Tesla, Model X

Woop-de-do a flat battery instead of a big square battery. Gull wing doors too and only 75 grand. Notice the gushy ad leaves out the speed and mileage between charges?
Woop-de-do a flat battery instead of a big square battery. Gull wing doors too and only 75 grand. Notice the gushy ad leaves out the speed and mileage between charges?

0-60 in under 5 seconds!
There is some nice looking electric cars coming out...All admit it. We will need more electricy to run them...We can't be closing coal, nuclear or anything!
There is some nice looking electric cars coming out...All admit it. We will need more electricy to run them...We can't be closing coal, nuclear or anything!

Hmmmm.......no complaints about $7,500 tax incentive, government subsidized battery technology, strangely "researched evidence" that electric isn't green.....

Oh, wait.....we're not talking about the Chevrolet Volt, so there's no political value in raising those issues.

For the record, I like the Tesla X. And the S, and the Roadster. I just think it's interesting that the people who bellyache about the incentives and electrical infra-structure issues always raised to poo-poo the Volt are not raising them when the discussion is about other EVs.
Funny how energy has turned into a left right issue. Even union educated lefties are aware how bad things are in the economy and how the extortion scheme of man-made global warming is draining the US treasure and even how inefficient and expensive so-called alternate sources of electricity are. The emotion based left wing logic now embraces dreams instead of reality. "Someday" Barry will turn water into oil and someday Tesla's theories will be real. Meanwhile we have mortgaged our grand kids future to oil producing countries and the radical left wing can't seem to face that reality.
Still uses either fossil fuels or nuclear power.... just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
Not here it wouldn't :eusa_shhh:

Damn your a fool. You still need to plug the cars in to somewhere! Last I saw coal, nuclear and Natural Gas made up 90% (with also 8% coming from hydroelectric) of our energy needs. Fossil Fuels and Nuclear would be needed.

HOWEVER, I prefer using a combo of Natural Gas, Coal, Nuclear, Hydro, Solar and Wind for our cars than just oil, to which Oil gives our enemies power (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Venezuela, Libya and Russia)!

Stationary sources are easier to control, protect, refuel and are 1000 fold more efficient. Not to mention we are the Saudi Arabia of Coal and Natural Gas (we could be of Oil, but the EnviroNazis won't let us drill more).
This is actually very intriguing....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shkFDPI6kGE&feature=related]Bloom Box: The Alternative Energy that Terrifies Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Hmmm...... A couple of questions. One, why should that terrify the President? This is what he is advocating, a US made technology that increases the efficiency of the present fuels. And that would also be an anwer as to how we are going to fuel EVs. Second, this video is two years old, and we have yet to see a home box advertised.

Fuel cells are wonderful devices, but have a past history of being really finicky and hard to produce in a manufacturing environment. I hope that he solves the problems, but am not going to hold my breath until he does.
In Oregon, mostly wind and hydro.

In California, hydro, natural gas and nuclear.

My point still stands, because those sources are not viable in most areas.

How is that? You mean that we can only use the grid for the transport of coal produced electricity? After all, most areas in the US do not have that much coal.

There is enough usable wind, solar, and geothermal potential in the US to power this nation many times over. We need a grid to access these sources, and a single national grid to deliver to the whole nation, instead of having three grids as we do now.

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