Texas Anti-Mask 'Freedom Rally' Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19

As I understand it the wuflu bug is much smaller than the pore size of masks and can easily pass through them

Educate yourself
There is no evidence in the link that he was not vaccinated

but he was against the mask mandates

As I understand it the wuflu bug is much smaller than the pore size of masks and can easily pass through them

So they offer little to no protection

There is no evidence in the link that he was not vaccinated

but he was against the mask mandates

As I understand it the wuflu bug is much smaller than the pore size of masks and can easily pass through them

So they offer little to no protection
So, you are suggesting he was just another lousy hypocrite, pushing an agenda, he didn't believe in himself? Somebody on this thread said "At least he died, worm free", which I thought was hilarious, at least since I don't know him.
Is it your plan, to go out worm free, if you catch Covid, also, or possibly before catching it?

His wife is pregnant. If he pulls through she needs to file for divorce and get the selfish bastard out of her life.
I wonder if he caught it at his shitty mask rally ?

I don't think she'll have to worry about that. This antivax dummy is going to become another martyr for a ridiculous political movement. Imagine dying because you believe in flat earth theory lmao. We weren't seeing it earlier in the pandemic, but we're starting to see a lot of antivax and antimask idiots dropping like flies now. That's how contagious delta is.

His wife is pregnant. If he pulls through she needs to file for divorce and get the selfish bastard out of her life.
I wonder if he caught it at his shitty mask rally ?
But he "owned the libs" so there's ...that

I look forward to the magic day that exists in my fantasy when people say what they mean and do what they swear to do. I once asked my father (RIP) after he had lost my mother after 54 years what he thought of all of these divorces. He said that the problem was that people don't mean what they swear to anymore. When he swore in front of the altar to be my mother's husband, he meant it and he was always faithful to the vows that he took, as was my mother. We had problems as a family, but neither of them ever lost faith even though they had serious problems with my brother. and argued sometimes. They always signed their cards to each "1-2-3-4". This meant kisses.

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