Texas Will Turn Blue

And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.

Don't let them win HereWeGoAgain
Let's enforce the basic laws on Consent of the Governed,
taking responsibility for building and managing things directly for OWNERSHIP,
and NO taxation WITHOUT representation.

This capitulation attitude is what liberals use.
To give up power to others to run government.

You're not going to overcome the problem of liberalism
by giving in and doing the same thing!

Don't leave Texas, we need to enforce the laws and principles
that make Texas and America what it is!

Are you working with the Republican, the Libertarian or
Constitution party? the Tea Party? Whichever group(s)
you identify with, let's work together and start teaching
Constitutional education and law enforcement.

I have friends from several parties who are interested.
We are connecting with students or teachers at nearby
schools who care about what our schools and govt should
be teaching. And then either implement a current model program,
or set up a new civics club or outreach program, depending on
what that group agrees on in order to work with the administration.

You start from where you are, HWGA
Please do not get discouraged.
That's usually just a sign to change gears
and try a different approach that doesn't wear you out.

I look forward to working with different groups to map out
solutions as diverse as Texas is! I have friends from the
Constitution Party, Libertarian, Greens, and also Republican,
Democrats, Never Trumpers and Refuse Resist etc.

I still have to work with all that diversity to find where we
agree on educational, political and govt reforms.

Wherever you are coming from or starting from,
I'm sure I'd have a much easier time working with you
to get something going. Please don't worry,
we just need to get a little creative, and team up
with others who want to see better solutions.

We can do this, just have to organize around
a common game plan, and go for it!
PM me anytime you have ideas or concerns
you want to share. I'll do whatever I can to network
you with people who could help develop a more
effective approach (than giving up and leaving!)

Take care and enjoy the rest of your
Fourth of July Holiday Weekend!

Please don't despair or let any negative
worries take up valuable space in your mind
and life you could be using for much better things!

With the diversity of resources and creative leadership
in Texas, we can solve all these problems we face and
help lead the rest of the nation in more effective solutions.

Yours truly, Emily

I hope to God it never happens.
The Wife and I are hitting our mid fifties,I'm retired and Elizabeth isnt far behind me.
As much as I hate to say it we'll bail out if things go south. We have no children to worry about so it's all about how we live through our golden years.
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.

Don't let them win HereWeGoAgain
Let's enforce the basic laws on Consent of the Governed,
taking responsibility for building and managing things directly for OWNERSHIP,
and NO taxation WITHOUT representation.

This capitulation attitude is what liberals use.
To give up power to others to run government.

You're not going to overcome the problem of liberalism
by giving in and doing the same thing!

Don't leave Texas, we need to enforce the laws and principles
that make Texas and America what it is!

Are you working with the Republican, the Libertarian or
Constitution party? the Tea Party? Whichever group(s)
you identify with, let's work together and start teaching
Constitutional education and law enforcement.

I have friends from several parties who are interested.
We are connecting with students or teachers at nearby
schools who care about what our schools and govt should
be teaching. And then either implement a current model program,
or set up a new civics club or outreach program, depending on
what that group agrees on in order to work with the administration.

You start from where you are, HWGA
Please do not get discouraged.
That's usually just a sign to change gears
and try a different approach that doesn't wear you out.

I look forward to working with different groups to map out
solutions as diverse as Texas is! I have friends from the
Constitution Party, Libertarian, Greens, and also Republican,
Democrats, Never Trumpers and Refuse Resist etc.

I still have to work with all that diversity to find where we
agree on educational, political and govt reforms.

Wherever you are coming from or starting from,
I'm sure I'd have a much easier time working with you
to get something going. Please don't worry,
we just need to get a little creative, and team up
with others who want to see better solutions.

We can do this, just have to organize around
a common game plan, and go for it!
PM me anytime you have ideas or concerns
you want to share. I'll do whatever I can to network
you with people who could help develop a more
effective approach (than giving up and leaving!)

Take care and enjoy the rest of your
Fourth of July Holiday Weekend!

Please don't despair or let any negative
worries take up valuable space in your mind
and life you could be using for much better things!

With the diversity of resources and creative leadership
in Texas, we can solve all these problems we face and
help lead the rest of the nation in more effective solutions.

Yours truly, Emily

I hope to God it never happens.
The Wife and I are hitting our mid fifties,I'm retired and Elizabeth isnt far behind me.
As much as I hate to say it we'll bail out if things go south. We have no children to worry about so it's all about how we live through our golden years.

Dear HereWeGoAgain
What I see happening is investment of resources in creating
jobs directly in developing campuses especially teaching hospitals
to start turning the state budgets, economy and tax base around.

Instead of Texas prisons costing taxpayers 50K per person a year,
for the same cost we could be covering medical education for
doctors, nurses and interns to earn their degrees while serving in public health.

By applying those resources to preventative medicine and treatment,
that would cut the rates and costs of crime where the taxes cover health care instead.
But sustainably, through medication education, NOT through handouts and welfare
that are killing the budgets and creating a vicious cycle of dependency.

The good news is that people on both left and right are HAVING to seek better
solutions, because the current problems are creating political deadlocks.

Where all sides agree is investing resources in better education,
including health care cooperatives so we turn this whole mess around
and quit politicizing the problems. The solutions that work make sense to
people on both sides, so there is no more conflicts when we take that approach.

What is mucking things up is yelling about the problems.

Once you understand what the solutions are going to look like,
there is no more sidetaking.

That's the really amazing thing, HWGA.
The solutions will require everyone working together as effectively as possible.
So by the time we organize around that,
it will in the process dispel all the negativity, fear and hostile divisions.

We really need to organize the problem solvers and leaders across
the various parties who can see through the chaos and see
where the solutions are going to unite us.

I hope you stick around to see how the reforms are
really going to develop. Because of all the bad politics that is
loudly protested by one side or another, that will make it even more
clear where the REAL solutions are that cut through all that mess.

Just stay focused on where people and programs ARE taking
the right approach, vote for that, by publicizing and promoting
the best ideas, and those will eventually catch on. The other
mess is NOT sustainable, so this too will have to pass.

Take care and even if you do move around,
please stay in touch. Everywhere you go, the solution
is going to be similar -- where everyone needs to build
and invest in their own community development for
local democratized management.

I believe the Sanctuary cities are going to be used as
models for developing worker-owned and run campus programs,
in order to train people to build whole Campus Towns across
the border for sustainable economic and social development.

The way the Founding Fathers built this country, and the way
Texas was built by settlers, the land along the Mexico border
needs to be developed the same way where the WORKERS
own their own land and build their own towns and programs.

Focusing on that solution would put everyone to work,
whether you approach it from a security/Military angle
or the demands for social program development.


All cities need this, but right now the political focus is
on Sanctuary cities and the Border. So why not enlist
leaders and candidates from all the parties to invest
campaigns and donations in setting up campus
cooperatives, providing jobs and health care to
communities. Why not just start creating jobs doing
the reform work that everyone is yelling about?

Take a look at Austin. It's a liberal crap hole filled with California transplants bringing their skewed way of living to the rest of America

After the 2010 Census .........Texas picked up 4 Reps in Congress due to the migration for jobs from Blue states and illegals . They may gain again as more people flee the far left. When they flee, many bring their Dem votes with them. Illegals vote Dem mainly because of immigration and don't stand with the Dems on most other issues.

The only reason Cali didn't lose seats was because of the illegals coming there. Replacing the citizens there in droves.

The Dem strategy is to gain power by all means......Open borders and migration from liberal states to take over this country. The fact that Ted Cruz had trouble winning in the last election shows were this is going.

BTW....New York was the biggest loser in the 2010 census. Losing 2 seats in Congress.
Texas is fucked big time.

With all the beautiful White women in Texas this is the Ho they chose for Miss Texas 2019.


You seem scared at the thought of Americans that look different than you. Man up. It's not that bad.
If that is the best Texas has then that state is pretty well fucked.
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
Where will you go? Alabama? I hear with decades of practically unopposed conservative policies they are unbelievably prosperous and crime free.

he Sounds a lot like the guy who said he’d be dead or in jail if Obama was re-elected.
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
Where will you go? Alabama? I hear with decades of practically unopposed conservative policies they are unbelievably prosperous and crime free.

he Sounds a lot like the guy who said he’d be dead or in jail if Obama was re-elected.

Sounds like you have the TDS, CC.
When Texas goes, this is over.

Its going. Its not a matter of if but when (demographically speaking):

The thing most people don’t remember or seem to want to forget is that candidates make elections. Alabama has a Dem senator for the time being. Why? Because the republican was so repugnant that few voted for him.

It will be generations before Texas is a dependable blue state.
When Texas goes, this is over.

Its going. Its not a matter of if but when (demographically speaking):

The thing most people don’t remember or seem to want to forget is that candidates make elections. Alabama has a Dem senator for the time being. Why? Because the republican was so repugnant that few voted for him.

It will be generations before Texas is a dependable blue state.

I wouldn't say that long. With thousands moving daily from parasitic states ie CA, NY, etc, it will be a lot quicker.
When Texas goes, this is over.

Its going. Its not a matter of if but when (demographically speaking):

The thing most people don’t remember or seem to want to forget is that candidates make elections. Alabama has a Dem senator for the time being. Why? Because the republican was so repugnant that few voted for him.

It will be generations before Texas is a dependable blue state.

Not sure it will take that long.

The number of competitive congressional races in Texas has gone from 3 in 2002 to 10 in 2018.

Also, Trump’s 2016 victory in Texas was the smallest percent of votes for a Repub since Bob Dole was running.

All those people moving to Texas are not all red voters.
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Or... you could just realize that every immigrant group has had it's growing pains assimilating.

in 50 years, they'll speak better English than you do... not that this would be that difficult.
When Texas goes, this is over.

Its going. Its not a matter of if but when (demographically speaking):

The thing most people don’t remember or seem to want to forget is that candidates make elections. Alabama has a Dem senator for the time being. Why? Because the republican was so repugnant that few voted for him.

It will be generations before Texas is a dependable blue state.

Not sure it will take that long.

The number of competitive congressional races in Texas has gone from 3 in 2002 to 10 in 2018.

Also, Trump’s 2016 victory in Texas was the smallest percent of votes for a Repub since Bob Dole was running.

All those people moving to Texas are not all red voters.

For whatever reason, the site won’t let me post pictures. But the suburban counties to Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth were red in 2012 for Ted Cruz’s election. In 2018 when he ran again, they were either pink or blue.

So it’s going from Red to Purple. To being a dependable blue state…that depends on how badly the Dems select their nominees for Statewide offices and federal posts.

Tejanos are Conservative by nature unlike the Cali-Mex...
----------------------------------------- i don't know Bruce , i heard just the other day that ALL of Texas Border counties are 'democratic' run . Plus lots of Texas big cities have 'dem' government from what i hear . Course i don't know Bruce .

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