Texas law forces businesses to say things against their will. Will the SCOTUS take up the case?

If I post the sky is blue and the platform wants to call that disinformation, then they are in the wrong.

But if you say that vaccines cause you to grow antenna and implant a micro chip inside you to be tracked like a dog, that's your god given right, yes? So freedom of speech for you, and to hell with them.

THEY ALSO are not being forced to say anything they don't want to. They are simply being told that they cannot stop others from speaking their minds, as well.

A company is under no obligation to provide you with an avenue to publishing your own content.

Meanwhile, we have a governor in New York Demanding that social companies take down speech she doesn't like, which is wholly against the US Consitution.

Yeah, that sounds very unconstitutional. It's worth creating a thread about. So go do that and stay on topic here, please. Unconstitutional acts in New York do not justify unconstitutional acts in Texas.
Ah, Texas. Land of small government. Land of minimal business regulation. But don't let that stop you from an opportunity to own the libs. In that case, become the land of telling companies that they have to publish content they don't want to publish.

What makes this mess worse is that the appeals court actually endorsed it!

Marchese said the law would force social media companies to disseminate “foreign propaganda, pornography, pro-Nazi speech, and spam.”

Tech groups ask Justice Alito to stay Texas social media law

So they want their cake and eat it too? They already have no problem publishing foreign propaganda and porn, they want to exercise editorial control over just people they happen to disagree with. Fine, if they want to play editors, then Section 302 has to go away, so they can be sued just like any organization that exercises editorial control.

So they want their cake and eat it too? They already have no problem publishing foreign propaganda and porn, they want to exercise editorial control over just people they happen to disagree with.

That's called freedom of speech. Why do you have a problem with freedom of speech?
Yep, and many of the true things those commies black listed were free speech as well. As it stands now they are exempt from accountability. Why do you hate free speech?

The problem with you liberals is you always think somebody owes you the things you want. Nobody owes you anything. You want to publish something on a website, it's not anybody's responsibility to put your content on their website. If they let you, fine. If they don't let you, too bad. Buck up, sissy pants. If you don't like the way they run THEIR company, you can go get your own website and publish your content there.
The problem with you liberals is you always think somebody owes you the things you want. Nobody owes you anything. You want to publish something on a website, it's not anybody's responsibility to put your content on their website. If they let you, fine. If they don't let you, too bad. Buck up, sissy pants. If you don't like the way they run THEIR company, you can go get your own website and publish your content there.

So you're as senile as xiden. GOT IT!

Actually government censorship is unconstitutional. And private entities acting at the governments behest is not an excuse.

Cool story. None of that is happening here, but I'll keep that in mind for future threads.
So when commiesaki said the administration was reporting posts they disagreed with to social media, they were lying?

You're off topic. This is about a state law in Texas that forces private companies to engage in speech they don't want to.
You're off topic. This is about a state law in Texas that forces private companies to engage in speech they don't want to.

Yeah, the TX law is aimed at social media companies that are acting as quasigovernment agencies to censor opinions the government doesn't like. BTW don't think your dodging the question I asked went unnoticed.


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