Texas getting a tragic lesson in Climate Change science

And just so you know this isnt even close to the most rain we've ever received.

Just so you know, this has never happened before.

That's what UNPRECEDENTED means.

This is an unnatural weather event outside the scope of normal regional climate.

Please try to find it in your heart to actually give a damn about children dying because of your selfish anti-science b.s.
I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.
Try to show some compassion, people are dying.
With all the emphasis a Texan can lay upon a piece of shit yankee...
Stick it up your ass you partisan hack troll.
Ordering others to show compassion while people die, while taking a troll position yourself, using those deaths to push the pov.
These floods have yet to achieve records, those were previously set before the climate meme came along.
Nobody has yet to claim that climates are static, in fact it is the climate change activists that strive to set a fixed baseline on which they base their silly charges.
The lack of high water during the pre climate meme years has made people think it is safe to build on the banks of rivers and in the flood plains of watercourses.

The truth is that these floods happen seldom. So people tend to forget and build in areas that will naturally be flooded. Much like New Orleans and the East Coast. Do you think that those who lost homes, or someone else, didn't rebuild in the same areas that were flooded? I'll bet it now is not much different then it was before the storms. It is what people do. But using a natural disaster as a political tool was made popular by the left after Katrina when in fact it was left wing policy that lead to most of the deaths. Quite fantastic the left's denial.
Floodwaters Deepen After Storms Dump Another Foot Of Rain In Houston Area

My heart goes out to the families and victims of another climate disaster. We are sitting in our garage with the car running and wondering why people are dying--while GOP partisans say CO is perfectly safe.


HOUSTON (AP) — Floodwaters deepened across much of Texas on Tuesday as storms dumped almost a foot more of rain on the Houston area, stranding hundreds of motorists and inundating the famously congested highways that serve the nation's fourth-largest city.

Meanwhile, the search went on for about a dozen people who were still missing, including a group that disappeared after a vacation home was swept down a river and slammed into a bridge.

Several more fatalities were reported — four in Houston and four more in Central Texas. That brought to 17 the number of people killed by the holiday weekend storms in Texas and Oklahoma.

Similar search efforts unfolded just south of the Texas-Mexico border, where crews tried to track down the missing and assessed damage in the city of Ciudad Acuna after a tornado killed 13 people Monday.

I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.

Try to show some compassion, people are dying.

Oh go suck a bag of dicks. We dont want your false sympathy.
And just so you know this isnt even close to the most rain we've ever received.

"Officials in parts of Texas are warning that flooding could last for weeks in the wake of unprecedented amounts of May rainfall."

You understand the word 'unprecedented' right?
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Just sorrow, here.

Your side has the market cornered on hate.

I think the only real sorrow you feel is that it wasn't worse. By their fruits they shall be known.

5 people died in the floods, so I read, 12 died in Chicago over the same time. Yet I didn't see you show remorse for those who died in Chicago, and that truly was preventable. Wonder why?
Evidently the heat is causing neeeeeegroes to shoot each other. That it is so race specific has yet to be explained....by Hazel.
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Just sorrow, here.

Your side has the market cornered on hate.

I think the only real sorrow you feel is that it wasn't worse. By their fruits they shall be known.

5 people died in the floods, so I read, 12 died in Chicago over the same time. Yet I didn't see you show remorse for those who died in Chicago, and that truly was preventable. Wonder why?

You are a sick human being, trying to change the subject to score some meaningless partisan points when people have lost everything.

You have showed us that the heart of the far-right is as cold as they come.

Very sad.
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Just sorrow, here.

Your side has the market cornered on hate.

I think the only real sorrow you feel is that it wasn't worse. By their fruits they shall be known.

5 people died in the floods, so I read, 12 died in Chicago over the same time. Yet I didn't see you show remorse for those who died in Chicago, and that truly was preventable. Wonder why?
Evidently the heat is causing neeeeeegroes to shoot each other. That it is so race specific has yet to be explained....by Hazel.

And didn't think the far-right could sink any lower, but yet they do.

Turning tragedy, death, loss of innocent life into a racist tirade.
Troll trying to score troll points using death and destruction to push the agenda.
yup taking a local disaster as proof of man made global climate change...yet blows a gasket when some one mentions snow in April in Tennessee
Floodwaters Deepen After Storms Dump Another Foot Of Rain In Houston Area

My heart goes out to the families and victims of another climate disaster. We are sitting in our garage with the car running and wondering why people are dying--while GOP partisans say CO is perfectly safe.


HOUSTON (AP) — Floodwaters deepened across much of Texas on Tuesday as storms dumped almost a foot more of rain on the Houston area, stranding hundreds of motorists and inundating the famously congested highways that serve the nation's fourth-largest city.

Meanwhile, the search went on for about a dozen people who were still missing, including a group that disappeared after a vacation home was swept down a river and slammed into a bridge.

Several more fatalities were reported — four in Houston and four more in Central Texas. That brought to 17 the number of people killed by the holiday weekend storms in Texas and Oklahoma.

Similar search efforts unfolded just south of the Texas-Mexico border, where crews tried to track down the missing and assessed damage in the city of Ciudad Acuna after a tornado killed 13 people Monday.

I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.

Try to show some compassion, people are dying.

Oh go suck a bag of dicks. We dont want your false sympathy.
And just so you know this isnt even close to the most rain we've ever received.

"Officials in parts of Texas are warning that flooding could last for weeks in the wake of unprecedented amounts of May rainfall."

You understand the word 'unprecedented' right?

I understand that I've lived here for over forty years and this is in noway the worst I've seen.
Try 43 inches in 24 hours.
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Just sorrow, here.

Your side has the market cornered on hate.

I think the only real sorrow you feel is that it wasn't worse. By their fruits they shall be known.

5 people died in the floods, so I read, 12 died in Chicago over the same time. Yet I didn't see you show remorse for those who died in Chicago, and that truly was preventable. Wonder why?
Evidently the heat is causing neeeeeegroes to shoot each other. That it is so race specific has yet to be explained....by Hazel.

And didn't think the far-right could sink any lower, but yet they do.

Turning tragedy, death, loss of innocent life into a racist tirade.
what you now denying history? When were you born last night

Just a serious question
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

In the 70's scientist said we were heading toward an ice age. There were huh.... wrong then. Why should we think they are right now?
better gadgetry...

In March 2000, for example, “senior research scientist” David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, told the U.K. Independent that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he was quoted as claiming in the article, headlined “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”

The very next year, snowfall across the United Kingdom increased by more than 50 percent. In 2008, perfectly timed for a “global warming” legislation debate in Parliament, London saw its first October snow since 1934 — or possibly even 1922, according to the U.K. Register. “It is unusual to have snow this early,” a spokesperson for the alarmist U.K. Met office admitted to The Guardian newspaper. By December of 2009, London saw its heaviest levels of snowfall in two decades. In 2010, the coldest U.K. winter since records began a century ago blanketed the islands with snow.

Perhaps nowhere have the alarmists’ predictions been proven as wrong as at the Earth’s poles. In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore, the high priest for a movement described by critics as the “climate cult,” publicly warned that the North Pole would be “ice-free” in the summer by around 2013 because of alleged “man-made global warming.”
Speaking to an audience in Germany five years ago, Gore — sometimes ridiculed as “The Goracle” — alleged that “the entire North Polarized [sic] cap will disappear in five years.” “Five years,” Gore said again, in case anybody missed it the first time, is “the period of time during which it is now expected to disappear.”
The following year, Gore made similar claims at a UN “climate” summit in Copenhagen. “Some of the models … suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Gore claimed in 2009. “We will find out.”

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry

Face it moonface, scientist have been wrong more times than right.

Hell, the local weather man can't be accurate more than half the damn time. SMH
Its not as though its only Texasss. The storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods - its happening all over the world. And, with every example of unprecedented "weather", the deniers come out with the same venom and willful ignorance.

We are standing hip deep in gasoline and the deniers are collecting matches.
Its not as though its only Texasss. The storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods - its happening all over the world. And, with every example of unprecedented "weather", the deniers come out with the same venom and willful ignorance.

We are standing hip deep in gasoline and the deniers are collecting matches.

And the deniers in this thread have shown themselves to a coldhearted uncaring lot.
Its not as though its only Texasss. The storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods - its happening all over the world. And, with every example of unprecedented "weather", the deniers come out with the same venom and willful ignorance.

We are standing hip deep in gasoline and the deniers are collecting matches.

"storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods"

Has been happening for centuries so why do you think any of it is "unprecedented"?
Its not as though its only Texasss. The storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods - its happening all over the world. And, with every example of unprecedented "weather", the deniers come out with the same venom and willful ignorance.

We are standing hip deep in gasoline and the deniers are collecting matches.

And the deniers in this thread have shown themselves to a coldhearted uncaring lot.

Only a fool would equate compassion with pushing a political view.
Its not as though its only Texasss. The storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods - its happening all over the world. And, with every example of unprecedented "weather", the deniers come out with the same venom and willful ignorance.

We are standing hip deep in gasoline and the deniers are collecting matches.

"storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods"

Has been happening for centuries so why do you think any of it is "unprecedented"?

Do you own a dictionary?

Look up the word "unprecedented" -- then get back to us.

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