Texas AG admits if mail in votes weren't suppressed, most Texans would have voted for Biden

Didn't you just say something about people voting for people that show disdain for them? You can't have it both ways commie. LMAO

Are you referring to me personally, or black people in general? Since I'm not black, the answer might be slightly different, depending on your intent.
That sentiment is expressed so often by trump supporters here till if you claim you are unaware of it, it wouldn't do any good to track down a few examples of it. You would just continue to ignore them as you have so far.
WTF are you babbling about?
Be explicit.
I grew up in a Black project and they have brains that can function quite well when their teachers impart the importance of education achievement.
"If we'd lost Harris County—Trump won by 620,000 votes in Texas. Harris County mail-in ballots that they wanted to send out were 2.5 million, those were all illegal and we were able to stop every one of them," Paxton told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon during the latter's War Room podcast on Friday.

maybe you should read the entire article
I did read it. I posted the link after all. Paxton falsely claimed to have blocked actual ballots. Paxton did not block ballots. He blocked applications for ballots, which made it harder to vote, two totally different things..
Are you referring to me personally, or black people in general? Since I'm not black, the answer might be slightly different, depending on your intent.

All of you brainwashed children, I don't discriminate like xiden does.

This is why there needs to be fedeAl oversight for elections. He admitted he knowingly and intention kept people from being able to vote by mail, during a pandemic, knowing full well that most voters planned on voting by mail tobe safe. T I'm sure the fact that poll showing that far more democrat planned on voting by mail than republicans played a big part.
All of you brainwashed children, I don't discriminate like xiden does.

So now you're referring to black folk as brainwashed children? How unsurprising is that?
Speaking for myself, I'm not aware of the Democratic party insulting me. You would have to check with black folk to find out why they mostly vote Democratic, or if they feel consistently insulted by the Democratic party, as they do by the trump party.
So now you're referring to black folk as brainwashed children? How unsurprising is that?
Speaking for myself, I'm not aware of the Democratic party insulting me. You would have to check with black folk to find out why they mostly vote Democratic, or if they feel consistently insulted by the Democratic party, as they do by the trump party.

:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner: Perhaps when you make it to 4th grade next year you'll understand what I actually said.

That's just goofy. What law makes mailing applications for a mail in ballot illegal? That's the way they are normally supplied.

Any mail in ballots that are under "emergency measures" without conforming to federal or state guidelines....?

You can't just change elections around when it suits you. lol

We have processes for this shit.

We are not a democracy we are a republic with very specific rules on how and when to vote. Under your view anything that doesn't allow me to vote a day after the election is inherently unfair. Absurd.
This is why there needs to be fedeAl oversight for elections. He admitted he knowingly and intention kept people from being able to vote by mail, during a pandemic, knowing full well that most voters planned on voting by mail tobe safe. T I'm sure the fact that poll showing that far more democrat planned on voting by mail than republicans played a big part.
How can the plan on doing something that the law doesn't allow? You apparently believe that election officials can change the law at will.
I did read it. I posted the link after all. Paxton falsely claimed to have blocked actual ballots. Paxton did not block ballots. He blocked applications for ballots, which made it harder to vote, two totally different things..
Yes, that was exactly the point.
How can the plan on doing something that the law doesn't allow? You apparently believe that election officials can change the law at will.
Well if you weren't such a Trump sucking moron and did even the tiniest bit of research instead of taking anything President Pigshit said as gospel, you would know that not only is mail in voting legal, but that it's been done since the civil war.
"If we'd lost Harris County—Trump won by 620,000 votes in Texas. Harris County mail-in ballots that they wanted to send out were 2.5 million, those were all illegal and we were able to stop every one of them," Paxton told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon during the latter's War Room podcast on Friday.

maybe you should read the entire article
Oh, that is not the first time it has been pointed out to this idiot.

Dog just ignores that he blocked illegal applications. Apparently, following the law is not called voter suppression. If the democrats do not win that is.
Oh, that is not the first time it has been pointed out to this idiot.

Dog just ignores that he blocked illegal applications. Apparently, following the law is not called voter suppression. If the democrats do not win that is.
yea, i was late to the parade and saw it. i also see dog later tried to "cover" and said more stupid shit and dug the hole deeper.

trolls will troll.
Any mail in ballots that are under "emergency measures" without conforming to federal or state guidelines....?

You can't just change elections around when it suits you. lol

We have processes for this shit.

We are not a democracy we are a republic with very specific rules on how and when to vote. Under your view anything that doesn't allow me to vote a day after the election is inherently unfair. Absurd.
well, they did, and HR1 is sure trying to.
Oh, that is not the first time it has been pointed out to this idiot.

Dog just ignores that he blocked illegal applications. Apparently, following the law is not called voter suppression. If the democrats do not win that is.
And when asked to give specific detail on how and why particulat ballots were blocked, his office refused to comment, There are Texas voters wh had their applications refused who are now suing the state in federal court over it.
Seems you should be spending your time trying to convince black folk instead of me, but you keep saying that blacks are too stupid to see which party is better for them. I'm sure that will pay off for you eventually.
Why ask black people when there are white liberals who will too gladly tell me what black people think?
Why ask black people when there are white liberals who will too gladly tell me what black people think?
If you ask me what black people have told me, I'll give you an accurate answer. If you aren't interested in what I have to say, don't ask me.

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