Textbook co-authored by Judge Roy Moore in 2011 says women shouldn’t run for office

This is so ridiculous. All of these guys who identify as heterosexuals and hate LGBTs and want vaginas hate people who have vaginas. This is so absurd. Heterosexual guys: love us? Hate us? Please make up your freakin' minds.
Roy moore wants a vagina but hates people with vaginas.

There are lots of men who hate women but being avowed heterosexuals, they have to address their sexual needs. They do this by going after women they can control. They pick women who are much younger than them, or who have been abused, or who aren’t very bright.

They would never pick a strong confident woman who would be a partner in the relationship, or who would challenge them in any way.
This is so ridiculous. All of these guys who identify as heterosexuals and hate LGBTs and want vaginas hate people who have vaginas. This is so absurd. Heterosexual guys: love us? Hate us? Please make up your freakin' minds.
Roy moore wants a vagina but hates people with vaginas.

There are lots of men who hate women but being avowed heterosexuals, they have to address their sexual needs. They do this by going after women they can control. They pick women who are much younger than them, or who have been abused, or who aren’t very bright.

They would never pick a strong confident woman who would be a partner in the relationship, or who would challenge them in any way.
It's sad how many men hate women and, simultaneously hate LGBT's. These are men who are weak and have no love to give another human being. They just have to have their sexual "needs" met so they can go back to loading their guns. They give nothing to humanity at all. Other heterosexual men are lovers, husbands, fathers. These guys take pride in what they do. They contribute positively to the human race.
This, Einwechter says, is proof that women should not work outside the home, run for office, or take on any role that gives women “dominance” over men, calling women “the weaker vessel.” Women, the lesson teaches, are only fit to be homemakers and should dedicate their lives to their husbands and children, never to work or outside pursuits.

“Sometimes we may have a hard time discerning the faith, the character, and the views of a particular candidate. But we can usually discern if the candidate is a man or a woman. And so there is no excuse on that one,” Einwechter says as he concludes the lecture. “In conclusion, we’ve argued that scripture teaches us that it is not God’s revealed will for a woman to serve as a civil magistrate and thus to rule over men in the civil sphere.”

Einwechter says this is proof that, if Christians aim to follow the teachings of the Bible, they must never vote for women running for office, no matter their politics.

His lecture, Einwechter says, is an “objective study.” In closing, he quotes pastor J. H. Vincent, saying, “The world is in such pressing need for mothers — motherly women — that none can be spared for public life.”

LMAO, it says right there that it is the “Biblical role of the woman”. Not his own idea of what a woman’s role is. The book is clearly intended for religious folk.

Next fail accusation.

If he helped write the book and is speaking to it then quite likely he does believe it. Do you really want to elect him?

So what? It’s clearly in the context of religious studies.

You queer Dems support Muslims, who treat their women like dogs. But this outrages you? Clean up your own house and denounce all the Muslims that support your party, and denounce your party for supporting Muslims. Then you get to tell us who we are voting for in our party is wrong.
I know it might be too complex for trumpanzees.....but supporting the 1st Amendment is not the same as "supporting Muslims". Just like supporting the 2nd Amendment is not the same as supporting the Las Vegas shooter.

Anyone who goes against the Constitution and our Constitutional rights based on their religion is practicing a form of sharia.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
So says the bitch with an adam's apple. LOL

So says the man who thinks two men getting married is perfectly normal.
Unusual....not common...but still legal. Thank goodness we don't incorporate christer sharia law in this country.

Still not clear on this. He Co-Authored a course, and someone came in and gave a lecture, so did Moore write the Lecture?
So...basically your defense is that Moore would co-author something he doesn't really believe in?

No, this about a lecture given by someone not an author.
So he would write something/lecture about something he doesn't believe in? Nice guy you got there.
They would never pick a strong confident woman who would be a partner in the relationship, or who would challenge them in any way.

Some women mistake being a miserable b1tch with being a strong, confident woman. Such women typically vote D.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
So says the bitch with an adam's apple. LOL

So says the man who thinks two men getting married is perfectly normal.
Unusual....not common...but still legal. Thank goodness we don't incorporate christer sharia law in this country.

I would rather that homosexual men and women married each other than to live in sham relationships with opposite sex partners and sneaking around with same sex partners on the side.

What consenting adults do within the confines of their own bedrooms is really none of my business. Emphasis on "consenting adults".

Why right wingers go so bat shit crazy over freedom to love who you please, while claiming liberals don't believe in freedom, is beyond me.
They would never pick a strong confident woman who would be a partner in the relationship, or who would challenge them in any way.

Some women mistake being a miserable b1tch with being a strong, confident woman. Such women typically vote D.

Some misogynists consider any strong confident woman to be a bitch. There are a lot of them on this board You obviously belong to that group.
so you think women shouldn't be able to run for office?
Perhaps he was referring too the Beast. She may have set the clock back for female leadership for decades. Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz should be mentioned as well.

That you refer to Hillary Clinton as the "Beast" is indicative of your willingness to believe 25 years of Republican lies about the Clinton's without the intellectual curiosity to investigate them.

Republicans have raised smearing the opposition with lies, gossip and innuendo to an art form and the $100 million they've spent destroying the Clintons' reputation has been a good investment.

Of course Republicans are the most easily fooled people going. They don't fact check. They've been trained to disbelieve the MSM, and they will believe anything they're told by those with an R after their names.
so you think women shouldn't be able to run for office?
Perhaps he was referring too the Beast. She may have set the clock back for female leadership for decades. Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz should be mentioned as well.

That you refer to Hillary Clinton as the "Beast" is indicative of your willingness to believe 25 years of Republican lies about the Clinton's without the intellectual curiosity to investigate them.

Republicans have raised smearing the opposition with lies, gossip and innuendo to an art form and the $100 million they've spent destroying the Clintons' reputation has been a good investment.

Of course Republicans are the most easily fooled people going. They don't fact check. They've been trained to disbelieve the MSM, and they will believe anything they're told by those with an R after their names.
No. I am referring to the Beast as a scumbag of a human being who was undoubtedly the most corrupt politician to ever seek the White House. It was not only that, but that she was clearly a bitch both literally and figuratively. She was a completely repulsive excuse for human being yet was championed by the media and the Democrat party which sadly mistook her accolades as love from the common people.

The electorate was not that convinced by the media.
This is so ridiculous. All of these guys who identify as heterosexuals and hate LGBTs and want vaginas hate people who have vaginas. This is so absurd. Heterosexual guys: love us? Hate us? Please make up your freakin' minds.
Roy moore wants a vagina but hates people with vaginas.

You have a strange mind, I think.
Just telling it like it is. Women don't do these things to other people. Men do, not all of them, of course. Think of all the bad and abusive names that men call women for sexual reasons. How many bad names do women call men? How many religions use spiritual concepts and the notion of a Supreme Being to try to hurt women, including those who call themselves Christian. How many of these men are stupid prostitutes with bibles, like roy moore, and, it seems, the entire Texas state government. Look at the Catholic guys. Look at the evangelical guys. There is no respect among them for their female counterparts. They do want to get laid, though, and they want someone to do their cooking and cleaning for free.


I wish I could say. I don't think like that.
This is so ridiculous. All of these guys who identify as heterosexuals and hate LGBTs and want vaginas hate people who have vaginas. This is so absurd. Heterosexual guys: love us? Hate us? Please make up your freakin' minds.
Roy moore wants a vagina but hates people with vaginas.

There are lots of men who hate women but being avowed heterosexuals, they have to address their sexual needs. They do this by going after women they can control. They pick women who are much younger than them, or who have been abused, or who aren’t very bright.

They would never pick a strong confident woman who would be a partner in the relationship, or who would challenge them in any way.
It's sad how many men hate women and, simultaneously hate LGBT's. These are men who are weak and have no love to give another human being. They just have to have their sexual "needs" met so they can go back to loading their guns. They give nothing to humanity at all. Other heterosexual men are lovers, husbands, fathers. These guys take pride in what they do. They contribute positively to the human race.

Apparently the douchebag guys keep getting what they want though, since their bad character traits keep getting passed on. Apparently there's something women like about it. Though I've no clue what it is.
And you think women are going to vote for the GOP with having men like Moore in the party?
Please rig the democrat primaries again and nominate your whore again. Please.
We've already got the whore. He's sitting in the Oval Office.
Why did you allow the DNC to rig the primaries? Are you stupid? Hillary Clinton? Retarded might be more appropriate. Anyone could have beat Trump, yet you morons nominated the only piece of shit that would lose. You suck.

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