Texas ‘Bathroom Bill’ Criminalizes Entering Facility Of Opposite Sex

There are going to be a lot of wasted or drunk folks that use the wrong bathroom, so it seems like a waste of money to enforce.

What are they going to do, put spy cams in every public bathroom, so the government can send videos of Texans going to the toilet to the NSA - and fine people for using the wrong toilet?
"It is sad we even need a bill like this in today’s society.”


A bill has been filed in Texas which would simplify where one may lawfully use the W.C. It is designed to address controversial city ordinances, as in Houston, which would open bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, or gender expression. The bill criminalizes entering a shower or toilet facility designated for the opposite sex.

As previously reported by Breitbart Texas, Houston Mayor Anise Parker, the city’s first openly gay mayor, told the media that passing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (“HERO”) was not the most important thing she has done while in office, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.” The 31-page ordinance added an equal rights chapter in the municipal code that created rights in not only public accommodation, but housing, city employment, city contracting, and private employment. The transgender ordinance allows bath, shower, and locker facilities to be open to anyone dressed in female attire, without regard to biological sex. The ordinance has been suspended because there is litigation pending.

Texas Bathroom Bill Criminalizes Entering Facility Of Opposite Sex

Where are you going to meet men now?
And here is stupid.
"It is sad we even need a bill like this in today’s society.”


A bill has been filed in Texas which would simplify where one may lawfully use the W.C. It is designed to address controversial city ordinances, as in Houston, which would open bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, or gender expression. The bill criminalizes entering a shower or toilet facility designated for the opposite sex.

As previously reported by Breitbart Texas, Houston Mayor Anise Parker, the city’s first openly gay mayor, told the media that passing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (“HERO”) was not the most important thing she has done while in office, but it is the “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.” The 31-page ordinance added an equal rights chapter in the municipal code that created rights in not only public accommodation, but housing, city employment, city contracting, and private employment. The transgender ordinance allows bath, shower, and locker facilities to be open to anyone dressed in female attire, without regard to biological sex. The ordinance has been suspended because there is litigation pending.

Texas Bathroom Bill Criminalizes Entering Facility Of Opposite Sex

It wasn't illegal already? All this time, I coulda used the cleaner ladie's room? :)
How does one determine if a man is dressed as a woman? How are the laws enforced today? If a man wanted to go into a women's room and use a stall is anyone checking?

I am thinking women would be against this more then men.

They actually are, but right now transgenders are higher up on the "help help I'm being oppressed" food chain, so the women who don't like this get to go pound sand.
I can't believe conservatives obsess over things so trivial

Reminds me of how they held up the repeal of Don't ask, don't tell because they were worried about showers
"It is sad we even need a bill like this in today’s society.”


A bill has been filed in Texas which would simplify where one may lawfully use the W.C. It is designed to address controversial city ordinances, as in Houston, which would open bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, or gender expression.

That's ridiculous.
I'm thinking there are some leftists commenting that have a closet full of women's cloths
It wasn't illegal already? All this time, I coulda used the cleaner ladie's room? :)
Don't give us women folk too much credit there. Sadly I have been in plenty of ladies rooms that are left by those who have no desire to clean up after themselves.

I can't believe conservatives obsess over things so trivial
I don't believe that just one group of people is guilty of this. If things are so trivial, why is a temper tantrum thrown by those who are wanting them when they do not get them?

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

Fun, to see transsexuals in the opposite bathrooms, not to mention XY Females in the boys room and XX Males dressing with the girls. That's a conversation starter.

Gender at birth or genetics, love it!
There are no xx males whether they have a dick or not. Same for pussyless xy females. Defective genes, period.
One day libs will declare some people have a mental illness that causes them fear of bathrooms and they have a civil right to piss and shit in public view.
No doubt. Liberals (the followers of Alinsky and idiots who eat up this shit Leftists are dishing out) intend to normalize deviancy. With Obama infesting our White House, they are doubling down. Our country is truly being transformed--for the worse.
If you still have male parts or still have female parts, you should be using the facilities for the gender you currently are.
Amazing that we are at the place now where this even has to be discussed.

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