terrorists coming to the US

..of course there are going to be terrorists coming into the US from Afghanistan ...they will send sleepers/safe cells/etc ....even some of the people who worked for the US in Afghanistan are Taliban/etc

There are sub humans paranoid about Covid.

There are sub humans paranoid about global warming.

There are sub humans who believe Fox News and still support W like the OP

The real terrorists have always been right here......

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel, so that the current vp - traitor Joe - could forecfully dictate us foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies....

It is unclear that anyone in afghan ever qualified as a terrorist. They did not do 911, Israel did. They did not off pat Tillman,Zionists did.

The op author is a huge supporter of terrorism against America, because the op loves the source of the terror - Israel.
I have never understood how the U.S. being there stopped them from coming here.

And why W did not help TNA off Taliban

And why "Osama" was "not a priority"

And why US Army Rangers offed pat Tillman and lied and claimed AQ did it

And why "Osama" initially denied doing 911... Then later mused that flying planes into the WTC would NOT bring the towers down....

911 was a fraud.

Now it all makes sense.....
The post above lies.

911 happened. It was a fraud.

WTC north tower - bomb, nothing hit it, steel frame bends OUT not in, nothing came in, it all went out, explosion had no mementum

WTC south tower - 767 cargo version with no airliner markings on it

Pentagon - cruise missile

Shanksville - ditch dug, metal junk inserted, gas poured, fire lit

Harmonica - Zionist traitor and liar
We have them already here, BLM and antifa, and we haven't done shit about them.
..of course there are going to be terrorists coming into the US from Afghanistan ...they will send sleepers/safe cells/etc ....even some of the people who worked for the US in Afghanistan are Taliban/etc
But you folks are SCREAMING for Joe to GET THEM OUT!!!!

Make up your fucking minds...or are you just playing politics...

Lesh hahahhahahahahahhhahhahahhaha
yes, you people are shallow thinkers [ stupid ] ..we have to help those who helped us ......there's no getting around it unless you ban all of them ......
Lesh and--hahahhahah--and the OP NEVER mentioned not stopping them getting out !!! you fkd up---your HATRED and bigotry makes you make mistakes and a fool of yourself
Lesh and--hahahhahah--and the OP NEVER mentioned not stopping them getting out !!! you fkd up---your HATRED and bigotry makes you make mistakes and a fool of yourself
On the one hand you're screaming to get them out and on the other you're calling them terrorists

You think no one notices?
Lesh you're fking up again--hahahhahahahahahah
1. we have to get those out that helped us
2. there will be terrorists among those
3. you are babbling like a lunatic---I never contradicted myself
..I am a realist --realistic thinking ....you people think it's a board game/fairytale/movie

...I calmly post and explain, while you are screaming like an idiot
Lesh you're fking up again--hahahhahahahahahah
1. we have to get those out that helped us
2. there will be terrorists among those
3. you are babbling like a lunatic---I never contradicted myself
..I am a realist --realistic thinking ....you people think it's a board game/fairytale/movie

...I calmly post and explain, while you are screaming like an idiot

So tell us genius...how do we get those tens of thousands of people out in like minutes and ferret out these "terrorists"?

Please. Send your plans to the State Department. I'm sure they want your experience and expertise
..of course there are going to be terrorists coming into the US from Afghanistan ...they will send sleepers/safe cells/etc ....even some of the people who worked for the US in Afghanistan are Taliban/etc
So should they leave all Afghans in Afghanistan?

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