Texas blames unvaxed Blacks & illegals for COVID spike!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
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It's no secret that Media Matters analyzes every word spoken by republican politicians and spins it off to left wing media outlets but the truth remains that Blacks are killing other Blacks in democrat run Chicago at an alarming rate and the estimated 35% of unvaccinated Black people in democrat run NYC are banned from restaurants and many stores because they don't have the right papers. It beats talking about Biden anyway.
Most repubs get confused when you start talking percentages. Thats why its so easy to fool them.
If they were not the easiest people to confuse, they would never vote for the Republicans that screw them each and every day.

Sadly, there is little hope for these 74 million befuddled white supremacists, as they believe themselves to be born more knowledgeable than all experts, while, they condemn education.

Ehhh NO .. Why are these racist buttholes allowed to get away with this BS? :rolleyes:

My wife and kids who are Mexican American - just got back from visiting relatives in Texas. My in-laws are staunch Democrat Supporters where Democrats always do right, Republicans are wrong, and CNN is almost a constant feed.

I say all this to say that even my in-laws told my wife and kids to mask up because many of the minorities and immigrants (legal and illegal) were not vaccinated nor were they planning to be vaccinated. In many cases, they too like the vocal right wingers opposed to the vaccine - are choosing NOT to get vaccinated.
Blacks and illegals not vaccinated are no more to blame than the white conservatives vocal about refusing to to get vaccinated. Regardless of your skin or political view, it is foolish to think ALL Democrats, Blacks, illegals are have chosen to get vaccinated and ALL Republicans, white right wingers are against vaccination.
My wife and kids who are Mexican American - just got back from visiting relatives in Texas. My in-laws are staunch Democrat Supporters where Democrats always do right, Republicans are wrong, and CNN is almost a constant feed.

I say all this to say that even my in-laws told my wife and kids to mask up because many of the minorities and immigrants (legal and illegal) were not vaccinated nor were they planning to be vaccinated. In many cases, they too like the vocal right wingers opposed to the vaccine - are choosing NOT to get vaccinated.
You know what an anecdote is right?
Ehhh NO .. Why are these racist buttholes allowed to get away with this BS? :rolleyes:

Such is the racist, lying right.

Ehhh NO .. Why are these racist buttholes allowed to get away with this BS? :rolleyes:

Dipshit, superstitious Congolanta goes with the blm racist territory. The violent selfishness is coming through the guilt-ridden projections that worked last year, that got Whitey to genuflect and paint over the doorways to their houses. Texas is correct because it is more educated, more American.

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