Texas Republican Lawmaker Arrested For Bringing A Gun To An Airport

What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.
You know....................every time I've ever traveled, or every time I've gone hunting, I knew EXACTLY what I had on hand, as well as knew exactly how many rounds I had.

But then again....................I guess it's because I pay attention to what I'm doing. If I have a knife, I know what size it is, as well as what it can do. If I have a gun, I know exactly how many rounds I have, as well as know what the capabilities of that weapon are.

But then again.....................I was taught to be a responsible hunter, as well as a responsible military man serving in the Security Force.

I guess civilians who get elected to office because the far right wingers support them with lots of corporate cash don't, because they think they're above the law.

I remember going hunting with my family and only being allowed 3 rounds in my gun. If I missed and shot those 3 rounds off without hitting anything? It was usually a 1 to 2 mile hike to pick up more ammo.

Never had the luxury of having 15 to 100 rounds for my rifle, nor did I have the luxury of not knowing what I was carrying, because when you're hiking up and down mountains, every pound of gear counts.
Good for the lawyer's 'civil disobedience' even if he didn't mean it. Why should he not protect himself against potential dangers? This is only a big deal cos Big Brother says its a big deal. They don't want any minions daring to be life affirming individuals.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

If that's the case he is an irresponsible gun owner. How do you forget where your gun is?


What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

Forgetting where you guns are is not good gun control. Really no offense but forgetting where your hand gun is about the lamest excuses I can imagine. That said I think we can understand forgetting stuff but this is too important in my opinion. If he didn't know he had it, and guns do weigh a bit then he wouldn't know if it were stolen and used for crimes. He should pay a stiff fine to set an example for people who "can't remember where their guns maybe." And I am not talking about in your house but stepping up to a metal detector with a gun? Come on gun owners need to show real gun control.
One, too many carry conceal folks, etc., forget where are their guns.

Two, fine them when they take the guns into forbidden places.

Three, suspend their carry conceal permits on first offense for six months and permanently on any further offense.

Moral: friends don't let friends forget where are their guns.
Let's hope he gets treated the same as you or I would be treated if we had done the same. But I'm not that hopeful.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

It "happens to people all the time" trying to bring a gun into an airport? That is something only a complete moron and irresponsible person would do that should be no where near guns.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

If you are a responsible gun owner, you would know where your gun is at all times. Keep them secured and safe from others.

All for freedom and the 2nd amendment, I think an elected official should be more aware.

Felony? No, a huge fine...Yes!



The law said he couldn't have the gun at the airport.

But more gun laws will keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them, right?

Just admit that what you want will have no effect on criminals. We both know it won't.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Ignorance is no excuse, particularly with regard to firearms.

A responsible gun owner will not only know the location of all of his firearms, but their condition, that they’re unloaded, in a safe place, and secure from theft or access by children.

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

You’re clearly not a responsible gun owner – which of course comes as no surprise.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

This is great news...your irresponsible attitude about guns and where you keep them. And oh yeah, heading for the airport and just FORGOT we had a gun in our pants or briefcase. Geeeee.....

Maybe a kid will get a hold of one of them and you will realize just how stupid you are. I'm getting tired of telling you, that's for sure.

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