Texas Lawmakers Proposing TEXIT due to so much Leftist Goose-Stepping

Only a fucking fool will think Texas will secede. The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue.

Since you hate the United States so badly, why not pack a bag and get the fuck out of the US. Mexico is due south.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Liberals need Texas money. Liberals will fight tooth and nail to keep Texas. Ever think about how much Oil pays for things Liberals need?
The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue.

I think you mean brown to black, (and jewish). This would be a fun approach assuming the US could ever have legit elections in the future. Do not indicate whether or not a candidate is republican or democrat. Just have the name and box to check. That would confuse the fuck out of 90% of the "blue" voters. :laugh:
My sister is a nut job. She said she’d be all for Texas leaving except she was worried that she’d lose Social Security. All the talk of Texit is just a lot of theater. When reality hits, it’ll just fade away.
Only a fucking fool will think Texas will secede. The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue.

Since you hate the United States so badly, why not pack a bag and get the fuck out of the US. Mexico is due south.
A lot Democrat Voters are angry bigots.
The Democrat Party seems to attract the worst cretin of our society.
It is a huge turn-off for mainstream voters.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Texas will always be a state in the United States...unfortunately.

But yes...you are definitely gone.

Why unfortunately?

Because of idiots like the OP you shouldn’t judge all of Texas in the same manner and in fact Texas is a fine State to live in...

Also if you subtract Texas you lose a major supplier in agriculture, energy and one of the biggest international sea ports in the World, so let be clear the U.S. need Texas as much as Texas need the U.S. ...

As for the OP stupidity, well they still believe the U.S. Army invaded Germany for a Dominion Server, so they will believe anything that fit their mentally ill way of thinking!
Only a fucking fool will think Texas will secede. The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue.

Since you hate the United States so badly, why not pack a bag and get the fuck out of the US. Mexico is due south.

The Texas neocons seem to be quite frazzled.
The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue.

I think you mean brown to black, (and jewish). This would be a fun approach assuming the US could ever have legit elections in the future. Do not indicate whether or not a candidate is republican or democrat. Just have the name and box to check. That would confuse the fuck out of 90% of the "blue" voters. :laugh:

This thread is hysterically funny.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Liberals need Texas money. Liberals will fight tooth and nail to keep Texas. Ever think about how much Oil pays for things Liberals need?

Oh stop.. Texans aren't as dumb as you are making them out to be.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Again, for those who can't/won't read:

"Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient."


Yup and it is the Republic of Texas. Self sufficient to the max. Good luck to them if they go.

However, the newly formed Texas Republic was unable to defend itself from further incursions by Mexican troops, and eventually negotiated with the U.S. to join the union in 1845. Date of Statehood ...
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


View attachment 442030
Don't make promises you won't keep.

Help us make it happen.

OK here's an idea.

YOU secede. Then wait for the resta Texas. They'll be along "directly".
The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue.

I think you mean brown to black, (and jewish). This would be a fun approach assuming the US could ever have legit elections in the future. Do not indicate whether or not a candidate is republican or democrat. Just have the name and box to check. That would confuse the fuck out of 90% of the "blue" voters. :laugh:
I wonder what happened this election cycle.


Starr county has been blue since the 1800s. It went 60% in favor of Trump.

Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


View attachment 442030

Texas will always be a state in the United States...unfortunately.

But yes...you are definitely gone.

Why unfortunately?

Because of idiots like the OP you shouldn’t judge all of Texas in the same manner and in fact Texas is a fine State to live in...

Also if you subtract Texas you lose a major supplier in agriculture, energy and one of the biggest international sea ports in the World, so let be clear the U.S. need Texas as much as Texas need the U.S. ...

As for the OP stupidity, well they still believe the U.S. Army invaded Germany for a Dominion Server, so they will believe anything that fit their mentally ill way of thinking!
I lived there for decades...

If God was giving the world an enema...he'd stick the nozzle in Texas.
The more likely scenario is that Regime Xiden will confess that Texas broke away from Mexico illegally and give it back. What the hell, it didn't vote for him so what loss?
We'll certainly be a lot thinner since we don't grow much food here. When you have to trade oil for food, you basically lose the oil revenue.
. The problem is the demographics are ever-changing from red to purple and soon blue
This can well be true for Texas. The demographic there isn't in favor for the conservatives. If the Republicans ever lose Texas, then it is game over for them for generations to come.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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I've already called and emailed his office telling him to move forward with this. The tyrannical US govt can rot.

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