Texas Anti-Mask 'Freedom Rally' Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19

It's somewhat poetic justice that all these outspoken anti mask and antivaxxers keep getting coronavirus and suffering horribly from it.

But not a one of these outspoken pro mask or pro vaxxers have gotten ill from masks or vaccines...

Maybe there's a thing here....
Hey guys look,another sock puppet shill from Langley. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
pknopp worst mistake you ever made in your life my friend,as I said,my 93 year old aunt had it and took Ivermectim and was good as new within a week,if I were in your shoes I personally myself would order it and start taking it everyday,get thst poison out of your body before it builds up and kills you within the three year period it is designed to do. You don’t do thst you can count on that happening,would sure hate to see the elite get their wish and off you.we want you to stick around fir many more years my friend.
Caleb founded something called the San Angelo freedom alliance. I can pretty much guess what that is.
But I do wonder if it means he is FREE to leave this world as a beggar ? Leaving his family in poverty and forced to pay for his selfish stupidity. All of these freedom nuts end up begging for change.

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His wife is pregnant. If he pulls through she needs to file for divorce and get the selfish bastard out of her life.
I wonder if he caught it at his shitty mask rally ?

He had his chance. He s just collateral damage and less of thise idiots the better. Darwin was right.
pknopp worst mistake you ever made in your life my friend,as I said,my 93 year old aunt had it and took Ivermectim and was good as new within a week,if I were in your shoes I personally myself would order it and start taking it everyday,get thst poison out of your body before it builds up and kills you within the three year period it is designed to do. You don’t do thst you can count on that happening,would sure hate to see the elite get their wish and off you.we want you to stick around fir many more years my friend.
Your aunt took Horse Dewormer? Did it get rid of the worms?
pknopp worst mistake you ever made in your life my friend,as I said,my 93 year old aunt had it and took Ivermectim and was good as new within a week,if I were in your shoes I personally myself would order it and start taking it everyday,get thst poison out of your body before it builds up and kills you within the three year period it is designed to do. You don’t do thst you can count on that happening,would sure hate to see the elite get their wish and off you.we want you to stick around fir many more years my friend.
pknopp worst mistake you ever made in your life my friend,as I said,my 93 year old aunt had it and took Ivermectim and was good as new within a week,if I were in your shoes I personally myself would order it and start taking it everyday,get thst poison out of your body before it builds up and kills you within the three year period it is designed to do. You don’t do thst you can count on that happening,would sure hate to see the elite get their wish and off you.we want you to stick around fir many more years my friend.
pknopp i find it weird and bizarre that you somehow think that you dying three to five years from now is somehow funny? :cuckoo: If you think that’s funny well then there something wrong with you. You seem to think that these are my words thst I just pulled out of my ass and made that up. I wish that was the case but I’m afraid it’s not.these are the best doctors in the world saying this,not me,I’m just the messenger fir them.

you going to ignore the thousands of people around the world that have died from these vaccines? Just because you haven’t now doesn’t mean your going to be okay for the next three years. He

obviously you are not aware that the elite have had this depopulation plan against us fir decades now and it’s now coming to frutation.I have been expecting this for 20 years or so for this to happen.I was only wrong in the way they would go about it in killing us,I always thought it would be a nuclear war started that killed us all.

I would expect tommy boy to laugh at that facts but never in my wildest thoughts would I have guessed you to laugh over something like that which is hardly funny.
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It's somewhat poetic justice that all these outspoken anti mask and antivaxxers keep getting coronavirus and suffering horribly from it.

But not a one of these outspoken pro mask or pro vaxxers have gotten ill from masks or vaccines...

Maybe there's a thing here....
Well considering the fact that whether or not you got vaccinated you still can catch it and still spread it......and plenty of pro mask vaxxers have been catching and spreading it.....this isn't poetic justice. The only poetic justice I can see here is that since China spread the shit with the help of Biden and Obama.....both of them catching it would be poetic justice. But of course they never will....because they know the source of the virus....and I doubt they'll ever catch it.
pknopp worst mistake you ever made in your life my friend,as I said,my 93 year old aunt had it and took Ivermectim and was good as new within a week,if I were in your shoes I personally myself would order it and start taking it everyday,get thst poison out of your body before it builds up and kills you within the three year period it is designed to do. You don’t do thst you can count on that happening,would sure hate to see the elite get their wish and off you.we want you to stick around fir many more years my friend.
pknopp i find it weird and bizarre that you somehow think that you dying three to five years from now is somehow funny? :cuckoo: If you think that’s funny well then there something wrong with you. You seem to think that these are my words thst I just pulled out of my ass and made that up. I wish that was the case but I’m afraid it’s not.these are the best doctors in the world saying this,not me,I’m just the messenger fir them.

you going to ignore the thousands of people around the world that have died from these vaccines? Just because you haven’t now doesn’t mean your going to be okay for the next three years. He

obviously you are not aware that the elite have had this depopulation plan against us fir decades now and it’s now coming to frutation.I have been expecting this for 20 years or so for this to happen.I was only wrong in the way they would go about it in killing us,I always thought it would be a nuclear war started that killed us all.

I would expect tommy boy to laugh at that facts but never in my wildest thoughts would I have guessed you to laugh over something like that which is hardly funny.
Okay i give up,I tried to reason with you but you clearly can’t be reasoned with,if you think you dying from the vaccine in three years to five years from now is somehow funny then I totally overrated you as one of the more reasonable awake posters here,your as dense as tommy trollboy.
Okay i give up,I tried to reason with you but you clearly can’t be reasoned with,if you think you dying from the vaccine in three years to five years from now is somehow funny then I totally overrated you as one of the more reasonable awake posters here,your as dense as tommy trollboy.
Same old song and dance,laugh off the facts and evade them.what a coward.
The anti-mask, anti-vaccine morons are dropping like flies over here, stacking up in emergency rooms and hospital rooms all over the place, and some in cases, mortuaries or refrigerated trailers.
Is it like that in your country Tommy?

Shit head...the masks don't stop the transmission of an airborne, Chinese flu.....the point of this thread.......

Surgical masks were designed to keep medical personnel from inadvertently infecting patients’ wounds, not to prevent the spread of viruses. Public-health officials’ advice in the early days of Covid-19 was consistent with that understanding. Then, on April 3, 2020, Adams announced that the CDC was changing its guidance and that the general public should hereafter wear masks whenever sufficient social distancing could not be maintained.
In truth, the CDC’s, U.K.’s, and WHO’s earlier guidance was much more consistent with the best medical research on masks’ effectiveness in preventing the spread of viruses. That research suggests that Americans’ many months of mask-wearing has likely provided little to no health benefit and might even have been counterproductive in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Shit head...the masks don't stop the transmission of an airborne, Chinese flu.....the point of this thread.......

Surgical masks were designed to keep medical personnel from inadvertently infecting patients’ wounds, not to prevent the spread of viruses. Public-health officials’ advice in the early days of Covid-19 was consistent with that understanding. Then, on April 3, 2020, Adams announced that the CDC was changing its guidance and that the general public should hereafter wear masks whenever sufficient social distancing could not be maintained.
In truth, the CDC’s, U.K.’s, and WHO’s earlier guidance was much more consistent with the best medical research on masks’ effectiveness in preventing the spread of viruses. That research suggests that Americans’ many months of mask-wearing has likely provided little to no health benefit and might even have been counterproductive in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.

these three dumbasses dont understand that.
I have never argued for masks but don't let that stop you.
You might as well sense your a dumbass who took the vaccine instead of Ivermectim,.you take the vaccine,you might as well argue for the mask then dumbass.
You might as well sense your a dumbass who took the vaccine instead of Ivermectim,.you take the vaccine,you might as well argue for the mask then dumbass.

You ramble like a drunken fool and then call me names. Sad.
The anti-mask, anti-vaccine morons are dropping like flies over here,
There is no evidence in the link that he was not vaccinated

but he was against the mask mandates

As I understand it the wuflu bug is much smaller than the pore size of masks and can easily pass through them

So they offer little to no protection

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