Texas AG admits if mail in votes weren't suppressed, most Texans would have voted for Biden

And they should be. The right has a death grip on Texas politics, but Texas citizens are at least purple, and turning bluer by the day.
You can thank Californians for that. They fuck up their own state, look around and see it's a shithole, then move to a better place...and keep voting for the same shit that fucked up the state they left.

Liberals are morons.
Liberals are morons.
Got an email from WA democrat senator Patty Murray asking for my support--two hours later when I regained my composure and quit laughing, I fired off a reply telling her the sun has a better chance of burning out tomorrow than me voting for her or Cantwell--they're both fired---and I think they know it.
You can thank Californians for that. They fuck up their own state, look around and see it's a shithole, then move to a better place...and keep voting for the same shit that fucked up the state they left.

Liberals are morons.
Well, no. Demographics have been changing here for quite a while. It's just a matter of time.
Right, because non-whites HAVE to vote Democrat.

Thus sayeth the white Democrat.
Of course not, but the fact remains that the majority know which side has their interests at heart.
Right, because non-whites HAVE to vote Democrat.

Thus sayeth the white Democrat.
That narrative is over 30 years old. The 'browning' of America was supposed to end the republicans decades ago.

Do not expect reality to sink in over the next 30.
You obviously don't understand what it's like to have medical problems that prevent a person from standing in line for hours. I'll bet you are one of those that said if a person can talk, he can breath just fine.
Such people have always been able to get a mail-in ballot. That's no excuse to send everyone a mail-in ballot.
Texas AG, Ken Paxton admitted that if ballots would have been mailed to voters, Trump would have lost. Paxton did block applications for ballots from being sent out, even though he lied and claimed he blocked the mailing of actual ballots. According to Paxton, he did prevent the state from casting it's 38 electoral votes for a Democrat this time, but I wonder how many more times he thinks he can do that.

They weren't legal which is why he stopped them....?

The fuck?

This is America if you need prompting to vote you don't get a vote.

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