Texas: Mohammed Moghaddam takes hostages & fires shot at Walmart....SWAT kills him


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
SWAT team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say | Fox News

Another peaceful Muslim.

Mohammed Moghaddam went into a WalMart where he worked....fires a few shots and takes the employees hostage. SWAT team quickly arrives and kills him.

They quickly called this "workplace violence". And...maybe it was. Or...maybe the Feds are so busy already....they can't handle another Muslim terror incident for a while.

They say he was mad about not being promoted. Angry. Sound familiar? Maybe he was a shitty employee.....maybe he should've been fired...but wasnt...because...well...sound familiar?
SWAT team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say | Fox News

Another peaceful Muslim.

Mohammed Moghaddam went into a WalMart where he worked....fires a few shots and takes the employees hostage. SWAT team quickly arrives and kills him.

They quickly called this "workplace violence". And...maybe it was. Or...maybe the Feds are so busy already....they can't handle another Muslim terror incident for a while.

They say he was mad about not being promoted. Angry. Sound familiar? Maybe he was a shitty employee.....maybe he should've been fired...but wasnt...because...well...sound familiar?
'Workplace violence" sounds like it's similar to raiding someone's garden… there can't be any teeth to a charge like it.
Workplace violence is a politically correct term from a cowardly fucking piece of shit Commander and chief…
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Ramadan is always a deadly month as they carry out murderous rampages after bowing down on their little magic carpets.
SWAT team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say | Fox News

Another peaceful Muslim.

Mohammed Moghaddam went into a WalMart where he worked....fires a few shots and takes the employees hostage. SWAT team quickly arrives and kills him.

They quickly called this "workplace violence". And...maybe it was. Or...maybe the Feds are so busy already....they can't handle another Muslim terror incident for a while.

They say he was mad about not being promoted. Angry. Sound familiar? Maybe he was a shitty employee.....maybe he should've been fired...but wasnt...because...well...sound familiar?

And regressives make fun of people who pack heat at WalMart. Ya just never know what will happen there, inside or in the parking lot.

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