Univ of Georgia football coach to be paid $13 M a year! Amateur sport???

now if you guys want to fund a real mans sport I can get behind instead of this pansy ass american football let me know,,

all other sports were created for pussies to soft to play rugby

Oh, so it is good if it is the sport you like? So it isn't the tax payer's burden, but the sport isn't manly enough??

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
whats wrong you dont like your logic used against you??

typical leftist POS

You are the one who attacked based on spending tax payer monies.

And then YOU are the one who decided it would be ok to spend tax payer monies if it was a different sport. Logic? That is pure hypocrisy.
Whether it happens or not is irrelevant. It shows your inconsistent, hypocritical view.
what youre missing is rugby will never generate 200 million a yr and give student free tuition to play,,

its that thats the problem,,

football makes more than enough to pay the tuitions and coachs without tax payer money,,
rugby doesnt,, and if it got to that level I would feel the same way,,

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