Texas Open-Carry, Boys and their Deadly Toys.

Again, the truth and reality show that women can stop violent rape the best, by using a gun......more than one study shows this...and there is a prison study that interviews prisoners that show they don't attack women they think are armed...trying to find that one....


A New Way to Resist Rape

*Dr. P.K.Chakraborty, **Dr. U.B. Roy Chaudhary, ***Dr. T.K.Bos *Asstt. Prof., Department of FSM. Medical College, Kolkata 700073. W.B. **Assoc. Prof., Department of FSM. Medical College, Kolkata 700073. W.B. ***Prof & Head, Department of FSM. Medical College, Kolkata 700073. W.B.

Women who used knives or guns in self-defence were raped less than 1% of the time. Defensive use of edged or projectile weapons reduced the rate of injury to statistical insignificance[7].

While many of these strategies are very successful by themselves, combinations e.g, shouting and fighting or shouting, fighting and running further increase the chances of avoiding rape.

In one study, one third of the 365 women who encountered sexual assault did successfully avoid sexual contact by offering resistance[8].

Keep in mind your answer also kills women:
Woman kills herself trying to adjust her bra holster New York Post

Yes...my actual research showing guns are the most effective way to stop rape shows you are wrong....now the typical lefty gun grabber tactic.....throw in an accidental gun death.....but sadly for you...I know the stats on that as well...which again show how silly you are...

Population of U.S. 320 million
Number of guns over 320 million
Number of homes with guns....90 million
Number of people carrying guns for self defense....over 11.1 million

Accidental gun deaths in 2013......505

so over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense based on permits....and it is over that number because many states do not require government paperwork to carry guns....

over 11.1 million people carrying guns for protection

Accidental gun deaths 505

Your point is stupid brain......
And that's 505 more than most countries.

And that's 505 more than most countries

Out of 11.1 million people carrying guns....really? That is all you have....and that is going down as more people own and carry guns..........according to CDC stats...accidental gun murder and accidental gun deaths are going down, not up.....

It is going down as ownership goes down. 500 dead people is a lot. That's your whole family and all your friends. Most everyone you have ever known. And that's yearly. Can you name 500 friends?

Can you name all the victims who stopped crime with guns.....they are a lot more than 505 ........the average number of defensive gun uses each year...2 million....can you do that math...

2 million vs. 505...which is bigger?
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

Yes...my actual research showing guns are the most effective way to stop rape shows you are wrong....now the typical lefty gun grabber tactic.....throw in an accidental gun death.....but sadly for you...I know the stats on that as well...which again show how silly you are...

Population of U.S. 320 million
Number of guns over 320 million
Number of homes with guns....90 million
Number of people carrying guns for self defense....over 11.1 million

Accidental gun deaths in 2013......505

so over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense based on permits....and it is over that number because many states do not require government paperwork to carry guns....

over 11.1 million people carrying guns for protection

Accidental gun deaths 505

Your point is stupid brain......
And that's 505 more than most countries.

And that's 505 more than most countries

Out of 11.1 million people carrying guns....really? That is all you have....and that is going down as more people own and carry guns..........according to CDC stats...accidental gun murder and accidental gun deaths are going down, not up.....

It is going down as ownership goes down. 500 dead people is a lot. That's your whole family and all your friends. Most everyone you have ever known. And that's yearly. Can you name 500 friends?

Can you name all the victims who stopped crime with guns.....they are a lot more than 505 ........the average number of defensive gun uses each year...2 million....can you do that math...

2 million vs. 505...which is bigger?

2 million is also imaginary. There is no stat for that. In fact all the stats are very counter to that. Like only 230 criminals shot and killed in defense. Oh and 11 gun studies say it is less than 2 million.
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.
I'm not dictating anything. I am simply calling out all the immature jerks who, now that they can no longer show their manhood by buying a Hummer, wear a phallic symbol on their hip, instead.
Seems like you are the immature one here, believing your sensibilities and preferences come before the liberties of others.

If you don't like open carrying in private places of business, don't do so. And if it really bothers you when others do so, than take your business elsewhere, it is pretty simple. You don't need to introduce the State to impose your personal preferences on others.

...as if I can take my business elsewhere in AZ, which allows open carry for everyone without a license. Speaking of which, AZ will still issue a concealed carry license if you want one, but it is such a joke, with virtually no training or knowledge required, that even Nevada no longer recognizes it in their state.

But, if you feel that your liberties are in danger because you might need your handgun back in the dairy aisle at Safeway, by all means, macho up, swagger back there, and boldly pick up the largest container of yogurt that they sell there! The Duke would be proud of ya!

Tell that to the people who were killed at Gabbys talkfest. All it would have taken is one CCW holder, in the audience, and the assault would have been terminated after one magazine was fired.

But no, you can never think that far.

It was stopped after one magazine and by unarmed people.

The gabby giffords shooter was stopped by pure dumb luck on the part of the unarmed people involved....if they hadn't been lucky though there were at least 2 concealed carriers there who were ready to stop the guy.....

...but, of course, they did not.....
My 10 year old grandson was kicked in the leg and punched out on the playground last month. It never would have happened if he had been armed.
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.

Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.


Oh really? Name calling now?

Yes you post the same thing over and over because you can't counter what I'm saying.

Everything I post shows how foolish and silly you are brain...I site actual research you site fantasy.....and dismiss actual numbers from actual researchers many of them who started out as gun grabbers......like Wright and Rossi, both gun grabbers...who had their minds changed by the actual research into the topic.......
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.


Says the guy too scared to go anywhere without a gun...

Yes you post the same thing over and over because you can't counter what I'm saying.

Everything I post shows how foolish and silly you are brain...I site actual research you site fantasy.....and dismiss actual numbers from actual researchers many of them who started out as gun grabbers......like Wright and Rossi, both gun grabbers...who had their minds changed by the actual research into the topic.......

No I post actual real world statistics and you post fantasy.
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.


Says the guy too scared to go anywhere without a gun...

Says the guy who wants women raped rather than allowing them to stop the rape with a gun....

Yes you post the same thing over and over because you can't counter what I'm saying.

Everything I post shows how foolish and silly you are brain...I site actual research you site fantasy.....and dismiss actual numbers from actual researchers many of them who started out as gun grabbers......like Wright and Rossi, both gun grabbers...who had their minds changed by the actual research into the topic.......

No I post actual real world statistics and you post fantasy.

Yeah.....the research I site is the fantasy......you are really silly brain....I have 16 studies on gun self defense, and 29 on concealed carry that I can actually link to, and several studies on guns stopping rape......you make up your numbers...
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.


Says the guy too scared to go anywhere without a gun...

Says the guy who wants women raped rather than allowing them to stop the rape with a gun....

And again I have never called for banning guns. Sorry you don't like the facts, but the fact is the vast majority of rapes aren't defendable with a gun. And also suggesting a gun is dangerous as woman accidently get shot and killed. You ever think someone has died because you suggested they get a gun?
Brain, I have to move on.....I have shown you to be wrong enough for today...I'll show that you are wrong again later in the week....

I have shown that first most rapes aren't even defendable. And I have also shown that carrying is dangerous to the woman.

I have shown that at the giffords shooting the shooter was stopped by unarmed heroes. The person with a gun stopped the wrong person. And magazine limits would have saved lives.

You have just posted a bunch of fantasy.


Says the guy too scared to go anywhere without a gun...

Says the guy who wants women raped rather than allowing them to stop the rape with a gun....
Guns don't stop rape. We have tons of guns, and rape.

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