Terrorist Threats Greater Than Before 911

Bush kept us safe!

No, al Qaeda is not more dangerous now than before 9/11 - The Week

"Since al Qaeda has become more decentralized, the vast majority of attacks are happening against what you'd call the 'near-enemy,' so for example, attacks by al Shabab are focused almost entirely on inside of Somalia," says Seth Jones, an associate director for the RAND Corporation. "They're not more dangerous, if what concerns you most is attacks on the homeland."

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper concurs. "Senior personnel losses in 2012, amplifying losses and setbacks since 2008, have degraded core al Qaeda to a point that the group is probably unable to carry out complex, large-scale attacks in the West," he wrote in a March 2013 threat assessment.

One threat that is legitimate, according to Jones and Clapper, is against U.S. diplomatic targets abroad, such as American embassies. But those attacks are still less numerous than they were 20 years ago. According to U.S. State Department data collected by Mother Jones, attacks against U.S. diplomatic targets peaked at over 30 attacks per year in the 1990s — but in 2010, there were less than five.
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Nobody here is addressing the positive effects of socialism. Not every socialist is a scumbag and stating that is a fallacy.

There are none. The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Socialism is not inherent in our Constitution and was never meant to be.
Personal Freedom and Socialism can not coexist together.
Nobody here is addressing the positive effects of socialism. Not every socialist is a scumbag and stating that is a fallacy.

There are none. The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. Socialism is not inherent in our Constitution and was never meant to be.
Personal Freedom and Socialism can not coexist together.
Well there does seem to be some discrepancy here. New Zealand and Canada score in the top 10 most socialist countries and they also appear on lists of most personnel freedom. The Netherlands and Denmark also score high on both lists.

Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World - Peerform Blog

State of World Liberty Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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