Texas AG admits if mail in votes weren't suppressed, most Texans would have voted for Biden

Texas AG, Ken Paxton admitted that if ballots would have been mailed to voters, Trump would have lost. Paxton did block applications for ballots from being sent out, even though he lied and claimed he blocked the mailing of actual ballots. According to Paxton, he did prevent the state from casting it's 38 electoral votes for a Democrat this time, but I wonder how many more times he thinks he can do that.

I call bullshit on both sides. County elections offices are prevented by State law from mailing unsolicited absentee applications, but both political parties did it. I know because I got one from the republicans, it went in my shredder with all the other junk mail. That said, applications did go out and Trump won the State.

Who caused the "glitch," moron?
Were you in a coma, and missed the massive worldwide manufacturing shut downs, and reduction in purchases caused by the pandemic? It takes time to get the wheels of industry rolling again, dumb ass.
How would that make me a Dim?
Do I have to explain your own posts to you?
1. #125 you said they didn't know what was in own their best interest
2. You said Dems said they were too stupid to know what was in there own best interest.

(And I gotta say I think your line of reasoning is stupid, but it is your line of reasoning)
3. Your own remarks indicate you think you are a Dim.
Good. You keep telling them they are too stupid to make the right choice. What could go wrong?

"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black". Requiring IDs is racist, because blacks don't know how to get an ID. Are you talking about shit like that?

I call bullshit on both sides. County elections offices are prevented by State law from mailing unsolicited absentee applications, but both political parties did it. I know because I got one from the republicans, it went in my shredder with all the other junk mail. That said, applications did go out and Trump won the State.

So Paxton was lying about him personally blocking 2.5 million?
Were you in a coma, and missed the massive worldwide manufacturing shut downs, and reduction in purchases caused by the pandemic? It takes time to get the wheels of industry rolling again, dumb ass.
Blue state governors ordered the shut downs, moron. Do you actually follow the news?
Do I have to explain your own posts to you?
1. #125 you said they didn't know what was in own their best interest
2. You said Dems said they were too stupid to know what was in there own best interest.

(And I gotta say I think your line of reasoning is stupid, but it is your line of reasoning)
3. Your own remarks indicate you think you are a Dim.
You're too stupid to bother arguing with.

Famous saying:
"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you through experience."
"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black". Requiring IDs is racist, because blacks don't know how to get an ID. Are you talking about shit like that?

Just as expected. I knew you were due for a "but whatabout" dodge. I just wasn't sure if it would be "butwhatabout Joe Biden" or "butwhatabout Hillary Clinton"

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