Terrorists conduct dry runs on US Airlines


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
Security experts for a major airline's pilot's union have warned members that potential terrorists conducted apparent "dry runs" aboard domestic flights in recent weeks, and urged flight crews not to be pressured into taking to the skies if they are fearful.

A memo from the U.S. Airline Pilots Association, which represents more than 5,000 pilots who fly for US Airways, cites "several cases recently throughout the (airline) industry of what appear to be probes, or dry runs, to test our procedures and reaction to an in-flight threat."

"Bringing down an airliner continues to be the Gold Standard of terrorism," states the undated memo, first reported by WTSP-TVin Tampa-St. Petersburg. "If anyone thinks that our enemies have “been there, done that” and are not targeting U.S. commercial aviation -- think again."

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Everyone knows what this means, right?

That's right! It means the TSA will increase the number of molestations....sorry, i mean searches of wheelchair-bound elderly and 2 yr old kids.
Everyone knows what this means, right?

That's right! It means the TSA will increase the number of molestations....sorry, i mean searches of wheelchair-bound elderly and 2 yr old kids.

Well sense they like doing that anyway, sure. But it means much more than that. Despite the fact that there have been multiple reports, no investigations are going to be conducted! Nothing to see here, move on along.

But the last time we had dry runs and other more ominous red flags, by men of Middle Eastern decent, like wanting to learn to fly jets but uninterested in learning to land and take off, we got 9/11.
We should take the dry runners, and torture the fuck out of them like they would do us, and kill them. If we don't get any credible information, at least they will have been eliminated.
We should take the dry runners, and torture the fuck out of them like they would do us, and kill them. If we don't get any credible information, at least they will have been eliminated.

Eighth Amendment says hi.

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
We should take the dry runners, and torture the fuck out of them like they would do us, and kill them. If we don't get any credible information, at least they will have been eliminated.

Eighth Amendment says hi.

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
National Security!
We should take the dry runners, and torture the fuck out of them like they would do us, and kill them. If we don't get any credible information, at least they will have been eliminated.

Eighth Amendment says hi.

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
National Security!
I don't like what the NSA is doing, but that's not really relevant to "torturing the fuck out of" dry runners.
We should take the dry runners, and torture the fuck out of them like they would do us, and kill them. If we don't get any credible information, at least they will have been eliminated.

How will that help israel?
The point is, it should neither be swept under the rug or a big deal made out of it. But those involved should be closely looked at. And for Christ's sake. If we have anymore flight school warnings like last time, of course they shouldn't be ignored like last time.
Muslims cannot be stopped. They are obama's bruthas and allies. If a plane goes down all those passengers bought a ticket. They must be rich. Democrats would be overjoyed.
Eighth Amendment says hi.

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
National Security!
I don't like what the NSA is doing, but that's not really relevant to "torturing the fuck out of" dry runners.
If I thought it would save thousands of Americans, I would volunteer. Fuck the TSA - a bunch of child molesters.
From the undated memo, a TSA analysis revealed that no further action was necessary, and "We can only make it more difficult for people to attack an airplane or a facility,” he said. “We can't make it impossible. We have to be lucky 100 percent of the time and they only have to be lucky once."

"Despite the constant threat, Pheneger said the odds of being on a plane taken over by terrorists are slim."
National Security!
I don't like what the NSA is doing, but that's not really relevant to "torturing the fuck out of" dry runners.
If I thought it would save thousands of Americans, I would volunteer. Fuck the TSA - a bunch of child molesters.

And that is why they have won. There are people like you out there that are willing to turn this nation of laws and justice that follows a constitution into a middle eastern cesspool that tortures and murders anyone that they suspect of ‘terrorism.’

I fight FOR freedom, not to destroy freedom out of rank fear of the bogyman. You are FAR more likely to be killed in a car accident than a terrorist act. Hell, you are far more likely to be beaten to death with a hammer. Terrorism is certainly NOT a significant enough threat to sell our freedoms to the greater government protector. No threat is TBH.

The most Ironic thing about your post is that you rail against the TSA and then, in the same exact breath, advocate the EXACT same thought patter that created it in the first place. The idea that big daddy government knows what is best to the point that it can completely remove all freedom, torture you and then kill you without trial all in the name of ‘protecting’ you.

I do not want that protection. I much prefer the protection that my freedom gives me. The protection from overbearing government. The protection from being taken in the night to a CIA detention camp. The protection from having the government take that which I have including my life. The protection from the government taking me and torturing me because I made a phone call to an incorrect number. That is a FAR greater threat than the random terrorist and it ALWAYS will be.
I don't like what the NSA is doing, but that's not really relevant to "torturing the fuck out of" dry runners.
If I thought it would save thousands of Americans, I would volunteer. Fuck the TSA - a bunch of child molesters.

And that is why they have won. There are people like you out there that are willing to turn this nation of laws and justice that follows a constitution into a middle eastern cesspool that tortures and murders anyone that they suspect of ‘terrorism.’

I fight FOR freedom, not to destroy freedom out of rank fear of the bogyman. You are FAR more likely to be killed in a car accident than a terrorist act. Hell, you are far more likely to be beaten to death with a hammer. Terrorism is certainly NOT a significant enough threat to sell our freedoms to the greater government protector. No threat is TBH.

The most Ironic thing about your post is that you rail against the TSA and then, in the same exact breath, advocate the EXACT same thought patter that created it in the first place. The idea that big daddy government knows what is best to the point that it can completely remove all freedom, torture you and then kill you without trial all in the name of ‘protecting’ you.

I do not want that protection. I much prefer the protection that my freedom gives me. The protection from overbearing government. The protection from being taken in the night to a CIA detention camp. The protection from having the government take that which I have including my life. The protection from the government taking me and torturing me because I made a phone call to an incorrect number. That is a FAR greater threat than the random terrorist and it ALWAYS will be.
Bla bla bla

There is all kind of covert activity going on that is " illegal". Those people are enemy combatants who deserve nothing. When you are in war do you prosecute or kill? When you see the enemy you blast his ass. This is war you moron. National security is paramount.
Terrorist have the right to eat shit, and die!
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Security experts for a major airline's pilot's union have warned members that potential terrorists conducted apparent "dry runs" aboard domestic flights in recent weeks, and urged flight crews not to be pressured into taking to the skies if they are fearful.

A memo from the U.S. Airline Pilots Association, which represents more than 5,000 pilots who fly for US Airways, cites "several cases recently throughout the (airline) industry of what appear to be probes, or dry runs, to test our procedures and reaction to an in-flight threat."

"Bringing down an airliner continues to be the Gold Standard of terrorism," states the undated memo, first reported by WTSP-TVin Tampa-St. Petersburg. "If anyone thinks that our enemies have “been there, done that” and are not targeting U.S. commercial aviation -- think again."

Pilots union warns of 'dry run' by possible terrorists on US flight | Fox News

link said:
On a Sept. 2 flight from Reagan National Airport in Washington to Orlando, a "Middle Eastern" man rose from his seat and sprinted toward the cockpit, before veering sharply to go into the forward restroom,

Wow, a man ate one spoonful of curry too many and it sparks an alert.
Jesus H. fucking Christ on a pair of lollipop sticks, American are a paranoid bunch.

Four passengers aboard the flight were detained by local law enforcement authorities upon arrival in Orlando due to suspicious behavior during the flight, according to a statement by Michelle Mohr, a spokeswoman for US Airways....

....it was determined that the matter required no further investigation

In other words, nothing happened, they were nothing to do with terrorists and there's sod all to worry about.

According to the memo, the pilot of a subsequent, return flight bearing the same flight number, 1880, ordered an inspection of the plane after eight women in burkas showed up at the boarding gate. The memo claims that "evidence of tampering was found," though it does not elaborate.

One expert speculated that the efforts may have been aimed at sizing up security procedures and spotting air marshals aboard flights.

Wow, a bunch of women managed to tamper with an aircraft from the boarding gate - bullshit.
Hang on, same flight number? I don't believe so.

US Airways (US) #1880 Flight Tracker ? FlightAware

Flights don't have the same number in the other direction.

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