Texas Will Turn Blue

And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
My neighbor said fuck CA, I'm moving to South Carolina till I showed him the state (SC) was one of the fastest growing hispanic populations in the nation. Ask that closeted Senator Graham about that.

That versus a state already over run with parasites.
There are plenty of places I can move to. I retired at 46 seven years ago. The Wife will do the same shortly. We can move anywhere we want to,be it the Bahamas or anywhere else.
I can tell you for certain it wont be to a state that has ridiculous taxes.
All I can say is good luck. If it isn't the homeless, tweekers, junkies, thieves, fools with guns, morons, legal gangsters, bad weather, etc. etc. etc....
It's everywhere.

You obviously know nothing about American enclaves in foreign countries.
I can live in many countries surrounded by white American expats that are protected by the local police and private security. And do it for far less than in America.....
Kind of ironic.
White men took about 1/3 of the modern USA from Mexico.

A few hundred years later, Mexicans take it back...and THEN some. Hispanics may well run the USA in 50 years. Or should I say, "Mexico" will run the USA in 50 years?

On the other hand.....Salma Hayek is of Mexican descent......
Maybe some Mexican isn't so bad?


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Democrats have the replacements at the border by the tens of thousands. The degredation will continue until it is all over but the shooting.

You DO realize, don't you, that almost a third of our country was Spanish-Mexican before we invaded and took it?
So you think all of the US belonged to Mexico?
They can't even take care of their own country.....what makes you think they can take care of ours too?

Did you read what I wrote?
Texas is fucked big time.

With all the beautiful White women in Texas this is the Ho they chose for Miss Texas 2019.


You seem scared at the thought of Americans that look different than you. Man up. It's not that bad.

It’s not about “looks”....it’s a behavioral thing...a genetic deficiencies thing. Have you ever looked at ethnicity statistics related to decision making, habits and behavior?
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.
My neighbor said fuck CA, I'm moving to South Carolina till I showed him the state (SC) was one of the fastest growing hispanic populations in the nation. Ask that closeted Senator Graham about that.

That versus a state already over run with parasites.
There are plenty of places I can move to. I retired at 46 seven years ago. The Wife will do the same shortly. We can move anywhere we want to,be it the Bahamas or anywhere else.
I can tell you for certain it wont be to a state that has ridiculous taxes.
All I can say is good luck. If it isn't the homeless, tweekers, junkies, thieves, fools with guns, morons, legal gangsters, bad weather, etc. etc. etc....
It's everywhere.

You obviously know nothing about American enclaves in foreign countries.
I can live in many countries surrounded by white American expats that are protected by the local police and private security. And do it for far less than in America.....
Ok then, CUBA. I'm not BSing either. Locals can't even ride the buses. Live like royalty. I like Costa Brava, Spain. If you can handle living with Brits.
Texas is fucked big time.

With all the beautiful White women in Texas this is the Ho they chose for Miss Texas 2019.


You seem scared at the thought of Americans that look different than you. Man up. It's not that bad.

It’s not about “looks”....it’s a behavioral thing...a genetic deficiencies thing. Have you ever looked at ethnicity statistics related to decision making, habits and behavior?

No need to. I observe it here on the boards every day.
The way I see it, white men took America (from Mexicans and Native Americans) ......
And White men are now giving it back.
So, the USA was a long term LOAN.
It was a great run. We had a great time!

Me alegro de que hablo español. Dame una esposa mexicana como selma Hayek y soy bueno.
Don't worry, BrokeLoser. Texas is a place that welcomes everyone, even when it's hard times financially or politically. People i know out here in the country aren't real happy with the bad things going down in DC. We have had rains like never before, and hurricane season this year is going to hit us hard. We have no choice but to take care of our people, even if they no comprende ingles. We worked things out in the past. We''ill work them out in the present and future, too. Thanks for adding one of the most needed things to my prayer list. The year I was born, Houston had 300,000 people in it. High school graduation, one million. Today--heck, there's millions and millions of people in the vicinity. And some of the best restaurants are Mexican food places. You don't always get what you want in situations like this, but I rub elbows with so many people who give their all to help people who are down and out. We'll continue to work on making people feel welcome and try to educate their children as well as if not better than the rich in the countries the invaders came from. All our ancestors here were once made to feel unwelcome by the Mexicans. But with our faith in God, we will welcome whoever knocks on the door, because that's all we can do. God's good book tells us to welcome the stranger, feed them, clothe them, give them jobs, and take care of them until they can take care of themselves. We can't tell newcomers how to vote, even if we wanted to. But we can make them part of our life, and we will have to give more than we take for awhile. To do otherwise would be to ignore what the good book says to do.

You probably wouldn't believe that I'm one of the far rightest conservatives here, but there's one thing in life that's more important than politics, and that is to do the right thing even when it's not a popular thing to do. And we can fully count on God to bless us in one way or the other when we do that thing that is right, which is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. :huddle: We're Texans. And they will be when we're done.
Texas is fucked big time.

With all the beautiful White women in Texas this is the Ho they chose for Miss Texas 2019.

No racism here, folks.

You can drive a Mack truck between those front teeth! She can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence! THose eyebrows look like caterpillars doing a mating dance!

Racism? No. Butterface? Definitely!
Democrats have the replacements at the border by the tens of thousands. The degredation will continue until it is all over but the shooting.

You DO realize, don't you, that almost a third of our country was Spanish-Mexican before we invaded and took it?
So you think all of the US belonged to Mexico?
They can't even take care of their own country.....what makes you think they can take care of ours too?

Did you read what I wrote?

Who do you think Mexico stole California from?

FYI......we bought California from General Santa Anna.
The way I see it, white men took America (from Mexicans and Native Americans) ......
And White men are now giving it back.
So, the USA was a long term LOAN.
It was a great run. We had a great time!

Me alegro de que hablo español. Dame una esposa mexicana como selma Hayek y soy bueno.
--------------------------------------------------- sort of agree , and it was a great run . Me , i'm just happy to be an Old Guy . Sorry for the youngsters though Basic .
Texas is a very big state. There’s plenty of room for everyone to live there in peace and harmony regardless of race, creed, or national origin.
Democrats have the replacements at the border by the tens of thousands. The degredation will continue until it is all over but the shooting.

You DO realize, don't you, that almost a third of our country was Spanish-Mexican before we invaded and took it?
So you think all of the US belonged to Mexico?
They can't even take care of their own country.....what makes you think they can take care of ours too?

Did you read what I wrote?

Who do you think Mexico stole California from?

FYI......we bought California from General Santa Anna.

FYI....not exactly....https://www.history.com/topics/mexican-american-war/mexican-american-war
Texas is a very big state. There’s plenty of room for everyone to live there in peace and harmony regardless of race, creed, or national origin.
--------------------------------------- yeah sure . Peace , harmony and foreign ways and traditions MR.Clean .
I hope and pray that Texas remains red. :thup:

That's all.
at least for another 4 or 8 years or a couple more elections . After that time the 'invaders' or new citizens will have decided that they need a 'Raise' Skye .
The Texas Republican Party does a much better job of outreach to Hispanic voters than the national party does. In the 2018 Governors race Hispanic female Lupe Valdez got 53% of the Latino vote incumbent Governor Greg Abbott got 42% some will say her getting 11% more Hispanic voters is big but when you consider you not only have a woman but a Hispanic woman running against Abbott in the height of the metoo movement you can argue she should have done a lot better with Hispanic voters.
And if it happens watch Texas go the same route of NY and California.
Taxpayers and businesses bailing for greener pastures.
I love Texas but I will leave and take my money with me if liberals take over.

Don't let them win HereWeGoAgain
Let's enforce the basic laws on Consent of the Governed,
taking responsibility for building and managing things directly for OWNERSHIP,
and NO taxation WITHOUT representation.

This capitulation attitude is what liberals use.
To give up power to others to run government.

You're not going to overcome the problem of liberalism
by giving in and doing the same thing!

Don't leave Texas, we need to enforce the laws and principles
that make Texas and America what it is!

Are you working with the Republican, the Libertarian or
Constitution party? the Tea Party? Whichever group(s)
you identify with, let's work together and start teaching
Constitutional education and law enforcement.

I have friends from several parties who are interested.
We are connecting with students or teachers at nearby
schools who care about what our schools and govt should
be teaching. And then either implement a current model program,
or set up a new civics club or outreach program, depending on
what that group agrees on in order to work with the administration.

You start from where you are, HWGA
Please do not get discouraged.
That's usually just a sign to change gears
and try a different approach that doesn't wear you out.

I look forward to working with different groups to map out
solutions as diverse as Texas is! I have friends from the
Constitution Party, Libertarian, Greens, and also Republican,
Democrats, Never Trumpers and Refuse Resist etc.

I still have to work with all that diversity to find where we
agree on educational, political and govt reforms.

Wherever you are coming from or starting from,
I'm sure I'd have a much easier time working with you
to get something going. Please don't worry,
we just need to get a little creative, and team up
with others who want to see better solutions.

We can do this, just have to organize around
a common game plan, and go for it!
PM me anytime you have ideas or concerns
you want to share. I'll do whatever I can to network
you with people who could help develop a more
effective approach (than giving up and leaving!)

Take care and enjoy the rest of your
Fourth of July Holiday Weekend!

Please don't despair or let any negative
worries take up valuable space in your mind
and life you could be using for much better things!

With the diversity of resources and creative leadership
in Texas, we can solve all these problems we face and
help lead the rest of the nation in more effective solutions.

Yours truly, Emily

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