Texas Anti-Mask 'Freedom Rally' Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19

The anti-mask, anti-vaccine morons are dropping like flies over here, stacking up in emergency rooms and hospital rooms all over the place, and some in cases, mortuaries or refrigerated trailers.
Is it like that in your country Tommy?
We have been quite lucky in Wales. Problem we have is that its the holiday season and our hospitals are struggling to cope with the tourists. We do have some idiots but all the parties recognise covid is actually a thing.
What she saids was "If the health professionals say we should take it, I'll be the first in line to takes it" in the video you posted, which she did on December 29, 2020.
Donny didn't sneak out and take it until the first week of January and then his the fact that he took it for about a month.
What's your excuse?
Kamala said she wouldn't take it if Trump told her to.
So....I'm not gonna take it because Biden says to take it.
Even if Trump was still president I wouldn't take it....unless the Democrats stop pushing it down our throats.
I don't trust a damned thing they say.
I think they're using it to conduct bio-warfare against their political enemies.
This explains why they don't want the CCP to get fingered as the source.
It would end their operation....and might lead back to them.
When I say swept under the rug, I'm talking about the very act of purposefully taking an animal virus and increasing its transmissibility to humans.

That's what people should be talking about.

Sadly, society's priorities are always upside down.

People are far more prone to standing around arguing about how low the tire pressure is while they completely ignore the fact that the motor is on fire.

I've very little faith in society's ability to reason any more.
Why should that be the topic. If that is what started this (and it probably is) it is done dude. Best be thinking and talking about dealing with the pandemic, getting vaccinated, taking precautions and living through this crap.
Another good topic might be estates sales from the unvaccinated and anti-vax crowd. Could be some good bargains on boats, hunting and fishing gear as well as guns and ammo, as a lot of them were good 2nd amendment supporting people, not needing their fire arms and ammo anymore.
Kamala said she wouldn't take it if Trump told her to.masks
So....I'm not gonna take it because Biden says to take it.
Even if Trump was still president I wouldn't take it....unless the Democrats stop pushing it down our throats.
I don't trust a damned thing they say.
I think they're using it to conduct bio-warfare against their political enemies.
This explains why they don't want the CCP to get fingered as the source.
It would end their operation....and might lead back to them.

I got the vaccine but not because anyone in the government convinced me. I did because I wanted to move on. I went and saw Sam Bush the other weekend and Todd Snider last night and both places said they could only operate if they restricted access to the vaccinated. (The show last night would accept a negative result in the last 72 hours).

I will never believe the word of someone that said a pandemic was a cost worth taking to create these nasty viruses in the first place. If Fauci really believed what he says, he would step aside.
I got the vaccine but not because anyone in the government convinced me. I did because I wanted to move on. I went and saw Sam Bush the other weekend and Todd Snider last night and both places said they could only operate if they restricted access to the vaccinated. (The show last night would accept a negative result in the last 72 hours).

I will never believe the word of someone that said a pandemic was a cost worth taking to create these nasty viruses in the first place. If Fauci really believed what he says, he would step aside.
Fauci won't....he's the highest paid federal employee in the US Government.
Way to "own the libs"

Take that horse dewormer.

That'll do it
Could it be that Democrats are pulling a Putin on their critics.....poisoning anyone who rejects their vaccine mandates.

Nashville Radio Talkshow host Phil Valentine died last week after several weeks fighting COVID-19.

Phil had been under assault by the Obama Adm....he was using the IRS to attack Valentine for years. The IRS began targeting him years ago because he was a loud critic of Obama.

Ted Nugent also somehow came down with the virus even though he was living in a isolated ranch in Wacco TX.

I think this is highly suspicious.
If you become a very vocal critic of the vaccine or mask wearing...chances are you're going to come down with COVID-19.

I've wondered that myself.
It sure seems odd that everyone who comes out against the vac ends up with covide.
I've wondered that myself.
It sure seems odd that everyone who comes out against the vac ends up with covide.
Occam’s Razor( the simplest explanation is usually the correct one).

They’re wrong, stupid, and careless

Of course they will catch the highly infectious Delta variant
Occam’s Razor( the simplest explanation is usually the correct one).

They’re wrong, stupid, and careless

Of course they will catch the highly infectious Delta variant

You just got occam's razor backwards.
It's somewhat poetic justice that all these outspoken anti mask and antivaxxers keep getting coronavirus and suffering horribly from it.

But not a one of these outspoken pro mask or pro vaxxers have gotten ill from masks or vaccines...

Maybe there's a thing here....
This is sad. But a person who has three kids and is expecting a fourth should take some responsibility for their family instead of playing useless political games and jeopardizing his own health and that of his family.

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