Texas doesn't have a right to secede (Don't get your news from right wing message boards)

If Texas wants to become part of Mexico, who are we to stand in their way? ;)
If Texas and like minded states seceded, you'd be left with the United Ghetto of America.

Cool - And if you believe that could happen, I have a bridge and some swampland you're REALLY gonna love.
But hey, I can think of 15 other states they could have. The welfare states who take more than they give.

Its Prog dominated states that have the furthest to fall. If you can can constantly say white privilege which is wrong, then you could say State privilege. The real problem is that you have a lot of people in poverty collecting massive amounts of resources. Not just from the federal government. But from the local area, the city and the state.
The Left beats up on Texas all the time. The reality is the American Left needs Texas to help pay for all of the shit they refuse to cut spending for. Texas threatening to leave is significant. Remember when Bernie Sanders’ Vermont threatened to become part of Canada? No one gave two shits because Vermont hardly contributes compared to Texas.

If Texas left it would most likely bring Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico with it which would mean the U.S. would lose vital energy and ports needed for the nation besides a massive port of entries the U.S. uses for trade with Mexico and Central America...

So reality the U.S. need Texas just like it need California!
It is only a real concern because the present regime in Texas is fully against free elections, so that any vote taken under that regime can never be respected.

If such a vote to succeed were to occur under the Abbott/Paxton regime, it is automatically an act of war by those two men and anyone remotely allied to them.

You mean the rest of us are stuck with them?
Just like we are stuck with California!

Texas just like California have one of the largest economies in the World and if both left the Union the rest of the country would collapse!
Which is what I want.

That and for Japan to kick the dog shit out of China...again.

Texas isn’t leaving!
It is only a matter of time.
The Left beats up on Texas all the time. The reality is the American Left needs Texas to help pay for all of the shit they refuse to cut spending for. Texas threatening to leave is significant. Remember when Bernie Sanders’ Vermont threatened to become part of Canada? No one gave two shits because Vermont hardly contributes compared to Texas.

If Texas left it would most likely bring Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico with it which would mean the U.S. would lose vital energy and ports needed for the nation besides a massive port of entries the U.S. uses for trade with Mexico and Central America...

So reality the U.S. need Texas just like it need California!

The Left continues its assault on domestic oil but also knows fossil fuels aren’t going away anytime soon and that oil picks up their credit card bills on the egregious bullshit spending they do.
It is only a real concern because the present regime in Texas is fully against free elections, so that any vote taken under that regime can never be respected.

If such a vote to succeed were to occur under the Abbott/Paxton regime, it is automatically an act of war by those two men and anyone remotely allied to them.
Yeah. We know.

Bring it.

You won't do SHIT about it.
This thread is totally and completely wrong.
Sure the original state joined without any backdoor way out, and once there is federal investment, one could say that secession could be made illegal by legislation.

However, that can NOT apply to either Texas or California, both of which made secession a condition before they were willing to join the union.
CA and TX retained the contractual right to secede whenever they want to.
Nothing can ever take that right away.
It is written in stone in effect.

And clearly the principles of a democratic republic, which is where all legal authority comes from the defense of individual rights, means any abusive central government can and should be destroyed whenever necessary.
It is only a real concern because the present regime in Texas is fully against free elections, so that any vote taken under that regime can never be respected.

If such a vote to succeed were to occur under the Abbott/Paxton regime, it is automatically an act of war by those two men and anyone remotely allied to them.
First, it's "secede", Dummy.

Second, if the majority of Texans voted to secede how would it be an act of war by two men? :cuckoo:
It is only a real concern because the present regime in Texas is fully against free elections, so that any vote taken under that regime can never be respected.

If such a vote to succeed were to occur under the Abbott/Paxton regime, it is automatically an act of war by those two men and anyone remotely allied to them.
First, it's "secede", Dummy.

Second, if the majority of Texans voted to secede how would it be an act of war by two men? :cuckoo:

Because they have purged a significant portion of the opposition from voter rolls in order to further their overtly fascist and treasous agendas.

The fact that they have done it blatantly is why none of their supporters have any excuse. They are pure evil as well.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
I think you need to read the Texas constitution.
What you should be more worried about is Texas splitting into 5 Republican states.
Love to see how you do that when you lose all the big cities, The valley, and 1/3 of the rest of the state. Just love to see that gerrymandering.

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