Texas Abortion Tracking Website Shut Down A Second Time

The U.S. isn't Afghanistan. The right's American Taliban will lose that cycle.
You've already forgotten thatXiden has a history of caving in to The Taliban?
Memory loss....particularly such short term memory.....is not a good sign.

Get tested for Alzheimer's before you end up like your hero!
Also, abortion is a constitutionally protected right up to 24 weeks. So if you don't get why you are making zero headway with your diatribe...well...
In the constitution of what country? Oh, yours? On what planet?

I just checked the U.S. Constitution and couldn't find the word "abortion" anyhwhere/
In the constitution of what country?
Oh look, another foreigner.

In this country, a constitutional right is what the SCOTUS says is a constitutional right. In this case, the constitutional right to privacy protects abortions up to 24 weeks.

Welcome to our country.
Ultrasound can detect the "heartbeat" (that isn't) as early as week 6. And everyone in texas who gets an abortion has to have an ultrasound.

We really cant break this down any further for you.
And doctors can't tell if what they're seeing and hearing is an actual fetal heart beating, like the law specifies?
And doctors can't tell if what they're seeing and hearing is an actual fetal heart beating, like the law specifies?
Then of course they will fall on the side of no legal or civil exposure. As evidenced by them just suspendingall abortions after 6 weeks.

I think you are getting it...
This is interesting. Even Epik won't allow the abortion vigilantes to be on their system.

A system that hots 8chan and the daily beast and KKK organizations has kicked Texas right to life off their system.


Even Epik won't allow people to collect third party information on someone without their knowledge and kicked Texas right to life off their system for violating their TOS rules.

Wait, so you’re bragging that KKK organizations are allowed on 8chan but not anti abortion organizations???

That confirms 2 things

1. Proof that Demonrats have control of 8chan

2. Proof that demonrats don’t care about racism

And possibly a 3rd thing

Demonrats support the KKK
Then of course they will fall on the side of no legal or civil exposure. As evidenced by them just suspendingall abortions after 6 weeks.

I think you are getting it...
IOW, the fearmongering that has pro-aborts clutching their pearls, believing that abortion will be taken from them at any moment, as the uproar is designed to do.
IOW, the fearmongering that has pro-aborts clutching their pearls, believing that abortion will be taken from them at any moment, as the uproar is designed to do.
All Texas clinics suspending abortions after 6 weeks is a fact, not fearmongering. Individual civil liability of $10,000 that must be proven away on court (or you lose automatically) is a FACT.

Clinics exposed to risk of permanent shutdown over one single judgment is a FACT.

So i find your attempt contrived and not compelling. The law was designed to ban virtually all abortions. Another FACT.
All Texas clinics suspending abortions after 6 weeks is a fact, not fearmongering. Individual civil liability of $10,000 that must be proven away on court (or you lose automatically) is a FACT.

Clinics exposed to risk of permanent shutdown over one single judgment is a FACT.

So i find your attempt contrived and not compelling. The law was designed to ban virtually all abortions. Another FACT.
Sad when the plain reading of a law's actual text is "contrived and not compelling".
Oh look, another foreigner.

In this country, a constitutional right is what the SCOTUS says is a constitutional right. In this case, the constitutional right to privacy protects abortions up to 24 weeks.

Welcome to our country.
The real issue is that the courts interfere in decisions. They make law now. Especially the Progressive radicals. Roe versus Wade was an early version of that with the usual sell out Repub judges. Abortion is an important tissue. Progs cheapened it more and more over the decades and the clinics are proven to be run by demonic people who sell the unborn as parts for profit.
I refer to your own post, #124, from which I got this quote,

View attachment 536705
note the "fetal heart with the gestational sac". That's why I say this is fear mongering. I may be wrong, but it seems to me pretty clear. There has to be a beating heart.
You haven't directly answered the question. Do you believe basing the law on anything less than a complete functioning heart is an unfair overreach? Yes or no?
Oh look, another foreigner.

In this country, a constitutional right is what the SCOTUS says is a constitutional right. In this case, the constitutional right to privacy protects abortions up to 24 weeks.

Welcome to our country.

and yet the right to keep and bear arms not being infringed is ignored by people like you when the EXACT WORDS are in the document.

and Roe talked about viability, not a given amount of weeks.

And where in the constitution does it talk about medical procedures, or even privacy? The closest you get is security against searches and seizures against person, property and possessions without due process.
You haven't directly answered the question. Do you believe basing the law on anything less than a complete functioning heart is an unfair overreach? Yes or no?
I don't know about an unfair overreach, but it's a valid starting point. After all, you are declared dead when your heart stops beating, so why not be declared alive when it starts?
I don't know about an unfair overreach, but it's a valid starting point. After all, you are declared dead when your heart stops beating, so why not be declared alive when it starts?
Was that a yes or no? Are you gonna weasle out of a direct answer?
Defining when a heart starts beating is what we are discussing.
Was that a yes or no? Are you gonna weasle out of a direct answer?
Defining when a heart starts beating is what we are discussing.
A heart starts beating when there's a heart to beat. I don't know why you think that's some kind of gotcha question because it's what I've been saying all this time. Haven't you been paying attention?

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