Terrorist Threats Greater Than Before 911


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
"I think terror is up worldwide, the statistics indicate that," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on CNN's "State of the Union."Republican Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee agreed, and said terrorists are now focusing on smaller events, making it more difficult for the intelligence community to detect plots against American targets.
Sen. Feinstein, Rep. Rogers: Terror Threat Greater Than Before Sept 11
Talking Points Memo | Breaking News and Analysis | TPM
Rogers, Feinstein Say We're 'Not Safer' From Terror Threats - Business Insider
POTUS said we had them on the run. What has this Administration failed to do?

Bush kept us safe!
What have been the biggest terrorist attacks recently?
You don't understand Mr. and Mrs. America. We can't stop trampling your rights because there's are terrorists out there somewhere. We shred your rights for your own protection.
She is absolutely correct. The far right is the biggest terror threat to america.

She is absolutely correct. The far right is the biggest terror threat to america.


Turn your rep back on pussy. I miss seeing the red stars

In other words: "Durr Durr!!! I dun dur is a right winger and when uz's bring facts, I iz feelz like an ooga booga byz giving uz neg rep cuz I cant's do nuthin' else!" :cuckoo:

Eat a dick shithead. :fu:
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You don't understand Mr. and Mrs. America. We can't stop trampling your rights because there's are terrorists out there somewhere. We shred your rights for your own protection.

Feinstein pulls this shit so much she's become chicken little. One of the few dems who championed the Patriot Act and why it needed to be able to "act quickly" or in other words why they don't need warrants
You don't understand Mr. and Mrs. America. We can't stop trampling your rights because there's are terrorists out there somewhere. We shred your rights for your own protection.

Feinstein pulls this shit so much she's become chicken little. One of the few dems who championed the Patriot Act and why it needed to be able to "act quickly" or in other words why they don't need warrants

Feinstein still wields a lot of power in the democrat party....no matter how you portray her.
You don't understand Mr. and Mrs. America. We can't stop trampling your rights because there's are terrorists out there somewhere. We shred your rights for your own protection.

Feinstein pulls this shit so much she's become chicken little. One of the few dems who championed the Patriot Act and why it needed to be able to "act quickly" or in other words why they don't need warrants

Oh, I know. And I see that Terrorism will be the justification for why we just can never go back to having our rights. It was the Commies, then Drugs, now Terror. We just have to give up our rights to beat something that can't really be beaten with no real timeframe and with no real outcome. But the end result is the same: we need to give up those rights because of a nebulous threat.

I wish we would just cut to the chase and have Feinstein just tell us our chocolate rations are going up from .75g per week to .5g per week and that we've always been at war with Eastasia.
Nobody here is addressing the positive effects of socialism. Not every socialist is a scumbag and stating that is a fallacy.

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