Texas Will Turn Blue

And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
My neighbor said fuck CA, I'm moving to South Carolina till I showed him the state (SC) was one of the fastest growing hispanic populations in the nation. Ask that closeted Senator Graham about that.

That versus a state already over run with parasites.
There are plenty of places I can move to. I retired at 46 seven years ago. The Wife will do the same shortly. We can move anywhere we want to,be it the Bahamas or anywhere else.
I can tell you for certain it wont be to a state that has ridiculous taxes.

Eventually we are going to run out of states. The Democrat elites are getting the underclass they always dreamed of.

Like I said.
I can move to any country I want.
I have no children so it's all about the Wife and I.
If things go south here in the US I'm gone.
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
My neighbor said fuck CA, I'm moving to South Carolina till I showed him the state (SC) was one of the fastest growing hispanic populations in the nation. Ask that closeted Senator Graham about that.

That versus a state already over run with parasites.
There are plenty of places I can move to. I retired at 46 seven years ago. The Wife will do the same shortly. We can move anywhere we want to,be it the Bahamas or anywhere else.
I can tell you for certain it wont be to a state that has ridiculous taxes.

Eventually we are going to run out of states. The Democrat elites are getting the underclass they always dreamed of.

Like I said.
I can move to any country I want.
I have no children so it's all about the Wife and I.
If things go south here in the US I'm gone.

Lucky You. hope you got some nice place picked out.
Replacement of Americans with 3rd worlders is the democrat dream. They can't live without the 50 IQ NPCs.

It got us thousands and thousands of years to get where we are. These morons are attempting to destroy it all in few generations. Running away indefinitely is a coward's move. Face the Lucifer and win.
How many niigaz you seen outside Home Depot or Blowes waiting for a contractor to pick them up for work ? ANY work ?
You wont. They're home asleep at 630 AM after B&E and selling rocks all night.
Don't start soiling your panties quite yet.

Them Hispanics are largely responsible for Trump's win.

They're quite rightwing when you think of it.

I wouldn't put them in the Democratic side quite yet.



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And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
My neighbor said fuck CA, I'm moving to South Carolina till I showed him the state (SC) was one of the fastest growing hispanic populations in the nation. Ask that closeted Senator Graham about that.

That versus a state already over run with parasites.
There are plenty of places I can move to. I retired at 46 seven years ago. The Wife will do the same shortly. We can move anywhere we want to,be it the Bahamas or anywhere else.
I can tell you for certain it wont be to a state that has ridiculous taxes.

Eventually we are going to run out of states. The Democrat elites are getting the underclass they always dreamed of.

Like I said.
I can move to any country I want.
I have no children so it's all about the Wife and I.
If things go south here in the US I'm gone.

Lucky You. hope you got some nice place picked out.

We have several.
We'll pick in the next two years.
Could be the Bahamas or a trawler,or a low cost of living state on a lake.
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
My neighbor said fuck CA, I'm moving to South Carolina till I showed him the state (SC) was one of the fastest growing hispanic populations in the nation. Ask that closeted Senator Graham about that.

That versus a state already over run with parasites.
There are plenty of places I can move to. I retired at 46 seven years ago. The Wife will do the same shortly. We can move anywhere we want to,be it the Bahamas or anywhere else.
I can tell you for certain it wont be to a state that has ridiculous taxes.
All I can say is good luck. If it isn't the homeless, tweekers, junkies, thieves, fools with guns, morons, legal gangsters, bad weather, etc. etc. etc....
It's everywhere.
Texas is fucked big time.

With all the beautiful White women in Texas this is the Ho they chose for Miss Texas 2019.


You seem scared at the thought of Americans that look different than you. Man up. It's not that bad.
Democrats have the replacements at the border by the tens of thousands. The degredation will continue until it is all over but the shooting.

You DO realize, don't you, that almost a third of our country was Spanish-Mexican before we invaded and took it?

A lot of Texas Hispanics are conservative.

In 2018 35% voted for Republican incumbent Ted Cruz. In the state’s race for governor, about 42% backed the Republican, Greg Abbott.

We just need to reach them. Hispanics don't like fags or abortion.
"Hispanics don't like fags"

Bullshit. You should see what happens when the club's close.

Another "toothless" statement.
Democrats have the replacements at the border by the tens of thousands. The degredation will continue until it is all over but the shooting.

You DO realize, don't you, that almost a third of our country was Spanish-Mexican before we invaded and took it?
So you think all of the US belonged to Mexico?
They can't even take care of their own country.....what makes you think they can take care of ours too?

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