Texas Supreme Court Denies GOP Effort to Reject Houston Area Drive-Thru Votes

Now perhaps you can answer a question.

And again, as long as it requires the verification for voters, Why are you trying to disenfranchise legal voters who used the drive through option?
Not trying to disenfranchise legal votes. All voting requires verification but we still have plenty of voter fraud. And, every time you make it "easy" for legal voters, you also make it easier for illegal voters.

Drive thru voting is fine by me, as long as it is on the up and up. But, it doesn't seem to be. It should be state wide or not at all.
Now perhaps you can answer a question.

And again, as long as it requires the verification for voters, Why are you trying to disenfranchise legal voters who used the drive through option?
Not trying to disenfranchise legal votes. All voting requires verification but we still have plenty of voter fraud. And, every time you make it "easy" for legal voters, you also make it easier for illegal voters.

Drive thru voting is fine by me, as long as it is on the up and up. But, it doesn't seem to be. It should be state wide or not at all.

As long as the same verification rules are used, it is no easier for illegal voters to vote (not that that is a major problem anyway). So how they choose to make it easier is irrelevant.

The option is certainly state wide (I haven’t heard of any saying they can’t) so it is up to the indivupidual jurisdictions.
As long as the same verification rules are used,
And therein lies the problem.

You think it's a coincidence that the county that is allowing drive thru voting is a democrat county?

You know.....the ones who are against building a wall. I don't think so.
As long as the same verification rules are used,
And therein lies the problem.

You think it's a coincidence that the county that is allowing drive thru voting is a democrat county?

You know.....the ones who are against building a wall. I don't think so.
Well, I stick to the reported facts. If you can prove them wrong, do so.

Otherwise Iam more concerned with concerted efforts by Republicans to disenfranchise legal voters.
There is no reason to do this other than to suppress the vote.

Other than 9 of the 10 drive through voting places were setup in Dem districts you cheating thugs.

Spouting Republican talking points. You are the cheating liar.

Shut up lying scumbag, you're just mad because I posted the truth and exposed Dem rigging and cheating.

You are the one who is exposed. You are a brainless fool who is incapable of thinking for yourself. You exposed yourself as a lying cheating bastard.

I see you are emotional, worried about losing to Trump is my guess. Maybe take a time out, drink some green tea.
The state sets the rules and trains tbe poll workers, including through. The article I linked confirmed that the rules are the same. The only difference is in drive through you don’t get out of your car.

Unless you have actual evidence that is more prone to fraud, you are just trying to disenfranchise voters.
Is this drive thru voting state wide?
No---just harris county...which makes it illegal. Other counties can only have drive thru voting for those with handicaps.
OH CHIT-----IF true ( I don't know anything about these sources so plan on giving it few days before I make up mind about the facts here--but IF true---US supreme court here we come and lots of biden/dems are going to prison or strung up).

The CHIT is hitting the FAN on this !!!!!!!!!!!! If True---oh mama no wonder the dems thought they had a chance in TEXAS---they were just going to cheat their way.

They are saying that BIden's DALLAS JONES in charge of voting texas was picked up by the FBI and questioned and has since been fired by the Biden campaign over this......
They are saying that Harris county did a bunch of illegal stuff besides just the drive thru voting

Republicans, with their widespread efforts to keep Americans from voting, seem to have become the anti-democracy party.

Seems to?

I use "seems to" to soften up my language. But, frankly, you are correct.

It's a fact, Jack. There has never been any evidence of any sort that the Democrats are trying to rig the election, or any evidence of voter fraud, or that dead people or "illegals" are being counted in this election or have been in past elections. Zero. Zip. Nada. I would love to see evidence that would or could support these wild accusations. Talk about hoaxes.
Republicans, with their widespread efforts to keep Americans from voting, seem to have become the anti-democracy party.

Seems to?

I use "seems to" to soften up my language. But, frankly, you are correct.

It's a fact, Jack. There has never been any evidence of any sort that the Democrats are trying to rig the election, or any evidence of voter fraud, or that dead people or "illegals" are being counted in this election or have been in past elections. Zero. Zip. Nada. I would love to see evidence that would or could support these wild accusations. Talk about hoaxes.
LMAO---see post above yours.

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