King Abdullah -- two leaders who clearly understand that the physical safety of the people of their nations is their #1 responsibility and there really isn't a close second. Not open borders, not new entitlement programs or fighting the myth of climate change to appease big green contributors. These men are of a breed that is truly an endangered species -- LEADERS ! We in America have probably forgotten what it is like to have one and many have probably forgotten what it really means because whatever you think of his policies in life and death matters such as this Obama is anything but a leader.

Thank God we don't face a truly existential threat like what we faced in WW II or the Cold War with this guy in charge.
OK, right wingers....If Israel contends that Iran with a nuke is THEIR "existential threat", then why does it need us to do its dirty work for them?.....Is Israel our 51st state?...After all, Israrel DOES have plenty of nukes, does it not?
So, what does he want us to do for him in regards to Pakistan?

That's a good question.

India and Pakistan are mortal enemies the same way Iran and Israel are. India and Pakistan both have nukes.

Israel has nukes.

A nuclear Iran would not be good, but it does not automatically follow that nuclear war would result.
Iran is run by crazy people who believe they have a religious obligation to use nukes and get others to use them. Put isis in charge of Pakistan and Pakistan should be treated differently.

If democrats didn't actively want crazy people running Iran they would have supported the green revolution in 2009. Instead obumble promised support only denying it at the last possible moment allowing the ayatollahs to kill everyone involved.
Waiting till this evenings talk shows to see how the liberal pukes mock, deny, twist and spin the best speech in a generation.

Well, at least you are praising Netanyahu. A couple of weeks ago it was Putin. Teabaggers will support anyone who opposes our country just to show their hatred for our president. Nothing but a bunch of childish traitors.
Praising Pootin? I've been in agreement with G.S. Patton ever since 1945. Still am. Childish traitors? You're talking about "our" thumb sucking POTUS.
OK, right wingers....If Israel contends that Iran with a nuke is THEIR "existential threat", then why does it need us to do its dirty work for them?.....Is Israel our 51st state?...After all, Israrel DOES have plenty of nukes, does it not?
Does Death to America have a meaning for you? The head cleric in Iran said that the islamic flag would fly over the white house. Are you okay with that?

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