Texass hospital officials apoligize for errors made with Ebola case

Well, the nurse that got infected has been transferred to Atlanta... Don't know if you can call it 'Texas keeps Ebola in check'. ;)
Anyway, I hate when such stuff happens: at first we're told that US is well prepared for Ebola, and then hospital says they are deeply sorry for Ebola mistakes... wtf...
The hospital didn't make any mistakes. It was only two days before Duncan was diagnosed with ebola that none other than the presidunce himself appeared before the nation and said that there was no chance that ebola would come here.

Why should the hospital prepare for something that was never going to happen as guaranteed by the presidunce himself.
Ebola Texas hospital says it s deeply sorry - CNN.com

It is gratifying that you now know you have made a huge mistake, but it is frightening to know that you have now opened Pandora's Box. Let's hope that Texass keeps Ebola in check.

the negro head of dallas county health and human services needs to be fired and replaced...Affirmative action isn't a good policy in the health care business. Case in point.

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