Texas Open-Carry, Boys and their Deadly Toys.

No....you made the point...smugly, that guns are why our suicide rate is high and if we got rid of guns our suicide rate would go down...you argument.......

This did not prove true in Australia, which also banned guns.......

Trends in hanging and firearm suicide rates in Australia substitution of method - PubMed - NCBI

When the firearm suicide rate for Australian males declined the hanging rate increased simultaneously, with no statistical difference in the rate of change of the two methods.
When you can show us the data, I'll look at it.

In the meantime: Gun ownership causes higher suicide rates study shows.

I showed you actual suicide data from around the world....countries with no guns, and countries with guns and no suicide culture, and countries that banned their guns and the suicide rate went up, or stayed the same...

You are wrong....and now have to shift your argument.....

Guns are not the problem...mental health is the problem...something you lefties suffer from.....
I have never spoken of suicide in general, or of suicide anywhere but here, or of suicide by any method other than firearms. All the rest you've brought up, which is not part of this conversion, helps you not at all.

Yes...you are wrong about guns and suicide as shown by statistics from around the world and now you are more pissy because you are wrong.....
No, I'm not wrong because you are presenting oranges to my apples, which you can't argue against so you are chasing your tail on suicides by self immolation no less.

You are wrong and the stats show you are wrong......so try to change the argument....
The will of the people is for much stricter gun control, and we've been blocked from having it for decades.

Actually, you are wrong, again....latest surveys show people support 2nd Amendment rights......
Surveys also show they support background checks and limits on large capacity magazines

Surveys also show they support background checks and limits on large capacity magazines

Nice try but you are wrong....they support those things when you ask people who don't know what those mean....and that they don't do anything to stop crime with guns....ask them real questions on those stupid laws and let's see what they answer.....

Or...you could ask Baltimore if those things work...they have universal background checks, even at gun shows, no gun show loophole, and 10 round magazine limits....are they workig there?
Case in point, the people don't get what they want, when it comes to gun control.

Yes they do....people want to be able to defend themselves.......not everyone can afford private security like the leaders of the anti gun movement.....
Guns aren't for defense, they're for killing things, very often people.
Oh...the gun grabbers aren't organized...since when....they have bloomberg and all the other anti gunners in hollywood, and the press working for them, they have far more methods of spreading their anti gun message than the pro 2nd Amendment people have and they are still losing.....
Yes, but they do not have the NRA, the gun manufactures, and the American wild west mentality and ethos. Add in a country that just loves to go to war and Sam Houston we have a problem eh?

No...they have hollywood, the have 80-90% of journalists, they have dozens of anti gun groups both directly anti gun like Moms demand action and Everytown and then all the other liberal groups who give money to ban guns, the Trial Lawyers, the AMA, and dozens of other groups......and they have hollywood making movies and television shows with anti gun messages......not to forget all the government agencies that are anti gun, the CDC, the ATF, and all the other tax payer funded agencies....

The NRA doesn't even come close to the saturation level the anti gunners have....
The NRA owns Congress. Little else matters.

No. The American people have seen the need for guns despite the money and propaganda saturation against guns and the NRA...and you hate that....all you gun grabbers hate that fact....
I hate the damage done in America because of the American love for deadly toys. Eerything follows from that.

So I take it you supported "Stop and frisk" policing and were upset when that was done away with in NYC by Mayor DeBlasio?
When you can show us the data, I'll look at it.

In the meantime: Gun ownership causes higher suicide rates study shows.

I showed you actual suicide data from around the world....countries with no guns, and countries with guns and no suicide culture, and countries that banned their guns and the suicide rate went up, or stayed the same...

You are wrong....and now have to shift your argument.....

Guns are not the problem...mental health is the problem...something you lefties suffer from.....
I have never spoken of suicide in general, or of suicide anywhere but here, or of suicide by any method other than firearms. All the rest you've brought up, which is not part of this conversion, helps you not at all.

Yes...you are wrong about guns and suicide as shown by statistics from around the world and now you are more pissy because you are wrong.....
No, I'm not wrong because you are presenting oranges to my apples, which you can't argue against so you are chasing your tail on suicides by self immolation no less.

You are wrong and the stats show you are wrong......so try to change the argument....
My argument has never changed. You are simply presenting anything you can get your hands on.
List of organizations and individuals who support gun control...vs...The NRA and the SEcond Amendment Foundation....

It isn't even close...

NRA Releases List Of Celebrities Organizations That Support Gun Control

Ambulatory Pediatric Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Civil Liberties Union
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Medical Women`s Association
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Association
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Trauma Society
American Federation of Teachers
American Association of School Administrators
American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities
American Medical Association
American Bar Association
American Counseling Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for World Health
American Ethical Union
American Nurses Association
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Firearms Association
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Jewish Committee
American Trauma Society
American Psychological Association
American Jewish Congress
American Public Health Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-Defamation League
Black Mental Health Alliance
B`nai B`rith
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children`s Defense Fund
Church of the Brethren
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
College Democrats of America
Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace
Common Cause
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Consumer Federation of America
Council of the Great City Schools
Council of Chief State School Officers
Dehere Foundation
Disarm Educational Fund
Environmental Action Foundation
Episcopal Church-Washington Office
Florence and John Shumann Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
General Federation of Women`s Clubs
George Gund Fun
Gray Panthers
H.M. Strong Foundation
Harris Foundation
Hechinger Foundation
Interfaith Neighbors
Int`l Ladies` Garment Workers` Union
Int`l Association of Educators for World Peace
Jewish Labor Committee
Joyce Foundation
Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
League of Women Voters of the United States*
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Manhattan Project II
Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office
National Safe Kids Campaign
National Association of Police Organizations
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Black Nurses` Association
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Network for Youth
National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare Organizations
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Counties*
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners
National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
National Education Association
National Association of Elementary School Principals*
National Association of Public Hospitals
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of Social Workers
National Association of Children`s Hospitals and Related Institutions
National Association of School Psychologists
National Council of La Raza
National Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth
National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Council of Negro Women
National Association of Community Health Centers
National People`s Action
National Education Association*
National League of Cities
National Council on Family Relations
National Council of Jewish Women
National Organization for Women
National Political Congress of Black Women
National Parks and Conservation Association
National Peace Foundation
National Urban League, Inc.
National Parent, Teachers Association*
National Urban Coalition
National SAFE KIDS Campaign
National Organization on Disability
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Ortenberg Foundation
Peace Action
People for the American Way
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Police Foundation
Project on Demilitarization and Democracy
Public Citizen
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The Council of the Great City Schools
The Synergetic Society
20/20 Vision
U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United States Catholic Conference
United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society
United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society*
United States Conference of Mayors
War and Peace Foundation
Women Strike for Peace
Women`s National Democratic Club
Women`s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Women`s Int`l League for Peace and Freedom
World Spiritual Assembly, Inc.
YWCA of the U.S.A.
Yes, but they do not have the NRA, the gun manufactures, and the American wild west mentality and ethos. Add in a country that just loves to go to war and Sam Houston we have a problem eh?

No...they have hollywood, the have 80-90% of journalists, they have dozens of anti gun groups both directly anti gun like Moms demand action and Everytown and then all the other liberal groups who give money to ban guns, the Trial Lawyers, the AMA, and dozens of other groups......and they have hollywood making movies and television shows with anti gun messages......not to forget all the government agencies that are anti gun, the CDC, the ATF, and all the other tax payer funded agencies....

The NRA doesn't even come close to the saturation level the anti gunners have....
The NRA owns Congress. Little else matters.

No. The American people have seen the need for guns despite the money and propaganda saturation against guns and the NRA...and you hate that....all you gun grabbers hate that fact....
I hate the damage done in America because of the American love for deadly toys. Eerything follows from that.

So I take it you supported "Stop and frisk" policing and were upset when that was done away with in NYC by Mayor DeBlasio?
Stop and Frisk? Sure, as long as that's for everyone. You good with that, or just when it's those young *******?
And did you want to take a crack at explaining why some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation that are in place in Illinois haven't done a thing to lessen gun deaths in Chicago?
No...they have hollywood, the have 80-90% of journalists, they have dozens of anti gun groups both directly anti gun like Moms demand action and Everytown and then all the other liberal groups who give money to ban guns, the Trial Lawyers, the AMA, and dozens of other groups......and they have hollywood making movies and television shows with anti gun messages......not to forget all the government agencies that are anti gun, the CDC, the ATF, and all the other tax payer funded agencies....

The NRA doesn't even come close to the saturation level the anti gunners have....
The NRA owns Congress. Little else matters.

No. The American people have seen the need for guns despite the money and propaganda saturation against guns and the NRA...and you hate that....all you gun grabbers hate that fact....
I hate the damage done in America because of the American love for deadly toys. Eerything follows from that.

So I take it you supported "Stop and frisk" policing and were upset when that was done away with in NYC by Mayor DeBlasio?
Stop and Frisk? Sure, as long as that's for everyone. You good with that, or just when it's those young *******?

I suppose we could have our police waste their time frisking 90 year old retirees on walkers, Paint...just to satisfy your need for political correctness.
And did you want to take a crack at explaining why some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation that are in place in Illinois haven't done a thing to lessen gun deaths in Chicago?
Have they taken all the guns away? Is everyone busy off at work or college? Strict gun control works, we just don't have it here, anywhere.
The NRA owns Congress. Little else matters.

No. The American people have seen the need for guns despite the money and propaganda saturation against guns and the NRA...and you hate that....all you gun grabbers hate that fact....
I hate the damage done in America because of the American love for deadly toys. Eerything follows from that.

So I take it you supported "Stop and frisk" policing and were upset when that was done away with in NYC by Mayor DeBlasio?
Stop and Frisk? Sure, as long as that's for everyone. You good with that, or just when it's those young *******?

I suppose we could have our police waste their time frisking 90 year old retirees on walkers, Paint...just to satisfy your need for political correctness.
Good. Equality eh, try it sometime.
Forty four states allow open carry --- so, now it's forty five. Sounds like the will of the people to me.
The will of the people is for much stricter gun control, and we've been blocked from having it for decades.

Actually, you are wrong, again....latest surveys show people support 2nd Amendment rights......
Surveys also show they support background checks and limits on large capacity magazines

Surveys also show they support background checks and limits on large capacity magazines

Nice try but you are wrong....they support those things when you ask people who don't know what those mean....and that they don't do anything to stop crime with guns....ask them real questions on those stupid laws and let's see what they answer.....

Or...you could ask Baltimore if those things work...they have universal background checks, even at gun shows, no gun show loophole, and 10 round magazine limits....are they workig there?

Is that all you have to fall back on?
People are too stupid to know better?

Gun laws prevent murders around the world. Only gun loving America does not know better
List of organizations and individuals who support gun control...vs...The NRA and the SEcond Amendment Foundation....

It isn't even close...

NRA Releases List Of Celebrities Organizations That Support Gun Control

Ambulatory Pediatric Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Civil Liberties Union
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Medical Women`s Association
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Association
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Trauma Society
American Federation of Teachers
American Association of School Administrators
American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities
American Medical Association
American Bar Association
American Counseling Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for World Health
American Ethical Union
American Nurses Association
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Firearms Association
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Jewish Committee
American Trauma Society
American Psychological Association
American Jewish Congress
American Public Health Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-Defamation League
Black Mental Health Alliance
B`nai B`rith
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children`s Defense Fund
Church of the Brethren
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
College Democrats of America
Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace
Common Cause
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Consumer Federation of America
Council of the Great City Schools
Council of Chief State School Officers
Dehere Foundation
Disarm Educational Fund
Environmental Action Foundation
Episcopal Church-Washington Office
Florence and John Shumann Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
General Federation of Women`s Clubs
George Gund Fun
Gray Panthers
H.M. Strong Foundation
Harris Foundation
Hechinger Foundation
Interfaith Neighbors
Int`l Ladies` Garment Workers` Union
Int`l Association of Educators for World Peace
Jewish Labor Committee
Joyce Foundation
Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
League of Women Voters of the United States*
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Manhattan Project II
Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office
National Safe Kids Campaign
National Association of Police Organizations
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Black Nurses` Association
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Network for Youth
National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare Organizations
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Counties*
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners
National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
National Education Association
National Association of Elementary School Principals*
National Association of Public Hospitals
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of Social Workers
National Association of Children`s Hospitals and Related Institutions
National Association of School Psychologists
National Council of La Raza
National Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth
National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Council of Negro Women
National Association of Community Health Centers
National People`s Action
National Education Association*
National League of Cities
National Council on Family Relations
National Council of Jewish Women
National Organization for Women
National Political Congress of Black Women
National Parks and Conservation Association
National Peace Foundation
National Urban League, Inc.
National Parent, Teachers Association*
National Urban Coalition
National SAFE KIDS Campaign
National Organization on Disability
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Ortenberg Foundation
Peace Action
People for the American Way
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Police Foundation
Project on Demilitarization and Democracy
Public Citizen
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The Council of the Great City Schools
The Synergetic Society
20/20 Vision
U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United States Catholic Conference
United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society
United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society*
United States Conference of Mayors
War and Peace Foundation
Women Strike for Peace
Women`s National Democratic Club
Women`s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Women`s Int`l League for Peace and Freedom
World Spiritual Assembly, Inc.
YWCA of the U.S.A.
As I said, not organized. The NRA even tracks them and that must take some effort but they can afford the staff to do so.
Forty four states allow open carry --- so, now it's forty five. Sounds like the will of the people to me.
The will of the people is for much stricter gun control, and we've been blocked from having it for decades.

Actually, you are wrong, again....latest surveys show people support 2nd Amendment rights......
Surveys also show they support background checks and limits on large capacity magazines

Surveys also show they support background checks and limits on large capacity magazines

Nice try but you are wrong....they support those things when you ask people who don't know what those mean....and that they don't do anything to stop crime with guns....ask them real questions on those stupid laws and let's see what they answer.....

Or...you could ask Baltimore if those things work...they have universal background checks, even at gun shows, no gun show loophole, and 10 round magazine limits....are they workig there?

Is that all you have to fall back on?
People are too stupid to know better?

No...they aren't asked questions that are truthful and most people are not informed on the issue...that isn't stupid that is simply being uninformed.....they don't know that background checks don't stop crime or mass shootings and that magazine limits also do nothing to stop crime or mass shootings...ask the people in Chicago and Baltimore and Washington D.C.
And did you want to take a crack at explaining why some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation that are in place in Illinois haven't done a thing to lessen gun deaths in Chicago?
Have they taken all the guns away? Is everyone busy off at work or college? Strict gun control works, we just don't have it here, anywhere.

Since Illinois already HAS strict gun control laws...and dozens of gun deaths took place there this past week then OBVIOUSLY it isn't working!

As for "equality"? What's sad is that the people that gain the most from stop and frisk policing are the thugs themselves. When they can't risk walking around carrying a weapon because they know the police are apt to find it and arrest them...they're MUCH less likely to shoot each other! Duh?

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