Texas Republican Lawmaker Arrested For Bringing A Gun To An Airport

What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

The anti-gun scumbags never cease to amaze me.

Prior to 1965 Americans could carry their firearms on board, there was NEVER a problem. I wonder if the 09/11 terrorists would have hijacked the airplanes knowing that they were going to die way before they could kamikaze the planes into the buildings.


Of course, they would not.
However, shooting in the airplane is deadly.

since the amount of mental instability increases, availability of firearms on board should be restricted.
However, arresting somebody because he forgot to leave his legally permitted to carry gun is an example of the govenment idiocy on steroids.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

The anti-gun scumbags never cease to amaze me.

Prior to 1965 Americans could carry their firearms on board, there was NEVER a problem. I wonder if the 09/11 terrorists would have hijacked the airplanes knowing that they were going to die way before they could kamikaze the planes into the buildings.


Of course, they would not.
However, shooting in the airplane is deadly.

But crashing into a building is not?:cuckoo:

since the amount of mental instability increases, availability of firearms on board should be restricted.

The police finally released the information about Adam Lanza, the Newton Conn retard who shot those poor children.

According to the same the motherfucker simply wanted to copy the Columbine incident'

But according to you it is perfectly OK for the criminally insane to be armed in "GUN FREE ZONES", but I am not.

My bet is that the same thing would have happened. I go through security and metal/bomb detectors nearly every single day. Even when security is tight mistakes like this are recognized as happening. ....

Oh, please....You are calling this a mistake? The mistake was that this stupid asshole was elected in the first place.

I remember to wear clothing that has no metal, shoes that have no metal inner soles, no shampoo, regular toothpaste, hand lotion or any other "liquids" that exceed the regulations. I know I'm going to go stand in a revolving tube and have an x-ray of my body broadcast to a bunch of TSA clowns in the back room, and I wear no jewelry when I go to the airport several times a year. Bulky sweaters also invite the rubber-gloved grope so I only wear thin jackets.

If this guy just fucking forgot he had a gun on him????? Oh, I'm not even going to try to make idiots like you understand.....Go back to mopping floors at your county courthouse.

Gee!! Several times a year? You sound like a world traveler.
I'm sure you start packing a week in advance because it sounds like air travel is a big event in your life.
It's no surprise that the guy may have forgotten it was in his briefcase. Not condoning it,but it wouldnt surprise me.
When you travel a lot the odds go up that something like this will happen.

Maybe you should show the same concern for the millions who will no longer have health care because of obammy. Thats a way bigger threat to the general welfare of Americans then this will ever be.

You know.................a lot more people will forget they have guns in their luggage than will forget that they have health insurance under the ACA (also known as Obamacare).

And.................forgetting you have health insurance is a lot less on the damage scale than forgetting you have health insurance.

Sorry......................but if you can't remember where you have your weapons, you don't deserve to have them, because it shows you're an irresponsible gun owner and don't deserve to have them because you can't remember where they are.

Everyone remembers where their health care comes from, because they pay for it each month.

Interesting idea..................if you have a CCL and can carry a weapon, maybe you should be required to pay a monthly stipend (like you have to pay for car insurance), and maybe you should be required to know where your weapon is.

The 2nd Amendment said that you had the right to be armed, it didn't say that you had the right to be armed and stupid by forgetting where your weapon is.
Oh, please....You are calling this a mistake? The mistake was that this stupid asshole was elected in the first place.

I remember to wear clothing that has no metal, shoes that have no metal inner soles, no shampoo, regular toothpaste, hand lotion or any other "liquids" that exceed the regulations. I know I'm going to go stand in a revolving tube and have an x-ray of my body broadcast to a bunch of TSA clowns in the back room, and I wear no jewelry when I go to the airport several times a year. Bulky sweaters also invite the rubber-gloved grope so I only wear thin jackets.

If this guy just fucking forgot he had a gun on him????? Oh, I'm not even going to try to make idiots like you understand.....Go back to mopping floors at your county courthouse.

Gee!! Several times a year? You sound like a world traveler.
I'm sure you start packing a week in advance because it sounds like air travel is a big event in your life.
It's no surprise that the guy may have forgotten it was in his briefcase. Not condoning it,but it wouldnt surprise me.
When you travel a lot the odds go up that something like this will happen.

Maybe you should show the same concern for the millions who will no longer have health care because of obammy. Thats a way bigger threat to the general welfare of Americans then this will ever be.

You know.................a lot more people will forget they have guns in their luggage than will forget that they have health insurance under the ACA (also known as Obamacare).

And.................forgetting you have health insurance is a lot less on the damage scale than forgetting you have health insurance.

Sorry......................but if you can't remember where you have your weapons, you don't deserve to have them, because it shows you're an irresponsible gun owner and don't deserve to have them because you can't remember where they are.

Everyone remembers where their health care comes from, because they pay for it each month.

Interesting idea..................if you have a CCL and can carry a weapon, maybe you should be required to pay a monthly stipend (like you have to pay for car insurance), and maybe you should be required to know where your weapon is.

The 2nd Amendment said that you had the right to be armed, it didn't say that you had the right to be armed and stupid by forgetting where your weapon is.

Total bullshit. If you do something enough you're going to make a mistake at some point. I dont care who you are.
I've seen a cop drop his weapon after tripping over a tree guy wire,and had I not called it to his attention he would have left it there. You hear about cops losing their weapons all the time. Shit happens,stop pretending you're perfect.

And stop babbling about obammy care...we all know it sucks. And it was no accident.
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

You have to be a complete moron to forget where your gun is. If you are that stupid or careless, you should not be allowed to have one. :cool:
What is wrong with these people? Good thing security caught him before he starting shooting up the place,..

Texas GOP Lawmaker Charged With Felony In Airport Gun Incident

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

You have to be a complete moron to forget where your gun is. If you are that stupid or careless, you should not be allowed to have one. :cool:

Then you would have to fire the majority of law enforcement.
You libs and your bonehead statements......:cuckoo:
The problem with you morons is you think a gun is like an 800 lb gorilla in the room.
If you walked into a room with a weapon in the corner you couldnt think of anything else in your state of terror.
To gun owners it not a big deal. Hell our own gov misplaced nuclear weapons we should fire all of em.
STFU and concern yourselves with something thats really dangerous....gov healthcare.
As far as the 2nd? Sure...........people DO have a right to keep and bear arms, but there are certain places (like courthouses and aircraft) where they don't belong except in the hands of trained law enforcement.

Again prior to 1965 we could carry them and there was NEVER a problem.

There were 4 (FOUR) airplanes hijacked on 09/11 . Where, oh, where were the Air Marshalls or "trained law enforcement"??!?!?!?!?!!?!?

You retards never cease to amaze me.

Why would he shoot up the place? This was just a case of forgetting where your gun was. Happens to people all the time. I have a ton of guns around the house and sometimes forget where a particular one is when rushing to go on last minute hunting trip. I'm sure the lawmaker will get a good lawyer, work a deal with the prosecutor and get the felony charge dropped. I'm glad the lawmaker took the time to get his CCP.

You have to be a complete moron to forget where your gun is. If you are that stupid or careless, you should not be allowed to have one. :cool:

Then you would have to fire the majority of law enforcement.
You libs and your bonehead statements......:cuckoo:
The problem with you morons is you think a gun is like an 800 lb gorilla in the room.
If you walked into a room with a weapon in the corner you couldnt think of anything else in your state of terror.
To gun owners it not a big deal. Hell our own gov misplaced nuclear weapons we should fire all of em.
STFU and concern yourselves with something thats really dangerous....gov healthcare.

You are just another idiot with no common sense at all who also should not be allowed to have a gun. If you think all law enforcement people, good ones, decent ones, ones with a brain, do not at all times know where their gun is, then you are a complete baboon. A crappy law enforcement person may not keep track of his/her gun, but anyone of them worth having as law enforcement knows where their gun is, always. Only idiots and baboons think it isn't necessary or important to keep track of the location of a firearm.
As far as the 2nd? Sure...........people DO have a right to keep and bear arms, but there are certain places (like courthouses and aircraft) where they don't belong except in the hands of trained law enforcement.

Again prior to 1965 we could carry them and there was NEVER a problem.

There were 4 (FOUR) airplanes hijacked on 09/11 . Where, oh, where were the Air Marshalls or "trained law enforcement"??!?!?!?!?!!?!?

You retards never cease to amaze me.


Yeah...................and until the 1980's, it was pretty easy to get a gun on an aircraft.

BTW...............here's a link...................I'll let you count and see which decade had the most hijackings.......................

List of aircraft hijackings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have to be a complete moron to forget where your gun is. If you are that stupid or careless, you should not be allowed to have one. :cool:

Then you would have to fire the majority of law enforcement.
You libs and your bonehead statements......:cuckoo:
The problem with you morons is you think a gun is like an 800 lb gorilla in the room.
If you walked into a room with a weapon in the corner you couldnt think of anything else in your state of terror.
To gun owners it not a big deal. Hell our own gov misplaced nuclear weapons we should fire all of em.
STFU and concern yourselves with something thats really dangerous....gov healthcare.

You are just another idiot with no common sense at all who also should not be allowed to have a gun. If you think all law enforcement people, good ones, decent ones, ones with a brain, do not at all times know where their gun is, then you are a complete baboon. A crappy law enforcement person may not keep track of his/her gun, but anyone of them worth having as law enforcement knows where their gun is, always. Only idiots and baboons think it isn't necessary or important to keep track of the location of a firearm.

Cops lose guns all the time. If you think otherwise you're crazy.
I watched a cop drop his gun in a front yard,and had I not called his attention to it he would have walked off and left it.
If you read the newspaper you cant miss hearing about cops losing their guns. They aren't infallible and neither are you,or me,or anyone else.
Do something long enough and your going to fuck up eventually. Thats a fact.
Then you would have to fire the majority of law enforcement.
You libs and your bonehead statements......:cuckoo:
The problem with you morons is you think a gun is like an 800 lb gorilla in the room.
If you walked into a room with a weapon in the corner you couldnt think of anything else in your state of terror.
To gun owners it not a big deal. Hell our own gov misplaced nuclear weapons we should fire all of em.
STFU and concern yourselves with something thats really dangerous....gov healthcare.

You are just another idiot with no common sense at all who also should not be allowed to have a gun. If you think all law enforcement people, good ones, decent ones, ones with a brain, do not at all times know where their gun is, then you are a complete baboon. A crappy law enforcement person may not keep track of his/her gun, but anyone of them worth having as law enforcement knows where their gun is, always. Only idiots and baboons think it isn't necessary or important to keep track of the location of a firearm.

Cops lose guns all the time. If you think otherwise you're crazy.
I watched a cop drop his gun in a front yard,and had I not called his attention to it he would have walked off and left it.
If you read the newspaper you cant miss hearing about cops losing their guns. They aren't infallible and neither are you,or me,or anyone else.
Do something long enough and your going to fuck up eventually. Thats a fact.

Well, I worked base security while I was stationed at Newport RI, and nobody EVER lost or misplaced a weapon, nor a single round of ammo. Why? We were required to check them in and out of the armory every time we went on patrol, as well as had to account for each and every round issued to us.

If the military can be responsible for their weapons, why is it so hard for the civilian cops to do so as well?

BTW..................I have yet to hear of a single military member overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan who has misplaced their weapon because they "forgot".

Are you saying that military cops are more responsible than their civilian counterparts?
Liberals would love to see this guy executed.........

No.................I don't want him executed.

However...................a fairly large fine, as well as a warning that if it happened again, he could possibly lose his license to carry, might be a good reminder for him not to do it again.
You are just another idiot with no common sense at all who also should not be allowed to have a gun. If you think all law enforcement people, good ones, decent ones, ones with a brain, do not at all times know where their gun is, then you are a complete baboon. A crappy law enforcement person may not keep track of his/her gun, but anyone of them worth having as law enforcement knows where their gun is, always. Only idiots and baboons think it isn't necessary or important to keep track of the location of a firearm.

Cops lose guns all the time. If you think otherwise you're crazy.
I watched a cop drop his gun in a front yard,and had I not called his attention to it he would have walked off and left it.
If you read the newspaper you cant miss hearing about cops losing their guns. They aren't infallible and neither are you,or me,or anyone else.
Do something long enough and your going to fuck up eventually. Thats a fact.

Well, I worked base security while I was stationed at Newport RI, and nobody EVER lost or misplaced a weapon, nor a single round of ammo. Why? We were required to check them in and out of the armory every time we went on patrol, as well as had to account for each and every round issued to us.

If the military can be responsible for their weapons, why is it so hard for the civilian cops to do so as well?

BTW..................I have yet to hear of a single military member overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan who has misplaced their weapon because they "forgot".

Are you saying that military cops are more responsible than their civilian counterparts?

Are you equating carrying a rifle in a combat zone to carrying a pistol around in a mostly benign environment?
And you dont carry a weapon around all day when your in the military unless it's in a combat zone.
You dont carry that rifle home with you everyday. For the most part your just a regular guy with a job until the shooting starts. Then you are issued weapons.
Cops carry them everywhere they go. There are going to be fuck ups and there are,you cant deny that. All you have to do is read a newspaper.
And at the risk of sounding repetitive..I watched a cop drop his gun and walk away totally unaware he had done so.
You are just another idiot with no common sense at all who also should not be allowed to have a gun. If you think all law enforcement people, good ones, decent ones, ones with a brain, do not at all times know where their gun is, then you are a complete baboon. A crappy law enforcement person may not keep track of his/her gun, but anyone of them worth having as law enforcement knows where their gun is, always. Only idiots and baboons think it isn't necessary or important to keep track of the location of a firearm.

Cops lose guns all the time. If you think otherwise you're crazy.
I watched a cop drop his gun in a front yard,and had I not called his attention to it he would have walked off and left it.
If you read the newspaper you cant miss hearing about cops losing their guns. They aren't infallible and neither are you,or me,or anyone else.
Do something long enough and your going to fuck up eventually. Thats a fact.

Well, I worked base security while I was stationed at Newport RI, and nobody EVER lost or misplaced a weapon, nor a single round of ammo. Why? We were required to check them in and out of the armory every time we went on patrol, as well as had to account for each and every round issued to us.

If the military can be responsible for their weapons, why is it so hard for the civilian cops to do so as well?

BTW..................I have yet to hear of a single military member overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan who has misplaced their weapon because they "forgot".

Are you saying that military cops are more responsible than their civilian counterparts?

Trenton cop disciplined for falling asleep on job, losing gun

Toilet breaks among reasons for cops losing guns - Nation | The Star Online

Officer Loses Gun In Police Parking Lot - Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTXF FOX 29

Need I go on......? Because I can do this all day.
Cops lose guns all the time. If you think otherwise you're crazy.
I watched a cop drop his gun in a front yard,and had I not called his attention to it he would have walked off and left it.
If you read the newspaper you cant miss hearing about cops losing their guns. They aren't infallible and neither are you,or me,or anyone else.
Do something long enough and your going to fuck up eventually. Thats a fact.

Well, I worked base security while I was stationed at Newport RI, and nobody EVER lost or misplaced a weapon, nor a single round of ammo. Why? We were required to check them in and out of the armory every time we went on patrol, as well as had to account for each and every round issued to us.

If the military can be responsible for their weapons, why is it so hard for the civilian cops to do so as well?

BTW..................I have yet to hear of a single military member overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan who has misplaced their weapon because they "forgot".

Are you saying that military cops are more responsible than their civilian counterparts?

Are you equating carrying a rifle in a combat zone to carrying a pistol around in a mostly benign environment?
And you dont carry a weapon around all day when your in the military unless it's in a combat zone.
You dont carry that rifle home with you everyday. For the most part your just a regular guy with a job until the shooting starts. Then you are issued weapons.
Cops carry them everywhere they go. There are going to be fuck ups and there are,you cant deny that. All you have to do is read a newspaper.
And at the risk of sounding repetitive..I watched a cop drop his gun and walk away totally unaware he had done so.

Actually, I DID carry a weapon all day with me in a benign environment whenever I was on patrol. However, when we showed up for our watch, we checked in with the armory, had our weapon issued to us (each of us had our own weapon that we used which was assigned to us by serial number), as well as had a certain amount of rounds issued. When we came back off of watch, we gave back our ammo (which was counted), and our weapon (whose serial number was verified as being ours).

Like I said...................apparently the military is more responsible with their weapons than the civilians are.
Well, I worked base security while I was stationed at Newport RI, and nobody EVER lost or misplaced a weapon, nor a single round of ammo. Why? We were required to check them in and out of the armory every time we went on patrol, as well as had to account for each and every round issued to us.

If the military can be responsible for their weapons, why is it so hard for the civilian cops to do so as well?

BTW..................I have yet to hear of a single military member overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan who has misplaced their weapon because they "forgot".

Are you saying that military cops are more responsible than their civilian counterparts?

Are you equating carrying a rifle in a combat zone to carrying a pistol around in a mostly benign environment?
And you dont carry a weapon around all day when your in the military unless it's in a combat zone.
You dont carry that rifle home with you everyday. For the most part your just a regular guy with a job until the shooting starts. Then you are issued weapons.
Cops carry them everywhere they go. There are going to be fuck ups and there are,you cant deny that. All you have to do is read a newspaper.
And at the risk of sounding repetitive..I watched a cop drop his gun and walk away totally unaware he had done so.

Actually, I DID carry a weapon all day with me in a benign environment whenever I was on patrol. However, when we showed up for our watch, we checked in with the armory, had our weapon issued to us (each of us had our own weapon that we used which was assigned to us by serial number), as well as had a certain amount of rounds issued. When we came back off of watch, we gave back our ammo (which was counted), and our weapon (whose serial number was verified as being ours).

Like I said...................apparently the military is more responsible with their weapons than the civilians are.

The military isnt any better.

The U.S. military lost 190,000 weapons in Iraq | FP Passport

It really doesnt matter whether it's the military or the local police. Shit gets lost and people are going to misplace shit.
I dont care who you are.
Is it worse in a combat zone? Apparently so.
Are you equating carrying a rifle in a combat zone to carrying a pistol around in a mostly benign environment?
And you dont carry a weapon around all day when your in the military unless it's in a combat zone.
You dont carry that rifle home with you everyday. For the most part your just a regular guy with a job until the shooting starts. Then you are issued weapons.
Cops carry them everywhere they go. There are going to be fuck ups and there are,you cant deny that. All you have to do is read a newspaper.
And at the risk of sounding repetitive..I watched a cop drop his gun and walk away totally unaware he had done so.

Actually, I DID carry a weapon all day with me in a benign environment whenever I was on patrol. However, when we showed up for our watch, we checked in with the armory, had our weapon issued to us (each of us had our own weapon that we used which was assigned to us by serial number), as well as had a certain amount of rounds issued. When we came back off of watch, we gave back our ammo (which was counted), and our weapon (whose serial number was verified as being ours).

Like I said...................apparently the military is more responsible with their weapons than the civilians are.

The military isnt any better.

The U.S. military lost 190,000 weapons in Iraq | FP Passport

It really doesnt matter whether it's the military or the local police. Shit gets lost and people are going to misplace shit.
I dont care who you are.
Is it worse in a combat zone? Apparently so.

A combat zone is not comparable to a civilian traveling in an American airport or an American policeman dropping his gun on his lawn and being unaware of it. Anyone who thinks these are comparable environments and circumstances has to be denser than a black hole.
Actually, I DID carry a weapon all day with me in a benign environment whenever I was on patrol. However, when we showed up for our watch, we checked in with the armory, had our weapon issued to us (each of us had our own weapon that we used which was assigned to us by serial number), as well as had a certain amount of rounds issued. When we came back off of watch, we gave back our ammo (which was counted), and our weapon (whose serial number was verified as being ours).

Like I said...................apparently the military is more responsible with their weapons than the civilians are.

The military isnt any better.

The U.S. military lost 190,000 weapons in Iraq | FP Passport

It really doesnt matter whether it's the military or the local police. Shit gets lost and people are going to misplace shit.
I dont care who you are.
Is it worse in a combat zone? Apparently so.

A combat zone is not comparable to a civilian traveling in an American airport or an American policeman dropping his gun on his lawn and being unaware of it. Anyone who thinks these are comparable environments and circumstances has to be denser than a black hole.

Dont look at me. I didnt bring the military into the discussion.
Fact of the matter is cops lose guns all the time.
He disputed that fact. I showed him three cases where this has been reported and I can show a shitload more.
Is it really such a hard concept to understand?
People make mistakes. Just like the kid who recently left his shotgun in his trunk and went to school and caused such an uproar.
Shoulda locked that fucker up huh?
This is a big deal over nothing.....

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