Texas is drowning in flood waters, President Obama act decisively (unlike W.)


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods
now that right there is one loyal cult member. they'll need to be reprogrammed once we get rid of that nasty person called, Obama.

too bad they don't understand how our STATES and Federals government WORK
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods

Well hell. Does the nut think Bush wouldn't have done the same? After all he was the Gov of Texas.

Any POTUS would have done the same. Nice to see Obama can do the right thing every once in a while.
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods
17,237 Presidential decisions in 7 years........And this brings his total of correct ones to three!

Way to go Mr. President!
Our problem was Blanco and Nagin, not Bush. You'd better familiarize yourself with how things work... the Feds can't just jump in.
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods

Again, leadership is nothing but code word for fascist in charge.
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods
Will it arrive as quickly as the arms to the Kurds?
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods
17,237 Presidential decisions in 7 years........And this brings his total of correct ones to three!

Way to go Mr. President!

no kidding, hey did you hear he killed bin Laden with his bare hands? :badgrin:
It's amazing what can get done with intelligence and reason in the WH.

Be nice to have some of that in Congress.
President Barack Obama spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday to offer his condolences to those affected by deadly floods that tore through parts of Texas.

Obama said he has directed Federal Emergency Management Agency resources to the area.

"I assured Governor Abbott that he could count on the help of the federal government," Obama said Tuesday following a meeting with NATO's secretary general. "We have FEMA personnel already on the ground. They are coordinating with Texas emergency management authorities and I will anticipate that there will be some significant requests made to Washington. My pledge to him is that we will expedite those requests."

See what a difference real leadership makes. He acts in the best interest of all citizens and not just the one's who voted for him.

Obama Promises Quick Federal Aid For Texas Areas Affected By Floods

Sigh, I still see you are pumping your so called compassion for those who are suffering. What a crock to compare Katrina to a flash flood. Besides Obama's response to New England was NOT that great.

But let us review the facts. Katrina made land fall on the 29th this is what Bush did the 28th, true leadership in accordance with your criteria. I realize that the left has rewritten history many times, kudo to the left, I just don't understand how anyone buys their BS any more.


Friday, August 26

Office of the Governor]

GULF COAST STATES REQUEST TROOP ASSISTANCE FROM PENTAGON: At a 9/1 press conference, Lt. Gen. Russel Honor©, commander, Joint Task Force Katrina, said that the Gulf States began the process of requesting additional forces on Friday, 8/26. [DOD]

[paste:font size="5"]Office of the Governor]


GOV. BLANCO ASKS BUSH TO DECLARE FEDERAL STATE OF EMERGENCY IN LOUISIANA: “I have determined that this incident is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster.” [Office of the Governor]

FEDERAL EMERGENCY DECLARED, DHS AND FEMA GIVEN FULL AUTHORITY TO RESPOND TO KATRINA: “Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency.” [White House]
now that right there is one loyal cult member. they'll need to be reprogrammed once we get rid of that nasty person called, Obama.

too bad they don't understand how our STATES and Federals government WORK

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President Bush and his administration acted on every request by the all the Governors of the affected states.

One only has to look at how all the other Governors and local governments responded in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi and compare to the keystone cops Blanco and Nagin to determine where the problems lay with the response in Louisiana.

The OP is fucked up.

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