Texas court orders father to raise his son as a transexual

This story actually made me puke...just thinking of what this father and his son are going through makes me both sad and makes my blood boil.
bbc makes no secret of their funding or agenda
Start another thread about that then. This is about a Texas man's son being victimized by his ex-wife by way of Munchausen by proxy.

WHenn asshole assume they have no idea whwat morons they make themselves look like. Notice how the real retards assume it's " Infowars" before EVER going to it they do that a lot on here you will soon Leann how truly fkn stupid the left really is stick arounnd awhile they prove it all by themselves with ease.
I'm thinking the kid looks like her ex husband and that is why she wants to force him to be a girl...plus munchausen by proxy.
The libtards are disgusting.

The father should sue to have his paternity aborted. Why should he have to pay for or participate in the farce created by the bitch ex-wife?
I dont know how I would handle this...but I Damn sure would not pay for the treatment. Wouldn't give a shit if they threw me in jail for non-compliance.
A Texas father has been legally prohibited from raising his son as a boy because his ex-wife allegedly decided their son is a transgender girl and is preparing him for “chemical castration at age 8” and a future sex change surgery, which the father may be forced to help pay for.
Texas Court Orders Father to Raise His Son As A Transsexual

Thanks #infowars for sharing this information

The boy loses now he has to be a girl because his c....t mother is a mental fk up.
Your kids are in danger retards this is being done in the schools to your kids. You clueless tards better pay attention who and what is teaching your kid .
That's what is what its all about taking your kid and nnobody gives a rats ass until it's their kid.

I mean this is the authoritarian mentally clipped fkn mental chit goges on in Europe it's not suppose to be here yet dumb fks IT IS HERE IT'S BEEN HERE NOW WAKE THE HELL UP!!!

View attachment 269303

Save James – Save Thousands of Children

Whole story is here his fathers beg for help and of course nobody listened it was just a phucken conspiracy
Well for one thing. The guy is dumb. The minute he found out that his wife wants a divorce. He should of had withdraw all of his money from his account. And then sell all of his assets real quickly or take out loans on them, but keep the money. And then put all of his money and valuables in a secret bank deposit box. Do all of this before her lawyer checks his assets. If a someone has wealth. The lawyer and the judge are going to prolong the case, until they has drained his wealth from him. The judge knows that he isn't going to let his wife to castrate the boy. That he is willing to spend up all of his wealth just to prevent that from happening. the court system sees this as money making opportunity for the court and or for themselves. Never go into the courtroom looking like a success story..

Can't fix this! Brooklyn judge Garson guilty of bribes

A Texas father has been legally prohibited from raising his son as a boy because his ex-wife allegedly decided their son is a transgender girl and is preparing him for “chemical castration at age 8” and a future sex change surgery, which the father may be forced to help pay for.
Texas Court Orders Father to Raise His Son As A Transsexual

Thanks #infowars for sharing this information

The boy loses now he has to be a girl because his c....t mother is a mental fk up.
Your kids are in danger retards this is being done in the schools to your kids. You clueless tards better pay attention who and what is teaching your kid .
That's what is what its all about taking your kid and nnobody gives a rats ass until it's their kid.

I mean this is the authoritarian mentally clipped fkn mental chit goges on in Europe it's not suppose to be here yet dumb fks IT IS HERE IT'S BEEN HERE NOW WAKE THE HELL UP!!!

View attachment 269303

Save James – Save Thousands of Children

Whole story is here his fathers beg for help and of course nobody listened it was just a phucken conspiracy

Who else finds themselves utterly aghast over living in an America where children are legally ordered to be mutilated? I'm still on the fence debating which is worse; the aforementioned reality we exist in or that there remain people, fellow Americans, who would defend this atrocity or continue to deny its occurrence. Sometimes as responsible, God fearing people we just have to recognize evil when we see it; recognize evil and call it for what it is. You know, at nearly forty-six years of age I still remember being eight years-old. I still remember some of the things I was into, interested in at that age. I wanted to be a biologist when I grew up so I asked my parents for a dissectible plastic model of a frog for my birthday that year. Hard to remember exactly but I think the biologist phase lasted a year or so, before I changed my mind and wanted to be photographer. Children go through stages and phases, many lasting only a few days or months. Can you imagine some adult having forced you as a child, all of you, to become the thing the phase you were in back then seemed to be the coolest ever? Honestly, all I can really say is to fucking hell with the judge, the mother and any medical "professional" who would condone let alone force destruction of this child's body or actually participate in it. To all those who defend this or do not believe it is real: get your fucking heads out of the sand.
Someone should tell that judge to ask the boy how he himself wants to be viewed because at the end of the day, the most impacted life will be the boy's life anyway.

God bless you and him always!!!


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