Terry Bradshaw disses Peyton Manning.


I've tried... and tried... and tried to point out that Bradshaw skipped the ball to Harris.

Don't be so hard on me.

We are deep in the badlands ... the lifeless desert of the offseason. I am going through withdrawls and depression..

You people can say what you want... it doesn't matter.. nothing matters...
I've been a Volunteer all my life. Around here Peyton is as close to a god as any man who has walked the earth in the last 1900 years(see what I did there?).

When he came back for his senior season, he went from being a legend to being an immortal in these parts. So you can say what you want about Peyton, on the boards, on the television, on the radio, behind the scenes, but no one, and I mean no one, not even the leader of the free world, has the guts to come to Knoxville on game day, and make those comments, don't believe me, ask ESPN.

That being said, I could care less about the NFL. And who is Terry Bradshaw anyway? :eusa_shifty:
The 'immaculate reception' was one of the more exciting moments in sports history. It showed what can happen when a player (Harris) is hustling. He was supposed to be in the backfield blocking, but there was no one to block, so instead of standing around, he made football history.

The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.

Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

You are right, they didn't go to the super bowl that year.

But to argue that the Steelers should have won 3 titles in that span is correct also. Remember the Championship game against Houston, in what was it 79 or 80? Bad call by the ref, and fear of getting out of Pittsburg alive. :badgrin: I was a young oiler fan. Mostly cause of Bum and Earl Campbell.

Just being facetious. It is what it is. Like ESPN robbing the Heisman from Peyton to give to who? All because ESPN didn't think Peyton was really a sincere person. I still throw eggs at them guys.
Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

seriously Huggy,you REALLY seriously need to stick to your OWN threads about the seahawks.a topic you actually have knowledge about, know something about and dont look like a rambling fool.

we have given you MULTIPLE chances to correct yourself from that lunatic statement you made in your opening post on this thread that his stats were enemic at best but all you do is come back and repeat the same thing over and over and over again about the imaculate reception even though myself and someone else spelled it out for you dummies style that they did not advance to the superbowl that year when that happened.:cuckoo:

I always thought you got alot of unfair criticism around here from trolls like pooper and agent rightwinger but now im beginning to understand why they are annoyed so much by you.Not because of your facts anout the seahawks,but you just ramble on senselessly.

They probably still are upset about lunatic posts from the past you have made like this one and when asked to explain yourself,you ramble on about the same thing over and over ignoring what facts others mention to you.:cuckoo:

Your so butthurt and angry over the steelers stealing that superbowl from your seahawks that year because of the aid the officials gave them to win it all,that in your anger and grudge you have about it,you invent all these lies that Bradshaw was enemic at best in his superbowls.

I proved earlier you clearly were wrong about that,that he played great in all those superbowls except for the one against my LA RAMS,the REAL Rams NFL football team. His touchdowns he threw and the completions he made were a MAJOR factor in those victories. I mentioned that and all you ever came back with is sounding like a broken record talking about the irrelevent imaculate reception in a year when they never even went to the superbowl.:cuckoo:

Your're no different than agent rightwinger troll is when confronted with facts that Belecheat is the most overrated modern coach in NFL history.Evade the facts and change the subject talking about something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the subject.

You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really.

I would expect rightwinger to act like that and make lunatic ramblings like that and pooper as well,But I never expected that out of YOU. No wonder people laugh at you around here and dont take you seriously in your posts about the seahawks around here.

They do so because you clearly know nothing about the history of past NFL superbowls of other teams. Your hatred over the steelers causes you to do the same thing rightwinger does in his debates about belecheat being an overrated hack of a coach.Only see what you want to see and ignore the facts.:cuckoo:

waits for the latest new immaculate reception post to emerge. seriously,stick to making threads about the seahawks and what a great quarterback wilson is and what a good team they are and how they have an excellent chance of going to the superbowl again this year.a subject you actually know something about.

"You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really."

He would probably be a POS Steelers fan. Tryin to convince me that Harris made a legitimate catch.

Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

seriously Huggy,you REALLY seriously need to stick to your OWN threads about the seahawks.a topic you actually have knowledge about, know something about and dont look like a rambling fool.

we have given you MULTIPLE chances to correct yourself from that lunatic statement you made in your opening post on this thread that his stats were enemic at best but all you do is come back and repeat the same thing over and over and over again about the imaculate reception even though myself and someone else spelled it out for you dummies style that they did not advance to the superbowl that year when that happened.:cuckoo:

I always thought you got alot of unfair criticism around here from trolls like pooper and agent rightwinger but now im beginning to understand why they are annoyed so much by you.Not because of your facts anout the seahawks,but you just ramble on senselessly.

They probably still are upset about lunatic posts from the past you have made like this one and when asked to explain yourself,you ramble on about the same thing over and over ignoring what facts others mention to you.:cuckoo:

Your so butthurt and angry over the steelers stealing that superbowl from your seahawks that year because of the aid the officials gave them to win it all,that in your anger and grudge you have about it,you invent all these lies that Bradshaw was enemic at best in his superbowls.

I proved earlier you clearly were wrong about that,that he played great in all those superbowls except for the one against my LA RAMS,the REAL Rams NFL football team. His touchdowns he threw and the completions he made were a MAJOR factor in those victories. I mentioned that and all you ever came back with is sounding like a broken record talking about the irrelevent imaculate reception in a year when they never even went to the superbowl.:cuckoo:

Your're no different than agent rightwinger troll is when confronted with facts that Belecheat is the most overrated modern coach in NFL history.Evade the facts and change the subject talking about something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the subject.

You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really.

I would expect rightwinger to act like that and make lunatic ramblings like that and pooper as well,But I never expected that out of YOU. No wonder people laugh at you around here and dont take you seriously in your posts about the seahawks around here.

They do so because you clearly know nothing about the history of past NFL superbowls of other teams. Your hatred over the steelers causes you to do the same thing rightwinger does in his debates about belecheat being an overrated hack of a coach.Only see what you want to see and ignore the facts.:cuckoo:

waits for the latest new immaculate reception post to emerge. seriously,stick to making threads about the seahawks and what a great quarterback wilson is and what a good team they are and how they have an excellent chance of going to the superbowl again this year.a subject you actually know something about.

"You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really."

He would probably be a POS Steelers fan. Tryin to convince me that Harris made a legitimate catch.


This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.
seriously Huggy,you REALLY seriously need to stick to your OWN threads about the seahawks.a topic you actually have knowledge about, know something about and dont look like a rambling fool.

we have given you MULTIPLE chances to correct yourself from that lunatic statement you made in your opening post on this thread that his stats were enemic at best but all you do is come back and repeat the same thing over and over and over again about the imaculate reception even though myself and someone else spelled it out for you dummies style that they did not advance to the superbowl that year when that happened.:cuckoo:

I always thought you got alot of unfair criticism around here from trolls like pooper and agent rightwinger but now im beginning to understand why they are annoyed so much by you.Not because of your facts anout the seahawks,but you just ramble on senselessly.

They probably still are upset about lunatic posts from the past you have made like this one and when asked to explain yourself,you ramble on about the same thing over and over ignoring what facts others mention to you.:cuckoo:

Your so butthurt and angry over the steelers stealing that superbowl from your seahawks that year because of the aid the officials gave them to win it all,that in your anger and grudge you have about it,you invent all these lies that Bradshaw was enemic at best in his superbowls.

I proved earlier you clearly were wrong about that,that he played great in all those superbowls except for the one against my LA RAMS,the REAL Rams NFL football team. His touchdowns he threw and the completions he made were a MAJOR factor in those victories. I mentioned that and all you ever came back with is sounding like a broken record talking about the irrelevent imaculate reception in a year when they never even went to the superbowl.:cuckoo:

Your're no different than agent rightwinger troll is when confronted with facts that Belecheat is the most overrated modern coach in NFL history.Evade the facts and change the subject talking about something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the subject.

You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really.

I would expect rightwinger to act like that and make lunatic ramblings like that and pooper as well,But I never expected that out of YOU. No wonder people laugh at you around here and dont take you seriously in your posts about the seahawks around here.

They do so because you clearly know nothing about the history of past NFL superbowls of other teams. Your hatred over the steelers causes you to do the same thing rightwinger does in his debates about belecheat being an overrated hack of a coach.Only see what you want to see and ignore the facts.:cuckoo:

waits for the latest new immaculate reception post to emerge. seriously,stick to making threads about the seahawks and what a great quarterback wilson is and what a good team they are and how they have an excellent chance of going to the superbowl again this year.a subject you actually know something about.

"You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really."

He would probably be a POS Steelers fan. Tryin to convince me that Harris made a legitimate catch.


This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

Exaggerate much? THAT was the worst call ever in the NFL? The NFL office backed up the call. Take it up with them. They didn't back up the non call on the skipped ball to Harris.

It doesn't matter any more. Golden Tate isn't a Seahawk.
Last edited:
seriously Huggy,you REALLY seriously need to stick to your OWN threads about the seahawks.a topic you actually have knowledge about, know something about and dont look like a rambling fool.

we have given you MULTIPLE chances to correct yourself from that lunatic statement you made in your opening post on this thread that his stats were enemic at best but all you do is come back and repeat the same thing over and over and over again about the imaculate reception even though myself and someone else spelled it out for you dummies style that they did not advance to the superbowl that year when that happened.:cuckoo:

I always thought you got alot of unfair criticism around here from trolls like pooper and agent rightwinger but now im beginning to understand why they are annoyed so much by you.Not because of your facts anout the seahawks,but you just ramble on senselessly.

They probably still are upset about lunatic posts from the past you have made like this one and when asked to explain yourself,you ramble on about the same thing over and over ignoring what facts others mention to you.:cuckoo:

Your so butthurt and angry over the steelers stealing that superbowl from your seahawks that year because of the aid the officials gave them to win it all,that in your anger and grudge you have about it,you invent all these lies that Bradshaw was enemic at best in his superbowls.

I proved earlier you clearly were wrong about that,that he played great in all those superbowls except for the one against my LA RAMS,the REAL Rams NFL football team. His touchdowns he threw and the completions he made were a MAJOR factor in those victories. I mentioned that and all you ever came back with is sounding like a broken record talking about the irrelevent imaculate reception in a year when they never even went to the superbowl.:cuckoo:

Your're no different than agent rightwinger troll is when confronted with facts that Belecheat is the most overrated modern coach in NFL history.Evade the facts and change the subject talking about something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the subject.

You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really.

I would expect rightwinger to act like that and make lunatic ramblings like that and pooper as well,But I never expected that out of YOU. No wonder people laugh at you around here and dont take you seriously in your posts about the seahawks around here.

They do so because you clearly know nothing about the history of past NFL superbowls of other teams. Your hatred over the steelers causes you to do the same thing rightwinger does in his debates about belecheat being an overrated hack of a coach.Only see what you want to see and ignore the facts.:cuckoo:

waits for the latest new immaculate reception post to emerge. seriously,stick to making threads about the seahawks and what a great quarterback wilson is and what a good team they are and how they have an excellent chance of going to the superbowl again this year.a subject you actually know something about.

"You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really."

He would probably be a POS Steelers fan. Tryin to convince me that Harris made a legitimate catch.


This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

I don't blame you little girls hyperventalating even in the depths of the off season. The Hawks have an even stronger team this year than last...

Don't crylike the babies that you are when the Seahawks win the NFC West this season and the NFC Championship as well.

GAAAWWWDDDD I hope the AFC doesn't embarrass itself in February like it did this year.

Common Manning... at least try and make a game out of it....JEEEESH !!!!
"You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really."

He would probably be a POS Steelers fan. Tryin to convince me that Harris made a legitimate catch.


This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

Exaggerate much? THAT was the worst call ever in the NFL? The NFL office backed up the call. Take it up with them. They didn't back up the non call on the skipped ball to Harris.

It doesn't matter any more. Golden Tate isn't a Seahawk.

You are not only a BANDWAGON fan, you are a completely DISHONEST fan.

The botched call doesn't matter anymore because Tate is no longer a Seahawk? Are you KIDDING me? How old are you? 10?

Seattle doesn't have a whole going for it. All that rain. Grunge rock is dead. Nirvana gone. Alice In Chains gone. NBA team gone. MLB team a perennial loser. No NHL team. Stone Temple Pilots gone. Pearl Jam irrelevent.

All you've got are the Seahawks and a 50+ year old space needle . I suppose if I lived in such an irrelevant area of the country, I would be absolutely insanely desperate for ANY kind of recognition, no matter how much I had to lie and ignore facts and ridicule other teams and people.
This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

Exaggerate much? THAT was the worst call ever in the NFL? The NFL office backed up the call. Take it up with them. They didn't back up the non call on the skipped ball to Harris.

It doesn't matter any more. Golden Tate isn't a Seahawk.

You are not only a BANDWAGON fan, you are a completely DISHONEST fan.

The botched call doesn't matter anymore because Tate is no longer a Seahawk? Are you KIDDING me? How old are you? 10?

Seattle doesn't have a whole going for it. All that rain. Grunge rock is dead. Nirvana gone. Alice In Chains gone. NBA team gone. MLB team a perennial loser. No NHL team. Stone Temple Pilots gone. Pearl Jam irrelevent.

All you've got are the Seahawks and a 50+ year old space needle . I suppose if I lived in such an irrelevant area of the country, I would be absolutely insanely desperate for ANY kind of recognition, no matter how much I had to lie and ignore facts and ridicule other teams and people.

You have just invented several new kinds of stupid. :clap:

I'm a "bandwagon fan"? That's the dumbest statement I've ever seen regarding the effort I've put in over the years to support the Seahawks. Ya Numbnuts... That's why I was voted the unofficial president of the original Seahawks dot com message board.

"disshonest"? Since I only care about the Hawks you are welcome to post any lies I've posted about my team.

The "botched call"? The NFL office had every opportunity to reverse the call and did not. The officials on the field and in the booth had every opportunity to reverse the call and did not. What the outcome of the call only shows is what labia lip dripping poor sport ***** Green Bay fans are and for that matter you can also count yourself in that pair of pink panties.

Since Tate no longer plays for the Seahawks the matter will never come up again at a Seahawks game.

Seattle has a lot going for it.. I don't give a rat's ass about the bands you mentioned....never did.... Grunge is stupid.

The Space Needle is an interesting landmark. No more...no less. Complaining about it is moronic.

You obviously know very little about The Emerald City. It certainly Does Not rain here nearly as much as many think. When it does it never floods like a lot of other places in the country. The recent mud slide was not even in or near Seattle ... It happened 50 miles away to the NorthEast close to the Cascade Mountains where IT DOES rain a hell of a lot at times. The people that got killed were stupid to build their houses right under a known slide area.

"Irrevlevant" to who? If you don't like our neck of the woods just stay the fuck away from here. We don't cotton to assholes.

Why not ridicule other teams and fans? That's what they are there for... :lol:

Just slap in another Tampon and get ready to see the Seahawks in AZ come February.

That is all...loser.
seriously Huggy,you REALLY seriously need to stick to your OWN threads about the seahawks.a topic you actually have knowledge about, know something about and dont look like a rambling fool.

we have given you MULTIPLE chances to correct yourself from that lunatic statement you made in your opening post on this thread that his stats were enemic at best but all you do is come back and repeat the same thing over and over and over again about the imaculate reception even though myself and someone else spelled it out for you dummies style that they did not advance to the superbowl that year when that happened.:cuckoo:

I always thought you got alot of unfair criticism around here from trolls like pooper and agent rightwinger but now im beginning to understand why they are annoyed so much by you.Not because of your facts anout the seahawks,but you just ramble on senselessly.

They probably still are upset about lunatic posts from the past you have made like this one and when asked to explain yourself,you ramble on about the same thing over and over ignoring what facts others mention to you.:cuckoo:

Your so butthurt and angry over the steelers stealing that superbowl from your seahawks that year because of the aid the officials gave them to win it all,that in your anger and grudge you have about it,you invent all these lies that Bradshaw was enemic at best in his superbowls.

I proved earlier you clearly were wrong about that,that he played great in all those superbowls except for the one against my LA RAMS,the REAL Rams NFL football team. His touchdowns he threw and the completions he made were a MAJOR factor in those victories. I mentioned that and all you ever came back with is sounding like a broken record talking about the irrelevent imaculate reception in a year when they never even went to the superbowl.:cuckoo:

Your're no different than agent rightwinger troll is when confronted with facts that Belecheat is the most overrated modern coach in NFL history.Evade the facts and change the subject talking about something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the subject.

You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really.

I would expect rightwinger to act like that and make lunatic ramblings like that and pooper as well,But I never expected that out of YOU. No wonder people laugh at you around here and dont take you seriously in your posts about the seahawks around here.

They do so because you clearly know nothing about the history of past NFL superbowls of other teams. Your hatred over the steelers causes you to do the same thing rightwinger does in his debates about belecheat being an overrated hack of a coach.Only see what you want to see and ignore the facts.:cuckoo:

waits for the latest new immaculate reception post to emerge. seriously,stick to making threads about the seahawks and what a great quarterback wilson is and what a good team they are and how they have an excellent chance of going to the superbowl again this year.a subject you actually know something about.

"You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really."

He would probably be a POS Steelers fan. Tryin to convince me that Harris made a legitimate catch.


This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

Indeed.I am a huge fan of the seahawks myself and will be cheering them on to win another superbowl as well..My favorite team is the chargers but they are hopeless and going nowhere especially after losing whisenhunt in the off season who to know surprise,resurrected their season last year. the chargers stupid front office blew it major big time not hiring him as their HEAD coach last year instead of offensive coordinater,so i knew they would lose him this past off season.:mad: well enough of my rant on that.Just had to vent some about that.

that being the case I have to turn to my second favorite team the hawks to have an optimistic season.as much I enjoy the Hawks being a huge pete carrol fan and all,even "I" dont turn a blind eye to that game and can ackkowledge the Hawks got away with one and can acknowledge the obvious that he did not catch that ball in bounds.:cuckoo:

thats going a little overboard there though saying it was the worst call in NFL history.for that regular season yeah but the worst call in NFL history was the tuck rule game. No way in hell do those officials make that call in oakland.that was clearly a fumble.same way those officials were afraid to leave pittsburgh alive like that other poster got doen saying,that was why they ruled against the raiders in that game with the worst call in NFL history so they could get out of there alive knowig making the correct call,the raiders would have gone on and won.
This from the guy who is trying to sell to everybody in here, the MYTH that Golden Tate actually CAUGHT the pass in the end zone to beat Green Bay, and that Golden Tate did NOT get away with a BLATANT offensive pass interference penalty on the same play.

Probably the WORST call and non-call in NFL history, ON THE SAME PLAY, and HUGGY dares to question a football play that happened 42 years ago, when he claims not to care about NFL history?

Not only a case of ADD, but a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

Exaggerate much? THAT was the worst call ever in the NFL? The NFL office backed up the call. Take it up with them. They didn't back up the non call on the skipped ball to Harris.

It doesn't matter any more. Golden Tate isn't a Seahawk.

You are not only a BANDWAGON fan, you are a completely DISHONEST fan.

The botched call doesn't matter anymore because Tate is no longer a Seahawk? Are you KIDDING me? How old are you? 10?

Seattle doesn't have a whole going for it. All that rain. Grunge rock is dead. Nirvana gone. Alice In Chains gone. NBA team gone. MLB team a perennial loser. No NHL team. Stone Temple Pilots gone. Pearl Jam irrelevent.

All you've got are the Seahawks and a 50+ year old space needle . I suppose if I lived in such an irrelevant area of the country, I would be absolutely insanely desperate for ANY kind of recognition, no matter how much I had to lie and ignore facts and ridicule other teams and people.

Dont know about those other things you mentioned but yeah,with the NBA gone there now and the Mariners a team that has been as big a joke as the cubs the last several years,makes sense why he has to lie and ignore facts and ridicule other teams and people when cornered with evidence that proves him wrong. Love how when he is proven wrong as well about Tate catching that touchdown pass, he evades it saying it doesnt matter anymore cause tate is no longer a seahawk as well.:cuckoo:

Not dealing with reality as well that Bradshaw performed very well in 3 out of his 4 superbowls and that Tate did not catch that pass evading ti saying it doesnt matter since he is not a seahawk anymore,he sure is a dishonest fan. He always makes excuses for them when they lose as well saying the refs had it in for his seahawks when they lost against the 49ers in san fran making bad calls against them ignoring there were critical bad calls that went against the niners in that game as well.even I was able to ackonledge that harbugh as much as I dont like him,had a good game plan against them and had his players ready to play that day.

wonder how many excuses he will come up wit this year when they lose games. I dont expect them to lose more than two or 3 but you can bet,he'll have excuses ready to go.
Last edited:
Exaggerate much? THAT was the worst call ever in the NFL? The NFL office backed up the call. Take it up with them. They didn't back up the non call on the skipped ball to Harris.

It doesn't matter any more. Golden Tate isn't a Seahawk.

You are not only a BANDWAGON fan, you are a completely DISHONEST fan.

The botched call doesn't matter anymore because Tate is no longer a Seahawk? Are you KIDDING me? How old are you? 10?

Seattle doesn't have a whole going for it. All that rain. Grunge rock is dead. Nirvana gone. Alice In Chains gone. NBA team gone. MLB team a perennial loser. No NHL team. Stone Temple Pilots gone. Pearl Jam irrelevent.

All you've got are the Seahawks and a 50+ year old space needle . I suppose if I lived in such an irrelevant area of the country, I would be absolutely insanely desperate for ANY kind of recognition, no matter how much I had to lie and ignore facts and ridicule other teams and people.

Dont know about those other things you mentioned but yeah,with the NBA gone there now and the Mariners a team that has been as big a joke as the cubs the last several years,makes sense why he has to lie and ignore facts and ridicule other teams and people when cornered with evidence that proves him wrong. Love how when he is proven wrong as well about Tate catching that touchdown pass, he evades it saying it doesnt matter anymore cause tate is no longer a seahawk as well.:cuckoo:

Not dealing with reality as well that Bradshaw performed very well in 3 out of his 4 superbowls and that Tate did not catch that pass evading ti saying it doesnt matter since he is not a seahawk anymore,he sure is a dishonest fan. He always makes excuses for them when they lose as well saying the refs had it in for his seahawks when they lost against the 49ers in san fran making bad calls against them ignoring there were critical bad calls that went against the niners in that game as well.even I was able to ackonledge that harbugh as much as I dont like him,had a good game plan against them and had his players ready to play that day.

wonder how many excuses he will come up wit this year when they lose games. I dont expect them to lose more than two or 3 but you can bet,he'll have excuses ready to go.

So many prepared excuses... So few losses to use them... :lol:
well since the thread has died out,these two posts here one by duece and one by yours truely,tie each other for easily the best post on this thread as evidenced by the likes to it.

Quote: Originally Posted by Decus
Bradshaw did whatever was necessary to win and he took a lot of punishment along the way. Maybe he wasn't pretty but he was effective. On the other end of the spectrum you've got quick release artists like Marino who wouldn't take a hit for the team. Thankfully he had two of the best receivers at the time (Clayton and Duper) that contributed to his great stats but the bum never won a championship. The fact that Payton isn't "there" for the big game still surprises me, but Bradshaw is right if a team's objective is to win championships.

Exactly.could not have said it better myself.stands up and gives standing ovation. Thats what i been saying for ages is Manning is a clone of dan marino,someone who wont stand in the pocket and take the big hit and cant win the big game and play well when the pressure is on the line in the biggest games.

Like Marino,Manning puts up impressive numbers and stats during the regular season,but like Marino,panicks in the big game against top notch competition when its for all the marbles.Bradshaw never did that.Bradshaw was just the opposite.

See Huggy is thinking of Bradshaw the way he played during the REGULAR season.If we were talking about the regular season, Huggy would have a valid argument there but we are talking about the BIG GAME though so its a pointless rant with no substance to it.

Bradshaw made good decisions when the game was on the line against the top notch competion,the dallas cowboys.The Cowboys didnt get the nickname AMERICAS team for nothing.were talking about one of the greatest coachs and greatest quarterback of all time that he made a major contibution in and beating.

Bradshaw didnt make critical boneheaded mistakes when the game was on the line in the big game against nop notch competion in the cowboys.in the BIG game,bradshaw always came up big for them.

what did manning do in the AFC game in overtime at HOME no less against the Ravens when the game was on the line? he threw an interception which cost them the game is what. what did he do against top competion when he faced the saints in the superbowl? threw a costly pick 6 interception when driving to tie the game at the end is what? and we all know about the costly pick 6 interception against the fearsome seahawks. so that comparison is pointless.we are talking about THE BIG GAME here not the regular season.bradshaw played well in those games.Manning did not. His one victory came against a team that depended on luck to get to the superbowl which ran out on them in the game. who was the quarterback manning beat? Rex Grossman who is now a journeyman backup quarterback.

Bradshaw played well enough to beat one of the best ever who also played will in big games.
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numbers don't lie, peyton is 1-2 in SB's

nope they sure dont. the numbers dont lie either in the fact that the superbowl victory he had was against a quarterback who is now a journeyman backup in the NFL and that in the two losses he suffered,he was playing against top notch competition and against good quality quarterbacks as well.:D
numbers don't lie, peyton is 1-2 in SB's

nope they sure dont. the numbers dont lie either in the fact that the superbowl victory he had was against a quarterback who is now a journeyman backup in the NFL and that in the two losses he suffered,he was playing against top notch competition and against good quality quarterbacks as well.:D

He is only big time in the regular season
numbers don't lie, peyton is 1-2 in SB's

nope they sure dont. the numbers dont lie either in the fact that the superbowl victory he had was against a quarterback who is now a journeyman backup in the NFL and that in the two losses he suffered,he was playing against top notch competition and against good quality quarterbacks as well.:D

He is only big time in the regular season

thats what I been saying for ages and thats what Terry Bradshaw was basically sayying.:D this poster earlier put it best below.

Bradshaw did whatever was necessary to win and he took a lot of punishment along the way. Maybe he wasn't pretty but he was effective. On the other end of the spectrum you've got quick release artists like Marino who wouldn't take a hit for the team. Thankfully he had two of the best receivers at the time (Clayton and Duper) that contributed to his great stats but the bum never won a championship. The fact that Payton isn't "there" for the big game still surprises me, but Bradshaw is right if a team's objective is to win championships.

I been saying for ages that Manning is a clone of Dan Marino.Puts up impressive numbers during the regular season but in big games,gets happy feet and chokes during the most critical times of the games refusing to take a hit when the game is on the line for the team and just throws it away during the most critical time of the game in big games.
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