Testing while driving kills more young kids than school shootings.

So you advocate having no laws ?
Rules for Radicals by putting me on the defense? Typical of a liberal.
Laws are made by those who think they are better than the rest of US. The law in NYC was 32 ounce sugary drinks were bad for people so the Mayor stopped allowing those drinks to be served. What did the people do? They bought two 16 ounce sodas instead.. When immoral people (notice the word immoral) don't want to follow the law there is NOTHING you can do to force them to do it, even if it means they will kill someone. Guns were not allowed in Boston, yet people died at the marathon because not only did the Mooslims(who were on the FBI watchlist) turned cooking items(Crock pots) into bombs, but they still bought illegal weapons from some straw purchaser(where is that person today?) . So here we are, where people like you want people like me to give up my weapons, because when all LEGAL WEAPONS are no longer allowed in America, you "THINK"(and I use that term loosely) that all crime will go away. Yet illegal guns will continue to cross the border, because you don't want a wall, and people will die, because they cant protect themselves from people who 39 times had the police called upon, and again the FBI was notified but did nothing to stop the crime.

There are 3 types of people in the United States right at this moment.
1. A liberal who wants to break the law and take another persons right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness away.
2. A victim of that liberal who wants to take your rights away.
3. A well taught individual who has taken courses in self defense and conceal carry, and armed just in case the liberal wants to take their right away.

View attachment 178259
I cant be arsed reading all of that. Your central point seems to be that we shouldnt have laws. That makes anything else you spout suspect.
Just like when your Mooslims in England don't follow the law of your land, people die. Instead of your mayor condemning the attacks of the Mooslims he announced that it was just typical of any large city and expect more...Shit fucks like you who allow your mayor to get away with that shit, is why more attacks keep happening. In my little town we have laws that allow legal US citizens to openly and conceal carry, and our crime and murder rates is almost zero(yes, MS-13 lives here, so doesn't follow the laws) and once in a long while, something happens, that the police usually show up late. But since no body knows who is and who isn't carrying, the shit fuck liberals don't take the chance to burn cities or harm women, knowing that people like me wont let it happen.

Baltimore Gun Free zone...............................................................................Ferguson Gun Free zone.................................

UC Berkley Gun Free zone............................................................................Great Britain Gun Free zone......................

Sadiq Khan is not my Mayor. And you misrepresent his views in a shockingly dishonest way.

there's nothing shocking about his dishonesty

it's sop for cons

Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
At a glitzy event in New York City called “Building Progressive, Inclusive Cities” alongside his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, Khan talked about the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, explaining that some sacrifices had to be made.

Terror attacks are “part and parcel of life in a big city,” Khan later told the Evening Standard just hours after police foiled multiple terror attacks in New Jersey and New York.
Rules for Radicals by putting me on the defense? Typical of a liberal.
Laws are made by those who think they are better than the rest of US. The law in NYC was 32 ounce sugary drinks were bad for people so the Mayor stopped allowing those drinks to be served. What did the people do? They bought two 16 ounce sodas instead.. When immoral people (notice the word immoral) don't want to follow the law there is NOTHING you can do to force them to do it, even if it means they will kill someone. Guns were not allowed in Boston, yet people died at the marathon because not only did the Mooslims(who were on the FBI watchlist) turned cooking items(Crock pots) into bombs, but they still bought illegal weapons from some straw purchaser(where is that person today?) . So here we are, where people like you want people like me to give up my weapons, because when all LEGAL WEAPONS are no longer allowed in America, you "THINK"(and I use that term loosely) that all crime will go away. Yet illegal guns will continue to cross the border, because you don't want a wall, and people will die, because they cant protect themselves from people who 39 times had the police called upon, and again the FBI was notified but did nothing to stop the crime.

There are 3 types of people in the United States right at this moment.
1. A liberal who wants to break the law and take another persons right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness away.
2. A victim of that liberal who wants to take your rights away.
3. A well taught individual who has taken courses in self defense and conceal carry, and armed just in case the liberal wants to take their right away.

View attachment 178259
I cant be arsed reading all of that. Your central point seems to be that we shouldnt have laws. That makes anything else you spout suspect.
Just like when your Mooslims in England don't follow the law of your land, people die. Instead of your mayor condemning the attacks of the Mooslims he announced that it was just typical of any large city and expect more...Shit fucks like you who allow your mayor to get away with that shit, is why more attacks keep happening. In my little town we have laws that allow legal US citizens to openly and conceal carry, and our crime and murder rates is almost zero(yes, MS-13 lives here, so doesn't follow the laws) and once in a long while, something happens, that the police usually show up late. But since no body knows who is and who isn't carrying, the shit fuck liberals don't take the chance to burn cities or harm women, knowing that people like me wont let it happen.

Baltimore Gun Free zone...............................................................................Ferguson Gun Free zone.................................

UC Berkley Gun Free zone............................................................................Great Britain Gun Free zone......................

Sadiq Khan is not my Mayor. And you misrepresent his views in a shockingly dishonest way.

there's nothing shocking about his dishonesty

it's sop for cons

Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
At a glitzy event in New York City called “Building Progressive, Inclusive Cities” alongside his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, Khan talked about the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, explaining that some sacrifices had to be made.

Terror attacks are “part and parcel of life in a big city,” Khan later told the Evening Standard just hours after police foiled multiple terror attacks in New Jersey and New York.

This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
2018 Texting while Driving: 858 deaths
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23 deaths.
So here is my proposal that Ted Cruz offered. All children must register their cell phones to the FBI and not be allowed to drive till 21. When the person enters the car, it must be paired with the car and when the engine starts, the cell phone can no longer send or receive texts, and only through the car can the cell phone operate. If at any time the cell phone operates inside the car, the FBI is notified and that person is arrested..

It is the safety of the children that comes first, right? Do you think this law wills top people from breaking the law that is already on the books to not text and drive?

See how fucking stupid you liberals are? Liberals will break laws no matter what, no matter what laws you put out or ban shit.

Of course there is a way to be able to purchase a weapon under the age of 21, that is to serve your country and earn your citizenship.

Wow! Now all that standardized testing is killing people!!!
I cant be arsed reading all of that. Your central point seems to be that we shouldnt have laws. That makes anything else you spout suspect.
Just like when your Mooslims in England don't follow the law of your land, people die. Instead of your mayor condemning the attacks of the Mooslims he announced that it was just typical of any large city and expect more...Shit fucks like you who allow your mayor to get away with that shit, is why more attacks keep happening. In my little town we have laws that allow legal US citizens to openly and conceal carry, and our crime and murder rates is almost zero(yes, MS-13 lives here, so doesn't follow the laws) and once in a long while, something happens, that the police usually show up late. But since no body knows who is and who isn't carrying, the shit fuck liberals don't take the chance to burn cities or harm women, knowing that people like me wont let it happen.

Baltimore Gun Free zone...............................................................................Ferguson Gun Free zone.................................

UC Berkley Gun Free zone............................................................................Great Britain Gun Free zone......................

Sadiq Khan is not my Mayor. And you misrepresent his views in a shockingly dishonest way.

there's nothing shocking about his dishonesty

it's sop for cons

Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
At a glitzy event in New York City called “Building Progressive, Inclusive Cities” alongside his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, Khan talked about the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, explaining that some sacrifices had to be made.

Terror attacks are “part and parcel of life in a big city,” Khan later told the Evening Standard just hours after police foiled multiple terror attacks in New Jersey and New York.

This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?

That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
Just like when your Mooslims in England don't follow the law of your land, people die. Instead of your mayor condemning the attacks of the Mooslims he announced that it was just typical of any large city and expect more...Shit fucks like you who allow your mayor to get away with that shit, is why more attacks keep happening. In my little town we have laws that allow legal US citizens to openly and conceal carry, and our crime and murder rates is almost zero(yes, MS-13 lives here, so doesn't follow the laws) and once in a long while, something happens, that the police usually show up late. But since no body knows who is and who isn't carrying, the shit fuck liberals don't take the chance to burn cities or harm women, knowing that people like me wont let it happen.

Baltimore Gun Free zone...............................................................................Ferguson Gun Free zone.................................

UC Berkley Gun Free zone............................................................................Great Britain Gun Free zone......................

Sadiq Khan is not my Mayor. And you misrepresent his views in a shockingly dishonest way.

there's nothing shocking about his dishonesty

it's sop for cons

Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
At a glitzy event in New York City called “Building Progressive, Inclusive Cities” alongside his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, Khan talked about the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, explaining that some sacrifices had to be made.

Terror attacks are “part and parcel of life in a big city,” Khan later told the Evening Standard just hours after police foiled multiple terror attacks in New Jersey and New York.

This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?

That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????

So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
Sadiq Khan is not my Mayor. And you misrepresent his views in a shockingly dishonest way.

there's nothing shocking about his dishonesty

it's sop for cons
Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
At a glitzy event in New York City called “Building Progressive, Inclusive Cities” alongside his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, Khan talked about the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, explaining that some sacrifices had to be made.

Terror attacks are “part and parcel of life in a big city,” Khan later told the Evening Standard just hours after police foiled multiple terror attacks in New Jersey and New York.
This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?
That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
I notice you didn't debate how with total gun control in your country could the bombing and shooting of the Arianne Grande concert happen? Just use Rules for Radicals to put me on defense. Wont work tard, I will continue to ask the same question until you answer it....
I the OP's style of writing and commenting, sell phones should be banded.
there's nothing shocking about his dishonesty

it's sop for cons
Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
At a glitzy event in New York City called “Building Progressive, Inclusive Cities” alongside his counterpart in the Big Apple, far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, Khan talked about the virtues of immigration and multiculturalism, explaining that some sacrifices had to be made.

Terror attacks are “part and parcel of life in a big city,” Khan later told the Evening Standard just hours after police foiled multiple terror attacks in New Jersey and New York.
This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?
That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
I notice you didn't debate how with total gun control in your country could the bombing and shooting of the Arianne Grande concert happen? Just use Rules for Radicals to put me on defense. Wont work tard, I will continue to . ask the same question until you answer it....
Our murder rates make that point for me.We have gun control and are a lot safer than you are.What part of that do you have difficulty with ?
Has nobody noticed these kids doing live interviews are not and have not been TRAUMATIZED by this event. Either these kids are that doped up on drugs ( prescribed), or that desensitized to reality. Maybe they think it's a freaking video game. but next time you watch them loo at how they act these are NOT traumatized kids.
Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?
That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
I notice you didn't debate how with total gun control in your country could the bombing and shooting of the Arianne Grande concert happen? Just use Rules for Radicals to put me on defense. Wont work tard, I will continue to . ask the same question until you answer it....
Our murder rates make that point for me.We have gun control and are a lot safer than you are.What part of that do you have difficulty with ?
How could the Arianne Grande concert be bombed and the children SHOT when you have total gun control?????
Even when shown the TRUTH, you fuckers just keep on lying. And what is worse, you have no honor at all, and no shame.. That is why many of US hate people like you...

FLASHBACK: Muslim Mayor Of London Tells Citizens To Get Used To Terrorism
This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?
That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
I notice you didn't debate how with total gun control in your country could the bombing and shooting of the Arianne Grande concert happen? Just use Rules for Radicals to put me on defense. Wont work tard, I will continue to . ask the same question until you answer it....
Our murder rates make that point for me.We have gun control and are a lot safer than you are.What part of that do you have difficulty with ?

Maybe you should learn to stop reading your bs information it's even admitted by the FBI they have cooked the numbers on gun murders d.a.

Cops too . lol

This is his quote -

"It is a reality I'm afraid that London, New York, other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things," he said.

"That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but also it means exchanging ideas and best practice."

This is the actual truth. What part do you disagree with ?
Sharing info,being prepared, community policing ?
That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
I notice you didn't debate how with total gun control in your country could the bombing and shooting of the Arianne Grande concert happen? Just use Rules for Radicals to put me on defense. Wont work tard, I will continue to . ask the same question until you answer it....
Our murder rates make that point for me.We have gun control and are a lot safer than you are.What part of that do you have difficulty with ?
How could the Arianne Grande concert be bombed and the children SHOT when you have total gun control?????
Oh dear. These were terrorist attacks. You have those in the US as well. Even if you add these in the UK is still a lot safer than the US where guns are readily available to nut jobs.
That community policing did real well at the Arienne Grande Concert or the Florida School shootings.. What part of Government FAILURE cant you fucking understand????
So now you are stepping away from your crap about Khan.
I notice you didn't debate how with total gun control in your country could the bombing and shooting of the Arianne Grande concert happen? Just use Rules for Radicals to put me on defense. Wont work tard, I will continue to . ask the same question until you answer it....
Our murder rates make that point for me.We have gun control and are a lot safer than you are.What part of that do you have difficulty with ?
How could the Arianne Grande concert be bombed and the children SHOT when you have total gun control?????
Oh dear. These were terrorist attacks. You have those in the US as well. Even if you add these in the UK is still a lot safer than the US where guns are readily available to nut jobs.
You still haven't answered my question...
How could the Arianne Grande concert be bombed and the children SHOT when you have total gun control?????
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
2018 Texting while Driving: 858 deaths
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23 deaths.
So here is my proposal that Ted Cruz offered. All children must register their cell phones to the FBI and not be allowed to drive till 21. When the person enters the car, it must be paired with the car and when the engine starts, the cell phone can no longer send or receive texts, and only through the car can the cell phone operate. If at any time the cell phone operates inside the car, the FBI is notified and that person is arrested..

It is the safety of the children that comes first, right? Do you think this law wills top people from breaking the law that is already on the books to not text and drive?

See how fucking stupid you liberals are? Liberals will break laws no matter what, no matter what laws you put out or ban shit.

Of course there is a way to be able to purchase a weapon under the age of 21, that is to serve your country and earn your citizenship.

Testing while driving? If you're going to be calling people stupid, then at least get your title right or some of us may think that you're the stupid one.
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
2018 Texting while Driving: 858 deaths
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23 deaths.
So here is my proposal that Ted Cruz offered. All children must register their cell phones to the FBI and not be allowed to drive till 21. When the person enters the car, it must be paired with the car and when the engine starts, the cell phone can no longer send or receive texts, and only through the car can the cell phone operate. If at any time the cell phone operates inside the car, the FBI is notified and that person is arrested..

It is the safety of the children that comes first, right? Do you think this law wills top people from breaking the law that is already on the books to not text and drive?

See how fucking stupid you liberals are? Liberals will break laws no matter what, no matter what laws you put out or ban shit.

Of course there is a way to be able to purchase a weapon under the age of 21, that is to serve your country and earn your citizenship.

Testing while driving? If you're going to be calling people stupid, then at least get your title right or some of us may think that you're the stupid one.

Have you ever made a Typo? Spelling Nazi's are so fast to call out an error, but then when they do it, they act all fucking innocent.. Blow me bitch, you worthless tard.
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
2018 Texting while Driving: 858 deaths
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23
South Florida massacre raises 2018 national death toll of school shootings to 23 deaths.
So here is my proposal that Ted Cruz offered. All children must register their cell phones to the FBI and not be allowed to drive till 21. When the person enters the car, it must be paired with the car and when the engine starts, the cell phone can no longer send or receive texts, and only through the car can the cell phone operate. If at any time the cell phone operates inside the car, the FBI is notified and that person is arrested..

It is the safety of the children that comes first, right? Do you think this law wills top people from breaking the law that is already on the books to not text and drive?

See how fucking stupid you liberals are? Liberals will break laws no matter what, no matter what laws you put out or ban shit.

Of course there is a way to be able to purchase a weapon under the age of 21, that is to serve your country and earn your citizenship.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

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