Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Here's the realistic deal: Bombing Iran will only set it back a couple of years......with the added fact that virtually EVERY Shi'a Muslim will hate our guts (after all, when the "tail"...Israrel...."wags the dog"....the US, we will always be blamed).....
:disagree: :bsflag:
Ongoing now. Tune it in.

He is describing the history of people trying to annihilate Jews, reciting quotes from Iran's recent leaders saying they want to do exactly that, pointing out example after example of Iran and other dictators reneging on their word to play nice and restrict their nuclear research... all in the last ten years.

He stated flatly that the greatest threat to the United STATES and Israel, and the rest of the world, is a marriage between a fanatic militant Jihadi state, and nuclear weapons.

Pointed out that just because Iran is helping us fight ISIS, that doesn't mean they are our friend. They and ISIS are competing for the title of Supreme Islamic Jihadi State. "If you defeat ISIS but let Iran get the Bomb, you win the battle but lose the war."

And he hasn't said a word about attacking Iran or any offensive military operations by the West.

Tune it in.

Why can't Western leaders be this cognizant and frank?
So, what does he want us to do for him in regards to Pakistan?

head up your ass donky.jpg

I begin to see how Germany was allowed to rearm right in front of everybody in the 1930s, in clear violation of half a dozen treaties, and nobody lifted a finger to stop them.

Too many of these mewling liberals who kept insisting that "Peace in our Time" could be achieved through "negotiations".

And trusting that the guy rearming his warlike nation could be trusted to keep his word when he promised he'd stop.

Remind me how that worked out for them?

And now we see it happening again.

This is just like your lie above.

"Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal"
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.
The US isn't the only player at the table opposite Iran. It is Britain, China, France, Russia, Germany, and the US.


The Obama Administration plan is to reduce the number of centrifuges in Iran, removal of most of Iran's uranium, and rigorous inspections. Iran would be limited on the amount of nuclear fuel it could produce going forward.

At the end of 10 years, Iran will still be subject to inspections and would not be allowed to produce weapons-grade uranium.

The Israeli plan is to completely dismantle Iran's nuclear program. A completely impractical plan.

In short, Israel would eliminate Iran’s nuclear capability, and the United States would permit a limited one.

The emotions surrounding Mr. Netanyahu’s decision to do an end run around the White House and appear before Congress at the invitation of the Republican leadership has obscured what the two countries’ approaches would look like. Mr. Netanyahu has simplicity and recent history on his side. Mr. Obama has practicality on his, along with a compelling case that his Israeli counterpart has yet to come up with a better approach that would not most likely lead to military conflict.

The problem with the dismantle-it-all approach is that the Iranians have made clear that it is a deal they would never sign. For all the suspicions swirling around Iran’s program, the country is a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty — a treaty that Israel, India and Pakistan never signed.
“Achilles glared at him and answered, "Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall”
In fact, there is a case to be made that the number of spinning centrifuges is only one factor in how long it would take Iran to get to a bomb. If Iran ships enough of its fuel out of the country, in a deal with Russia that has largely been struck, officials say, there would be precious little nuclear fuel to enrich.

If the remaining centrifuges are connected to one another in ways that can produce only reactor-grade uranium, it would essentially limit Iran’s options — as long as inspectors were present every few days or weeks, so that they could raise the alarm if the machines were reconfigured to make bomb fuel.

If the US walks away from the possible agreement for ten years, the countries supporting the sanctions Hillary got will walk away from sanctions ... leaving one of two options: watch Iran finish a bomb or bomb them. From the US security standpoint the former might actually be safer than the latter.
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.

Better to be that than a major capitulator.............:biggrin:.
If the US walks away from the possible agreement for ten years, the countries supporting the sanctions Hillary got will walk away from sanctions ... leaving one of two options: watch Iran finish a bomb or bomb them. From the US security standpoint the former might actually be safer than the latter.
I cant believe the stupidity of people falling for this speech.
Waiting till this evenings talk shows to see how the liberal pukes mock, deny, twist and spin the best speech in a generation.

Well, at least you are praising Netanyahu. A couple of weeks ago it was Putin. Teabaggers will support anyone who opposes our country just to show their hatred for our president. Nothing but a bunch of childish traitors.
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.

Better to be that than a major capitulator.............:biggrin:.

Capitulate to what? Do you even know the negotiating terms of the agreement?
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.
Are you gonna volunteer to patch up the holes that Barry kicked and punched in the walls of the Oval Office?
Waiting till this evenings talk shows to see how the liberal pukes mock, deny, twist and spin the best speech in a generation.

WH called it rhetoric in their statement. Liberal pukes have finally figured out that a speech is rhetoric. We could have told them that all speeches are rhetoric and we didn't even go to Hahvahrd..........:lol:.
The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.

YOU don't believe Iran when they publicly state that they are going to wipe Israel of the map?
The great satan, America will be their second goal.
Are they lying?
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.
I thought libs like you would be pleased at the praise Bibi gave to Obama for his leadership.
So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.

I guess you didn't watch the speech.
He never does.

He just keeps droning "Liberalism good, conservatism bad, liberalism good, conservatism bad....."

....as the world moves closer and closer to a nuclear Iran while the U.S. liberal "leaders" look on and worry about their next election.

And then when the next plane hits a skyscraper in the U.S..... or a nuclear weapon goes off over Tel Aviv... he posts here, wondering who could have let THAT happen.

Oh Shut the fuck up you ignorant teabagger.
Are you gonna volunteer to patch up the holes that Barry kicked and punched in the walls of the Oval Office?

You may behave like that when you get upset in your trailer park, but our president is more mature than the average teabagger.

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