Univ of Georgia football coach to be paid $13 M a year! Amateur sport???

my god you guys are some of the dumbest mother fuckers I have ever seen,,

I asked a simple question. Could I have scrolled back and tried to find the context? Sure!

Or, I could ask you. I did that. You can either continue the discussion or launch off into some name-calling nonsense.
I asked a simple question. Could I have scrolled back and tried to find the context? Sure!

Or, I could ask you. I did that. You can either continue the discussion or launch off into some name-calling nonsense.
beings I was responding to a specific comment of yours to ask the question means you dont even know what you said,,

I wasnt calling you a name,, I was implying youre one of the dumbest mother fuckers thats ever walked the planet,,
14th time, the taxpayer does not pay a dime for the UGA football program
the tax payer funds the college that the football team plays for,,

if they can make that much money and pay their coachs that much money they dont need my money,,

is that so hard for you twits to understand??

you fucks always want to dulp your shit on the tax payers,,
well this pax payer says FUCK YOU,,
beings I was responding to a specific comment of yours to ask the question means you dont even know what you said,,

I wasnt calling you a name,, I was implying youre one of the dumbest mother fuckers thats ever walked the planet,,

Like I said, stick with the topic and I am happy to discuss it. If not.....
the tax payer funds the college that the football team plays for,,

if they can make that much money and pay their coachs that much money they dont need my money,,

is that so hard for you twits to understand??

you fucks always want to dulp your shit on the tax payers,,
well this pax payer says FUCK YOU,,

I get that you want all the services the college offers without having to pay for it. But it isn't happening unless you have something to offer.
the tax payer funds the college that the football team plays for,,

if they can make that much money and pay their coachs that much money they dont need my money,,
15th time - they don't get your money
is that so hard for you twits to understand??

you fucks always want to dulp your shit on the tax payers,,
well this pax payer says FUCK YOU,,

Have a blessed life
the tax payer funds the college that the football team plays for,,

if they can make that much money and pay their coachs that much money they dont need my money,,

is that so hard for you twits to understand??

you fucks always want to dulp your shit on the tax payers,,
well this pax payer says FUCK YOU,,

"well this pax payer says FUCK YOU,,"

Let me know how that works out for you. I'm looking forward to the NCAA Football season. ROLL TIDE!!
I get that you want all the services the college offers without having to pay for it. But it isn't happening unless you have something to offer.

dear god give me the serenity to not beat the living shit out of people that desperately need it,,,

what I want is if a college can make hundreds of millions of dollars and pay not just their coachs millions of dollars but their players unknown amounts then they should be able to pay their own way and not need tax payer money,,

but you dirty cock suckers want us to pay everything so these marxist fucks can fail at school while the admins collect 6 and 7 figure salaries,,
dear god give me the serenity to not beat the living shit out of people that desperately need it,,,

what I want is if a college can make hundreds of millions of dollars and pay not just their coachs millions of dollars but their players unknown amounts then they should be able to pay their own way and not need tax payer money,,

but you dirty cock suckers want us to pay everything so these marxist fucks can fail at school while the admins collect 6 and 7 figure salaries,,

I desperately need a beating. You should come to Atlanta.

now if you guys want to fund a real mans sport I can get behind instead of this pansy ass american football let me know,,

all other sports were created for pussies to soft to play rugby

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