Terry Bradshaw disses Peyton Manning.

People can bash Bradshaw all they want, but he did what it took to win. He never lost a Super Bowl and he won 4 before any other team won 3. As for Chuck Noll, he took over a Steeler team that had never won anything and in a time when teams only drafted players from big name colleges. He drafted players from colleges no one ever heard of. Went 1-13 his first season and it was all up hill after that. I had season tickets to their games for all their great years. Saw Bradshaw throw a pass 80 yards in the air against the Raiders. Intended for Lynn Swann. He would have caught it but for pass interference. 79 Steelers are still the greatest team ever.

I was quizzing a friend of mine not too long ago asking him which modern day quarterback was it that could go backwards and throw across his body and complete it deep down the field.I was talking about Elway and that was his second guess he told me.His first guess of course he gave was bradshaw.He was a huge steeler fan growing up and vividly remembers how Bradshaw could do that.
Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

Now THAT is comedy gold from you Huggy.:lol: the steelers won the first superbowl against your hawks with ben rotheslesberger DESPITE him,he was horrendous in that game.But thats plain absurd to say they won despite Bradshaw.He was a major contributer in those games.matter of fact,my LA RAMS were the only team he played against where his interceptions outnumbered the touchdowns 3-2.. the other 3, he kept care of the ball.:cuckoo:

if anything,the steelers won both those games against the cowboys despite their DEFENSE which i would say was overrated since if not some butter fingers by some wide receivers of the cowboys,the cowboys would have won both games.who can forget a wide open jackie smith in the end zone so wound up and scared obviously,he drops an easy pass from staubach that hit him right in the numbers.:lol: If Bradshaw doesnt play well in those games like he did,no way do the steelers win those two superbowls.

adding on to this is proof that bradshaw elevated his game in the big game.here are the facts that prove it.
1st superbowl-9-14, 1 touchdown,no interceptions,for 96 yards for a 122.5 passer rating.
2nd superbowl 9-19 2 touchdowns,no interceptions for 209yards for a 108.4 passer rating.
3rd superbowl 17-30 for 318 yards,4 touchdowns,one interception for a 119.2 passer rating
4th superbowl 14-21 for 309 yards 2 touchdowns,three interceptions for a 101.9 passer rating. 3 out of those 4 games he was fantastic in completing most his passes with the third superbowl he really excelled in with his 4 touchdowns and only 1 interception.

NOW lets look at peyton manning when he faced top notch competion.this link here says it all.:lol: liek it said,while he did complete a superbowl record of 34 passes,that has to be taken in with a grain of salt since they were mostly short passes and the game was long out of reach and already decided.and as it says,he threw a costly pick 6 interception against the saints while driving to tie the game up at the end.

and even in his victory against the Bears,his first two out of four passes were nearly intercepted.Had they been,the bears possibly might have won that game altugh with journeyman rex grossman who FINALLY showed his true colors in that game,that it was a fluke they got that far with him and why he is a journeyman back up now,I doubt it.

Peyton Manning has checkered record in Super Bowl - SBNation.com
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Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

Now THAT is comedy gold from you Huggy.:lol: the steelers won the first superbowl against your hawks with ben rotheslesberger DESPITE him,he was horrendous in that game.But thats plain absurd to say they won despite Bradshaw.He was a major contributer in those games.matter of fact,my LA RAMS were the only team he played against where his interceptions outnumbered the touchdowns 3-2.. the other 3, he kept care of the ball.:cuckoo:

if anything,the steelers won both those games against the cowboys despite their DEFENSE which i would say was overrated since if not some butter fingers by some wide receivers of the cowboys,the cowboys would have won both games.who can forget a wide open jackie smith in the end zone so wound up and scared obviously,he drops an easy pass from staubach that hit him right in the numbers.:lol: If Bradshaw doesnt play well in those games like he did,no way do the steelers win those two superbowls.

"your hawks"? You jump off the Seahawks bandwagon...again? Got to love you bandwagon idiots.
Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

Rocky Blier said that they won 4 despite Chuck Noll. Bradshaw played well and won 4 Superbowls. As a Steeler fan, I do not remember his deserving such criticism.

Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

Now THAT is comedy gold from you Huggy.:lol: the steelers won the first superbowl against your hawks with ben rotheslesberger DESPITE him,he was horrendous in that game.But thats plain absurd to say they won despite Bradshaw.He was a major contributer in those games.matter of fact,my LA RAMS were the only team he played against where his interceptions outnumbered the touchdowns 3-2.. the other 3, he kept care of the ball.:cuckoo:

if anything,the steelers won both those games against the cowboys despite their DEFENSE which i would say was overrated since if not some butter fingers by some wide receivers of the cowboys,the cowboys would have won both games.who can forget a wide open jackie smith in the end zone so wound up and scared obviously,he drops an easy pass from staubach that hit him right in the numbers.:lol: If Bradshaw doesnt play well in those games like he did,no way do the steelers win those two superbowls.

"your hawks"? You jump off the Seahawks bandwagon...again? Got to love you bandwagon idiots.

Hey dumbfuck,"I" dont live in seattle,thanks for proving you have the attention span of a two year old as always. "I" have not followed the seahawks my entire life. "I" did not care about the seahawks until carrol became their coach,was only THEN I started rooting for them.

The seahawks are my SECOND favorite team as you should know by now.:cuckoo: second of all dipshit,the CHARGERS are my favorite team.The HAWKS are my SECOND favorite team,not my first and when carrol retires,I wont give a shit about the seahawks then where I have ALWAYS loved the chargers ever since i was a little kid and ALWAYS will till the very end of my life.

as always,thanks for demonstrating what a retard you are and why you should be banned from this site for your ignorance and stupidity.:lol::lol::lol:
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AND some luck/horrible game saving calls going Steeler's way.

Immaculate reception..

The "immaculate reception" did not occur in the Super Bowl. It occurred in a playoff game, and the Steelers didn't even make it to the Super Bowl that year (1972).

Bradshaw is in the Hall Of Fame because he was a WINNER, not because he had gaudy statistics.

Eli Manning is a better "big game" quarterback that his more famous and respected older brother.

And let's face it, Tom Brady is a better quarterback than Peyton Manning, for the simple fact that Brady has THREE Super Bowl rings, and Brady has had a lot less QUALITY offensive weapons to work with over the course of his career.

Stands up and gives standing ovation.:udaman::clap::clap::clap:

Huggy got taken to school there.:D


When I was a kid I had to hike 5 miles to school in three feet of snow uphill in both directions...


If I wasn't wearing my 2/5/2006 SB T-Shirt today I would barely remember the game.

I don't give a rat's ass about Bradshaw. Teams from the 80's and 90's don't matter to me. That's all ancient history. The rules are so different now it is almost like it's a different game.

You pillow biters can stand in line to suck Bradshaw's dick but all I care about is what is happening NOW.

The LOB would send Lynn Swan home crying to his mommy.

Wilson will prove to be a better QB than Bradshaw ever was and I can't remember the last time a Seahawk reciever has dropped a ball when he was standing alone wide open.

I wasn't trying to make this thread about the Hawks but that's the only team I care about.

Take me to school? How ya gonna do that on yo little tricycle with the training wheels? :lol:
Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

Now THAT is comedy gold from you Huggy.:lol: the steelers won the first superbowl against your hawks with ben rotheslesberger DESPITE him,he was horrendous in that game.But thats plain absurd to say they won despite Bradshaw.He was a major contributer in those games.matter of fact,my LA RAMS were the only team he played against where his interceptions outnumbered the touchdowns 3-2.. the other 3, he kept care of the ball.:cuckoo:

if anything,the steelers won both those games against the cowboys despite their DEFENSE which i would say was overrated since if not some butter fingers by some wide receivers of the cowboys,the cowboys would have won both games.who can forget a wide open jackie smith in the end zone so wound up and scared obviously,he drops an easy pass from staubach that hit him right in the numbers.:lol: If Bradshaw doesnt play well in those games like he did,no way do the steelers win those two superbowls.

"the steelers won the first superbowl against your hawks with ben rotheslesberger DESPITE him"

Ya but the refs were FANTASTIC !!! :lol:

AND some luck/horrible game saving calls going Steeler's way.

Immaculate reception..

You are still buthurt over that Super Bowl aren't ya?

The 'immaculate reception' was one of the more exciting moments in sports history. It showed what can happen when a player (Harris) is hustling. He was supposed to be in the backfield blocking, but there was no one to block, so instead of standing around, he made football history.
Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

Rocky Blier said that they won 4 despite Chuck Noll. Bradshaw played well and won 4 Superbowls. As a Steeler fan, I do not remember his deserving such criticism.


Yes, they actually changed some rules to slow down that defense.

In Joe Namath's final game against the Steelers it was apparent how crippled up he was. That fierce Steeler defensive line had chances to sack him and out him out of the game. Instead, they just grabbed him and held on until the whistle blew. Some really classy play on their part.
AND some luck/horrible game saving calls going Steeler's way.

Immaculate reception..

You are still buthurt over that Super Bowl aren't ya?

The 'immaculate reception' was one of the more exciting moments in sports history. It showed what can happen when a player (Harris) is hustling. He was supposed to be in the backfield blocking, but there was no one to block, so instead of standing around, he made football history.

The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.
You are still buthurt over that Super Bowl aren't ya?

The 'immaculate reception' was one of the more exciting moments in sports history. It showed what can happen when a player (Harris) is hustling. He was supposed to be in the backfield blocking, but there was no one to block, so instead of standing around, he made football history.

The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.

Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.
The 'immaculate reception' was one of the more exciting moments in sports history. It showed what can happen when a player (Harris) is hustling. He was supposed to be in the backfield blocking, but there was no one to block, so instead of standing around, he made football history.

The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.

Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

"Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?"

I don't know... Maybe my health professionals are all from Pittsburg and are not telling me the truth. :lol:

Like I said many times I don't give a rat's ass about football that happened several decades ago... especially East Coast Football.

I see Bradshaw on the TV ..seen him hundreds of times over the years. The guy is an idiot. Not a bad guy..just an idiot. If he hadn't been lucky in sports he would probably still be selling cars which is what he did to suppliment his income the first two years he played professionally.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading up on Bradshaw's history. Many noteable players share my view that Bradshaw isn't very bright.

Not a crime to struggle learning. Terry obviously made the most of his opportunities. He parlayed his likeable "Good Ole Boy" schtick and fortune in football into a good second career as a TV entertainer.

As far as stats go it took Bradshaw 6 seasons before he threw for more TDs than INTs. In his first five seasons as a professional Terry had accumulated 48TDs and 81 INTs. Based on those horrific numbers I stick with my claim that The Steelers won in spite of Bradshaw not because of him.
Now THAT is comedy gold from you Huggy.:lol: the steelers won the first superbowl against your hawks with ben rotheslesberger DESPITE him,he was horrendous in that game.But thats plain absurd to say they won despite Bradshaw.He was a major contributer in those games.matter of fact,my LA RAMS were the only team he played against where his interceptions outnumbered the touchdowns 3-2.. the other 3, he kept care of the ball.:cuckoo:

if anything,the steelers won both those games against the cowboys despite their DEFENSE which i would say was overrated since if not some butter fingers by some wide receivers of the cowboys,the cowboys would have won both games.who can forget a wide open jackie smith in the end zone so wound up and scared obviously,he drops an easy pass from staubach that hit him right in the numbers.:lol: If Bradshaw doesnt play well in those games like he did,no way do the steelers win those two superbowls.

"your hawks"? You jump off the Seahawks bandwagon...again? Got to love you bandwagon idiots.

Hey dumbfuck,"I" dont live in seattle,thanks for proving you have the attention span of a two year old as always. "I" have not followed the seahawks my entire life. "I" did not care about the seahawks until carrol became their coach,was only THEN I started rooting for them.

The seahawks are my SECOND favorite team as you should know by now.:cuckoo: second of all dipshit,the CHARGERS are my favorite team.The HAWKS are my SECOND favorite team,not my first and when carrol retires,I wont give a shit about the seahawks then where I have ALWAYS loved the chargers ever since i was a little kid and ALWAYS will till the very end of my life.

as always,thanks for demonstrating what a retard you are and why you should be banned from this site for your ignorance and stupidity.:lol::lol::lol:

Man, you really got your panties in a wad. All last season, they were your team, but now that we established you are a Charger fan, I know now were your anger comes from, the Chargers suck, and how many Super Bowls have they won? Losers, that seems to be the Chargers motto.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
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The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.

Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

"Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?"

I don't know... Maybe my health professionals are all from Pittsburg and are not telling me the truth. :lol:

Like I said many times I don't give a rat's ass about football that happened several decades ago... especially East Coast Football.

I see Bradshaw on the TV ..seen him hundreds of times over the years. The guy is an idiot. Not a bad guy..just an idiot. If he hadn't been lucky in sports he would probably still be selling cars which is what he did to suppliment his income the first two years he played professionally.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading up on Bradshaw's history. Many noteable players share my view that Bradshaw isn't very bright.

Not a crime to struggle learning. Terry obviously made the most of his opportunities. He parlayed his likeable "Good Ole Boy" schtick and fortune in football into a good second career as a TV entertainer.

As far as stats go it took Bradshaw 6 seasons before he threw for more TDs than INTs. In his first five seasons as a professional Terry had accumulated 48TDs and 81 INTs. Based on those horrific numbers I stick with my claim that The Steelers won in spite of Bradshaw not because of him.

Your refusal to know, or even care about, NFL history makes you look like an uneducated fool.

You know about the Seattle Seahawks, and that's really it.

Could you be any more NARROW-MINDED? Comparing your boy Wilson to ANY Hall-Of-Fame quarterback is beyond premature. It only makes sense to bandwagon fans like you.
Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

"Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?"

I don't know... Maybe my health professionals are all from Pittsburg and are not telling me the truth. :lol:

Like I said many times I don't give a rat's ass about football that happened several decades ago... especially East Coast Football.

I see Bradshaw on the TV ..seen him hundreds of times over the years. The guy is an idiot. Not a bad guy..just an idiot. If he hadn't been lucky in sports he would probably still be selling cars which is what he did to suppliment his income the first two years he played professionally.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading up on Bradshaw's history. Many noteable players share my view that Bradshaw isn't very bright.

Not a crime to struggle learning. Terry obviously made the most of his opportunities. He parlayed his likeable "Good Ole Boy" schtick and fortune in football into a good second career as a TV entertainer.

As far as stats go it took Bradshaw 6 seasons before he threw for more TDs than INTs. In his first five seasons as a professional Terry had accumulated 48TDs and 81 INTs. Based on those horrific numbers I stick with my claim that The Steelers won in spite of Bradshaw not because of him.

Your refusal to know, or even care about, NFL history makes you look like an uneducated fool.

You know about the Seattle Seahawks, and that's really it.

Could you be any more NARROW-MINDED? Comparing your boy Wilson to ANY Hall-Of-Fame quarterback is beyond premature. It only makes sense to bandwagon fans like you.

He isn't a bandwagon fan, he is a typical Seahawk fan, they know nothing of football outside of Seattle and they are so out of touch with the real world that discussing anything with them is pointless.
The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.

Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

"Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?"

I don't know... Maybe my health professionals are all from Pittsburg and are not telling me the truth. :lol:

Like I said many times I don't give a rat's ass about football that happened several decades ago... especially East Coast Football.

I see Bradshaw on the TV ..seen him hundreds of times over the years. The guy is an idiot. Not a bad guy..just an idiot. If he hadn't been lucky in sports he would probably still be selling cars which is what he did to suppliment his income the first two years he played professionally.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading up on Bradshaw's history. Many noteable players share my view that Bradshaw isn't very bright.

Not a crime to struggle learning. Terry obviously made the most of his opportunities. He parlayed his likeable "Good Ole Boy" schtick and fortune in football into a good second career as a TV entertainer.

As far as stats go it took Bradshaw 6 seasons before he threw for more TDs than INTs. In his first five seasons as a professional Terry had accumulated 48TDs and 81 INTs. Based on those horrific numbers I stick with my claim that The Steelers won in spite of Bradshaw not because of him.

Man Huggy he's right,you really DO have an attention deficit disorder.You keep retreating to what the steelers did during the regular season when this is about what quarterbacks did during the superbowl.:cuckoo: nobody is disputing manning was a far better player than bradshaw in the regular season yet thats what you keep retreating to when its pointed out that Manning chokes in the BIG game.:cuckoo:
The 'immaculate reception' was one of the more exciting moments in sports history. It showed what can happen when a player (Harris) is hustling. He was supposed to be in the backfield blocking, but there was no one to block, so instead of standing around, he made football history.

The officials made football history when they ignored the fact that the football in THAT play bounced on the field before Harris scooped it up. Unlike the "Emaculate Catch" in Seattle where Tate's catch was early in the season in a game that didn't matter yet in Green Bay it was the worst thing that EVER happened in a football game.

It just shows that in Pittsburg the fans have no shame and don't mind cheating to win a game. There was nothing QUESTIONABLE about Harris's non catch. The ball clearly hit the ground yet you guys act like Franco did something great. Cheating is not something great. That play changed the outcome in a playoff game and would have resulted in a loss if the call was made fairly and the Steelers would have not gone to that season's Superbowl leaving the GREAT Bradshaw that skipped a ball to Harris with 3 and not four Rings.

If terry had any class he would state on national TV that he was lucky the refs were blind/and or bought off and admitt he only deserved 3 rings.

Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

The fact he keeps bringing up the immacuate reception which I mentioned as well had nothing to do with the superbowl just show how he evades facts about bradshaws performance in the superbowls all the time.:cuckoo: I like Huggy.He studies the seahawks exhustively and is usually right on about how they are going to do,but outside of what the seahawks do,he isnt very bright when it comes to the history of other NFL teams history.

Like rightwinger said eariier,he is still butthurt over the steelers stealing the superbowl game away from him because of how the officials gave to them them that superbowl year. Had Bradshaw not played for the steelers,he wouldnt have so much vent up hatred toward him.
Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?

I already told you that the Steelers DID NOT GO TO THE SUPER BOWL the year of the "immaculate reception".

The Steelers won that game against the Raiders, but LOST TO THE MIAMI DOLPHINS IN THE 1972 AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

That year (1972) was the year of the Miami Dolphins undefeated season.

You make yourself look like a bandwagon FOOL when you fashion your faux facts to fit whatever argument you are trying to make.

"Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?"

I don't know... Maybe my health professionals are all from Pittsburg and are not telling me the truth. :lol:

Like I said many times I don't give a rat's ass about football that happened several decades ago... especially East Coast Football.

I see Bradshaw on the TV ..seen him hundreds of times over the years. The guy is an idiot. Not a bad guy..just an idiot. If he hadn't been lucky in sports he would probably still be selling cars which is what he did to suppliment his income the first two years he played professionally.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading up on Bradshaw's history. Many noteable players share my view that Bradshaw isn't very bright.

Not a crime to struggle learning. Terry obviously made the most of his opportunities. He parlayed his likeable "Good Ole Boy" schtick and fortune in football into a good second career as a TV entertainer.

As far as stats go it took Bradshaw 6 seasons before he threw for more TDs than INTs. In his first five seasons as a professional Terry had accumulated 48TDs and 81 INTs. Based on those horrific numbers I stick with my claim that The Steelers won in spite of Bradshaw not because of him.

Your refusal to know, or even care about, NFL history makes you look like an uneducated fool.

You know about the Seattle Seahawks, and that's really it.

Could you be any more NARROW-MINDED? Comparing your boy Wilson to ANY Hall-Of-Fame quarterback is beyond premature. It only makes sense to bandwagon fans like you.

could not have said it better myself.:udaman::clap::clap::clap::clap:

thats comedy gold that this thread is about Manning and Bradshaws performance in superbowls yet he has to keep bringing his boy wilson into this.:cuckoo: I like wilson as much as the next guy,but give me a break,thats for another thread.:cuckoo:

amazing how you can be a hypocrite at times Huggy.You blast me for getting off topic talking about the rams return to LA in your seahawks thread sometime back yet here you are doing the EXACT SAME THING talking about your boy wilson when this thread has nothing to do with him and the seahawks.man what hypocrisy.:cuckoo:
Funny Bradshaw had to be the one to say it on the national TV.

He has laid a few Super Bowl stinkers his own damned self.

Terry has four rings true... BUT ... His stats were enemic at best in his SB games.

It would be better stated that the Steelers won 4 SBs IN SPITE of Terry Bradshaw.

seriously Huggy,you REALLY seriously need to stick to your OWN threads about the seahawks.a topic you actually have knowledge about, know something about and dont look like a rambling fool.

we have given you MULTIPLE chances to correct yourself from that lunatic statement you made in your opening post on this thread that his stats were enemic at best but all you do is come back and repeat the same thing over and over and over again about the imaculate reception even though myself and someone else spelled it out for you dummies style that they did not advance to the superbowl that year when that happened.:cuckoo:

I always thought you got alot of unfair criticism around here from trolls like pooper and agent rightwinger but now im beginning to understand why they are annoyed so much by you.Not because of your facts anout the seahawks,but you just ramble on senselessly.

They probably still are upset about lunatic posts from the past you have made like this one and when asked to explain yourself,you ramble on about the same thing over and over ignoring what facts others mention to you.:cuckoo:

Your so butthurt and angry over the steelers stealing that superbowl from your seahawks that year because of the aid the officials gave them to win it all,that in your anger and grudge you have about it,you invent all these lies that Bradshaw was enemic at best in his superbowls.

I proved earlier you clearly were wrong about that,that he played great in all those superbowls except for the one against my LA RAMS,the REAL Rams NFL football team. His touchdowns he threw and the completions he made were a MAJOR factor in those victories. I mentioned that and all you ever came back with is sounding like a broken record talking about the irrelevent imaculate reception in a year when they never even went to the superbowl.:cuckoo:

Your're no different than agent rightwinger troll is when confronted with facts that Belecheat is the most overrated modern coach in NFL history.Evade the facts and change the subject talking about something irrelevent that has nothing to do with the subject.

You really seriously should consider consulting with a phychiatrist about your irrational hatred and bitterness you have towards the Pittsburgh steelers team.I mean seriously,really.

I would expect rightwinger to act like that and make lunatic ramblings like that and pooper as well,But I never expected that out of YOU. No wonder people laugh at you around here and dont take you seriously in your posts about the seahawks around here.

They do so because you clearly know nothing about the history of past NFL superbowls of other teams. Your hatred over the steelers causes you to do the same thing rightwinger does in his debates about belecheat being an overrated hack of a coach.Only see what you want to see and ignore the facts.:cuckoo:

waits for the latest new immaculate reception post to emerge. seriously,stick to making threads about the seahawks and what a great quarterback wilson is and what a good team they are and how they have an excellent chance of going to the superbowl again this year.a subject you actually know something about.
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