Terrorist Who Killed 38 Israelis Appointed PA Adviser

Terrorist Who Killed 38 Israelis Appointed PA Adviser-.

Just think about it ....this committed terrorist comander was responsible for the killing of 13 Israeli children and 25 other Israeli civilians!
The only advice this murderer would be capable of giving is regarding the planing and committing of further similar large scale terrorist attacks!
The fact that Abbas has appointed him indicates how insincere he is regarding peace ... which is obviously impossible when people like this are having any influence behind the scenes.

Menachem Begin (Irgun Zvei Leumi)
Begin's notoriety may be found in an extraordinary career that spanned terrorism to statesmanship to winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Many believe that the attacks carried out under Begin's leadership of a Jewish militia, the Irgun, helped hasten the British withdrawal from mandate Palestine, and the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.

The labeling of Begin as a terrorist is based on his activities against the British government in Palestine in the mid-1940s. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was the British who first labeled Begin a terrorist. This label lost much of its force in the late 1970s, when Begin became Israel's prime minister. Today, whether he was a terrorist or not is still debated.

He was on a terrorist list. He was labeled a terrorist. And, like the Palestinians - he became a political leader. Unlike the Palestinians - Israel won their state and as the victor, gained the right to define Begin as they wish.

The honoring of Begin by Israeli's is no different than what the Palestinians are doing and the hypocrisy of the outrage is laughable.

No he wasn't. He was thought to be one by a few British folks, so what?!! He won the Nobel Peace prize and was a true hero of the Israeli people. Opinions don't equate to documented facts which is what we have in the case of the terrorist appointed to PA as Advisor while we can find no such example of Israeli govt appointing terrorists to advisory positions STILL. The fact is you have posted the truth in that whether he was a terrorist or not is still debated ( by a few ) but nothing has ever been substaniated to confirm such a charge. Not so for your brand new PA Advisor. He's on record - and listed as an Islamic Terrorist. I rest my case. - Jeri

he (begin) was wanted by the brits for terrorist activities. he was wanted for terrorism.

jaysus h. cristos on a crutch. you are blinder than that murderin' clown was.
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Terrorist Who Killed 38 Israelis Appointed PA Adviser-.

Just think about it ....this committed terrorist comander was responsible for the killing of 13 Israeli children and 25 other Israeli civilians!
The only advice this murderer would be capable of giving is regarding the planing and committing of further similar large scale terrorist attacks!
The fact that Abbas has appointed him indicates how insincere he is regarding peace ... which is obviously impossible when people like this are having any influence behind the scenes.

god, he was not responsible. he was just along for the ride. sure, he shouldn't have been there, it was wrong, but responsible...cut me some slack.

Menachem Begin (Irgun Zvei Leumi)
Begin's notoriety may be found in an extraordinary career that spanned terrorism to statesmanship to winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Many believe that the attacks carried out under Begin's leadership of a Jewish militia, the Irgun, helped hasten the British withdrawal from mandate Palestine, and the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.

The labeling of Begin as a terrorist is based on his activities against the British government in Palestine in the mid-1940s. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was the British who first labeled Begin a terrorist. This label lost much of its force in the late 1970s, when Begin became Israel's prime minister. Today, whether he was a terrorist or not is still debated.

He was on a terrorist list. He was labeled a terrorist. And, like the Palestinians - he became a political leader. Unlike the Palestinians - Israel won their state and as the victor, gained the right to define Begin as they wish.

The honoring of Begin by Israeli's is no different than what the Palestinians are doing and the hypocrisy of the outrage is laughable.

No he wasn't. He was thought to be one by a few British folks, so what?!! He won the Nobel Peace prize and was a true hero of the Israeli people. Opinions don't equate to documented facts which is what we have in the case of the terrorist appointed to PA as Advisor while we can find no such example of Israeli govt appointing terrorists to advisory positions STILL. The fact is you have posted the truth in that whether he was a terrorist or not is still debated ( by a few ) but nothing has ever been substaniated to confirm such a charge. Not so for your brand new PA Advisor. He's on record - and listed as an Islamic Terrorist. I rest my case. - Jeri

"terrorist" is an opinion.

i don't think you ever defined "terrorist" for us.
Terrorist Who Killed 38 Israelis Appointed PA Adviser-.

Just think about it ....this committed terrorist comander was responsible for the killing of 13 Israeli children and 25 other Israeli civilians!
The only advice this murderer would be capable of giving is regarding the planing and committing of further similar large scale terrorist attacks!
The fact that Abbas has appointed him indicates how insincere he is regarding peace ... which is obviously impossible when people like this are having any influence behind the scenes.

god, he was not responsible. he was just along for the ride. sure, he shouldn't have been there, it was wrong, but responsible...cut me some slack.

I don't know what you are talking about!

Fayyad was a commander of the group responsible of one of the bloodiest terrorist massacres in Israel history, known as the "Coastal Road Massacre"

... and now the "peace partner" Abbas will take advice from him??? :rolleyes:

Now it is clearer than ever that the prospects of peace are hopeless!
Begin was never listed as a terrorist and he was never on a terrorist watch list. Drop it, Seal.

The question is why not?

Many are on the list for doing less or nothing at all.

It seems that terrorist lists are no more than political name calling.

Because Begin never commited act of Terrorism nor was he on a Terrorist List.

The only people on the State Dept terrorist list are those who are known to have commited acts of terror. This requires documentation. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. Hizbollah is a terrorist organization. CAIR is an unindicted Co - Conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trials and is a terrorist organization... getting through yet??

The State Department!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

If you want, I will tell you about my discussion with the State Department.:lol::lol::lol:
Terrorist Who Killed 38 Israelis Appointed PA Adviser-.

Just think about it ....this committed terrorist comander was responsible for the killing of 13 Israeli children and 25 other Israeli civilians!
The only advice this murderer would be capable of giving is regarding the planing and committing of further similar large scale terrorist attacks!
The fact that Abbas has appointed him indicates how insincere he is regarding peace ... which is obviously impossible when people like this are having any influence behind the scenes.

god, he was not responsible. he was just along for the ride. sure, he shouldn't have been there, it was wrong, but responsible...cut me some slack.

I don't know what you are talking about!

Fayyad was a commander of the group responsible of one of the bloodiest terrorist massacres in Israel history, known as the "Coastal Road Massacre"

... and now the "peace partner" Abbas will take advice from him??? :rolleyes:

Now it is clearer than ever that the prospects of peace are hopeless!

just because you buy this propaganda, it does not mean the rest of us do.
Terrorist who killed 38 Israelis appointed PA adviser
Terrorist who killed 38 Israelis appointed PA adviser | JPost | Israel News May 28, 2013Coastal Road Massacre Bus Photo: Wikimedia commons
Hussein Fayyad, one of the commanders of the terror group that carried out the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, revealed on Tuesday that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had appointed him as one of his advisers.
The attack, which led to the killing of 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, was planned and carried out by Abbas’s Fatah faction.

Fayyad, who was released in a prisoner swap with Israel in 1985, said that Abbas signed a decree in 2008 promoting him to the position of “advisor” to the PA president.
However, Fayyad – who is not related to PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad – complained that the PA leadership has not done anything to ensure that he get the job.
He also accused the PA of abandoning him and failing to meet its promises to support him financially.
Fayyad, who is currently living in Algiers, has been on hunger strike over the past week to protest against the PA’s failure to help him.
“I tried to phone many PLO leaders, but they don’t answer my calls,” Fayyad told Palestinian journalists.
“I also sent letters to several Palestinian ministries, but haven’t received any replies.”
Fayyad complained that the PA embassy in Algiers was also refusing to help him and that he was kicked out from the embassy by force.
Abbas Zaki, member of the PLO executive committee, phoned Fayyad on Tuesday and urged him to stop his hunger strike.
Zaki praised Fayyad as a “fighter for the Palestinian revolution” and promised to raise his case with Abbas.

Fatah is not on the US Terrorist list. You state in a post on this thread the US Terrorist list is what defines who is a terrorist. Fatah is not a terrorist organization. The Muslim Brotherhood is not on the list nor is CAIR.
Terrorist Who Killed 38 Israelis Appointed PA Adviser-.

Just think about it ....this committed terrorist comander was responsible for the killing of 13 Israeli children and 25 other Israeli civilians!
The only advice this murderer would be capable of giving is regarding the planing and committing of further similar large scale terrorist attacks!
The fact that Abbas has appointed him indicates how insincere he is regarding peace ... which is obviously impossible when people like this are having any influence behind the scenes.

god, he was not responsible. he was just along for the ride. sure, he shouldn't have been there, it was wrong, but responsible...cut me some slack.

I don't know what you are talking about!

Fayyad was a commander of the group responsible of one of the bloodiest terrorist massacres in Israel history, known as the "Coastal Road Massacre"

... and now the "peace partner" Abbas will take advice from him??? :rolleyes:

Now it is clearer than ever that the prospects of peace are hopeless!

dalal mughrabi was in charge. god, you people inflate everything.

speaking of dalal mughrabi and israeli prime ministers, i won't tell folks what ehud barack did to her dead body with a bayonet...after nhe confirmed the kill.

Dalal al-Mughrabi

As an 18-year-old Palestinian girl from Lebanon, she led a bloody attack against Israel that still haunts the public imagination on both sides of the border 30 years later. In 1978, Mughrabi led a team of 13 Palestinian and Lebanese fighters who landed at Jaffa beach intent on attacking the ministry of defence in Tel Aviv. On the coastal highway, Mughrabi's team hijacked two buses carrying civilians. An intense 15-hour gun battle ensued with forces led by future Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak. Mughrabi raised her national flag and declared the Palestinian state.*

One of the buses exploded, killing many inside. Israel says Mughrabi threw grenades into it; Palestinians maintain the bus was fired on from the air by Israeli helicopters. At least 37 Israelis (Palestinians claim 70) were killed, as well as 11 guerrillas. Mughrabi's body was dragged off the tarmac and shot several times by Barak in images captured by the media. (HM)

Israel-Hizbullah prisoner exchange: profiles | World news | guardian.co.uk



you all really ought to stop exaggerating. first of all, the target was a military target and political target with the goal of a prisoner exchange.. therefore, it was not even a terrorist attack. we are not even sure who killed the children or civilians, whether it was the IDF or the militants but i can tell you this. those people would be alive had not the IDF attacked. the bus was hijacked for transportation only.

here is a lovely young woman with a bright future. she was studying to be a nurse. dalal was brought up in the sabra refugee camp. prior to 1948, her families home was in jaffa, israel...but then al nakba happened. you may not have heard of it as it isn't taught to jews or israelis or is denied, not unlike ernst zundel denies the holocaust.

i am not at all surprised that people born and raised under such conditions rise up to right the wrongs done to their people...and israel tries to pawn their problem off on other nations. they are her palestinians. this young woman was heroic and chose a target worthy of her heroism, the israeli ministry of defense. things went wrong and she died a martyr.

sabra refugee camp...hmmmmmm...israeli prime ministers as terrorists or appointed to positions.

the man entirely responsible for the sabra shatilla refugee camp (mentioned above as dalal's home) slaughter was ariel sharon, the butcher of beirut. he was the appointed defense minister at the time and it was well within his power to prevent this tragedy. he didn't and later went on to become the prime minister of israel.

i guess terrorism is how you look at it. i look at it as having the intent behind it of inflicting terror to efferct change. i rarely use the word but the slaughter at sabra shatilla was nothing but sheer and deliberate terrorism, rubber stamped and watched by the IDF.
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Terrorist who killed 38 Israelis appointed PA adviser
Terrorist who killed 38 Israelis appointed PA adviser | JPost | Israel News May 28, 2013Coastal Road Massacre Bus Photo: Wikimedia commons
Hussein Fayyad, one of the commanders of the terror group that carried out the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, revealed on Tuesday that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had appointed him as one of his advisers.
The attack, which led to the killing of 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, was planned and carried out by Abbas’s Fatah faction.

Fayyad, who was released in a prisoner swap with Israel in 1985, said that Abbas signed a decree in 2008 promoting him to the position of “advisor” to the PA president.
However, Fayyad – who is not related to PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad – complained that the PA leadership has not done anything to ensure that he get the job.
He also accused the PA of abandoning him and failing to meet its promises to support him financially.
Fayyad, who is currently living in Algiers, has been on hunger strike over the past week to protest against the PA’s failure to help him.
“I tried to phone many PLO leaders, but they don’t answer my calls,” Fayyad told Palestinian journalists.
“I also sent letters to several Palestinian ministries, but haven’t received any replies.”
Fayyad complained that the PA embassy in Algiers was also refusing to help him and that he was kicked out from the embassy by force.
Abbas Zaki, member of the PLO executive committee, phoned Fayyad on Tuesday and urged him to stop his hunger strike.
Zaki praised Fayyad as a “fighter for the Palestinian revolution” and promised to raise his case with Abbas.

Fatah is not on the US Terrorist list. You state in a post on this thread the US Terrorist list is what defines who is a terrorist. Fatah is not a terrorist organization. The Muslim Brotherhood is not on the list nor is CAIR.
FATAH is a peaceful, charitable and benevolent organization that is a model for peace. It's in their Constitution.

Fatah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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