Textbook Indoctrination in Public Schools

I keep reading the same, old, tired arguments about "mystical creation" and how "evolution" has no proof.

Well, people, I'm sorry to break it to ya (wink, wink), but while you have been standing still, evolution has branched out into dozens and dozens of biological sciences taught at reputable colleges and universities all over the world. Not those crappy tier four colleges that teach ID as being equal to Evolution. Sheesh, they might as well teach astrology. Do they teach astrology?

Evolutionary sciences including:
Evolution of Animal Intelligence
Evolution of Animal Social Behaviour
Molecular Ecology and Evolution
Palaeoecology and Evolution of Environmental Ecology
Topics in Evolutionary Theory
Evolution of Animal Diversity
Evolution of the Fungi
Diversity of Life
Biological Modelling
Human Evolution
Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology
Evolution in Human Health and Disease
Darwin for Doctors
A Primer of Evolutionary Medicine

There are just so many.
Here is a link to just some medical institutions:

The Evolution & Medicine Review » Courses

The list goes on and on. If you believe evolution is nonsense, then stop going to doctors.

Most primary and secondary schools don't teach science because the ignorant keep pushing lawsuits or ID through school boards. Then parent sue, then schools have solvency problems. So they just don't teach it. A case of mysticism hamstringing our children.

Let the schools teach science and math and other courses that will enable our children to compete. If you believe that teaching knowledge is bad for kids, keep them home. Guarantee they won't be able to compete when they are adults. They can always work at McDonald's. Evolution never comes up there.
Evidence? Do you have even ONE example of a species jump that can hold up?


Well seeing how your logic amounts to"it exists therefore it MUST have been created by an all powerful magic man" I doubt any amount of evidence can convince you.

Don't forget:


:clap2: you answered your own question :eusa_angel:
I keep reading the same, old, tired arguments about "mystical creation" and how "evolution" has no proof.

Well, people, I'm sorry to break it to ya (wink, wink), but while you have been standing still, evolution has branched out into dozens and dozens of biological sciences taught at reputable colleges and universities all over the world. Not those crappy tier four colleges that teach ID as being equal to Evolution. Sheesh, they might as well teach astrology. Do they teach astrology?

Evolutionary sciences including:
Evolution of Animal Intelligence
Evolution of Animal Social Behaviour
Molecular Ecology and Evolution
Palaeoecology and Evolution of Environmental Ecology
Topics in Evolutionary Theory
Evolution of Animal Diversity
Evolution of the Fungi
Diversity of Life
Biological Modelling
Human Evolution
Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology
Evolution in Human Health and Disease
Darwin for Doctors
A Primer of Evolutionary Medicine

There are just so many.
Here is a link to just some medical institutions:

The Evolution & Medicine Review » Courses

The list goes on and on. If you believe evolution is nonsense, then stop going to doctors.

Most primary and secondary schools don't teach science because the ignorant keep pushing lawsuits or ID through school boards. Then parent sue, then schools have solvency problems. So they just don't teach it. A case of mysticism hamstringing our children.

Let the schools teach science and math and other courses that will enable our children to compete. If you believe that teaching knowledge is bad for kids, keep them home. Guarantee they won't be able to compete when they are adults. They can always work at McDonald's. Evolution never comes up there.

Not one shred of evidence, no not one. Doesn't matter how many millions you pour into studies to try to rewrite everything so that it works for your GUESSwork. If it was true you would have found links between species by now and stopped wasting millions trying to prove empty guesses. Darwin said you would have found it by now himself.

Parents don't want you teaching our kids lies and calling it fact with a deceptive form of "theory".
I'm just wondering, Jent...how long did Adam live? 930 years?

And where is the evidence for that?

Genesis, if it's written that way

So a human lived for 930 years?

Again...you lose.

Not at all. With all the amazing things God has done, with all He has shown me, with a couple of jaw-dropping miracles and constant confirmation of Who He Is, I haven't lost a thing and I have no doubt if He can do the things I've seen Him do, there is no doubt He could create a man that could live 930 years if that's what it says. Lol, or that Sarah could be so beautiful at 90+ that her husband was worried for his life lest they kill him and take her.

I haven't seen THAT happen lately.
Genesis, if it's written that way

So a human lived for 930 years?

Again...you lose.

Not at all. With all the amazing things God has done, with all He has shown me, with a couple of jaw-dropping miracles and constant confirmation of Who He Is, I haven't lost a thing and I have no doubt if He can do the things I've seen Him do, there is no doubt He could create a man that could live 930 years if that's what it says. Lol, or that Sarah could be so beautiful at 90+ that her husband was worried for his life lest they kill him and take her.

I haven't seen THAT happen lately.

930 years.

So, I would have to assume that another of God's miracles was that Adam could get an erection at that age?
So a human lived for 930 years?

Again...you lose.

Not at all. With all the amazing things God has done, with all He has shown me, with a couple of jaw-dropping miracles and constant confirmation of Who He Is, I haven't lost a thing and I have no doubt if He can do the things I've seen Him do, there is no doubt He could create a man that could live 930 years if that's what it says. Lol, or that Sarah could be so beautiful at 90+ that her husband was worried for his life lest they kill him and take her.

I haven't seen THAT happen lately.

930 years.

So, I would have to assume that another of God's miracles was that Adam could get an erection at that age?

I think it would be a miracle if men ever stopped.

Trouble in that area, Xo?
I keep reading the same, old, tired arguments about "mystical creation" and how "evolution" has no proof.

Well, people, I'm sorry to break it to ya (wink, wink), but while you have been standing still, evolution has branched out into dozens and dozens of biological sciences taught at reputable colleges and universities all over the world. Not those crappy tier four colleges that teach ID as being equal to Evolution. Sheesh, they might as well teach astrology. Do they teach astrology?

Evolutionary sciences including:
Evolution of Animal Intelligence
Evolution of Animal Social Behaviour
Molecular Ecology and Evolution
Palaeoecology and Evolution of Environmental Ecology
Topics in Evolutionary Theory
Evolution of Animal Diversity
Evolution of the Fungi
Diversity of Life
Biological Modelling
Human Evolution
Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology
Evolution in Human Health and Disease
Darwin for Doctors
A Primer of Evolutionary Medicine

There are just so many.
Here is a link to just some medical institutions:

The Evolution & Medicine Review » Courses

The list goes on and on. If you believe evolution is nonsense, then stop going to doctors.

Most primary and secondary schools don't teach science because the ignorant keep pushing lawsuits or ID through school boards. Then parent sue, then schools have solvency problems. So they just don't teach it. A case of mysticism hamstringing our children.

Let the schools teach science and math and other courses that will enable our children to compete. If you believe that teaching knowledge is bad for kids, keep them home. Guarantee they won't be able to compete when they are adults. They can always work at McDonald's. Evolution never comes up there.

Not one shred of evidence, no not one. Doesn't matter how many millions you pour into studies to try to rewrite everything so that it works for your GUESSwork. If it was true you would have found links between species by now and stopped wasting millions trying to prove empty guesses. Darwin said you would have found it by now himself.

Parents don't want you teaching our kids lies and calling it fact with a deceptive form of "theory".

Except there have been links with fossil records and DNA.

I keep reading the same, old, tired arguments about "mystical creation" and how "evolution" has no proof.

Well, people, I'm sorry to break it to ya (wink, wink), but while you have been standing still, evolution has branched out into dozens and dozens of biological sciences taught at reputable colleges and universities all over the world. Not those crappy tier four colleges that teach ID as being equal to Evolution. Sheesh, they might as well teach astrology. Do they teach astrology?

Evolutionary sciences including:
Evolution of Animal Intelligence
Evolution of Animal Social Behaviour
Molecular Ecology and Evolution
Palaeoecology and Evolution of Environmental Ecology
Topics in Evolutionary Theory
Evolution of Animal Diversity
Evolution of the Fungi
Diversity of Life
Biological Modelling
Human Evolution
Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology
Evolution in Human Health and Disease
Darwin for Doctors
A Primer of Evolutionary Medicine

There are just so many.
Here is a link to just some medical institutions:

The Evolution & Medicine Review » Courses

The list goes on and on. If you believe evolution is nonsense, then stop going to doctors.

Most primary and secondary schools don't teach science because the ignorant keep pushing lawsuits or ID through school boards. Then parent sue, then schools have solvency problems. So they just don't teach it. A case of mysticism hamstringing our children.

Let the schools teach science and math and other courses that will enable our children to compete. If you believe that teaching knowledge is bad for kids, keep them home. Guarantee they won't be able to compete when they are adults. They can always work at McDonald's. Evolution never comes up there.

Not one shred of evidence, no not one. Doesn't matter how many millions you pour into studies to try to rewrite everything so that it works for your GUESSwork. If it was true you would have found links between species by now and stopped wasting millions trying to prove empty guesses. Darwin said you would have found it by now himself.

Parents don't want you teaching our kids lies and calling it fact with a deceptive form of "theory".

Except there have been links with fossil records and DNA.


Fossil records, oh yeah, forgot about those.

Like the brontausaurus. How many years have scientists told us that there were brontausaurus? Before they figured out they got the fossils mixed up and just sorta quietly stopped publishing about the funny looking dinosaur
Not one shred of evidence, no not one. Doesn't matter how many millions you pour into studies to try to rewrite everything so that it works for your GUESSwork. If it was true you would have found links between species by now and stopped wasting millions trying to prove empty guesses. Darwin said you would have found it by now himself.

Parents don't want you teaching our kids lies and calling it fact with a deceptive form of "theory".

Except there have been links with fossil records and DNA.


Fossil records, oh yeah, forgot about those.

Like the brontausaurus. How many years have scientists told us that there were brontausaurus? Before they figured out they got the fossils mixed up and just sorta quietly stopped publishing about the funny looking dinosaur


Although even if it's true that one mistake does not disprove the other fossils they have all ready found.

Keep trying.
Well seeing how your logic amounts to"it exists therefore it MUST have been created by an all powerful magic man" I doubt any amount of evidence can convince you.

Don't forget:


:clap2: you answered your own question :eusa_angel:

So you admit then that the evidence for creationism is faith and religion and yet you still want to teach it on our schools, then throw a hissy about supposed Islam indoctrination?

Everyone knows that God put bones in the ground to (pick one of the following):

a. Give dogs something to dig up.

b. Show us what creatures on other planets looked like.

c. They are not really bones, just unique patterns of rock and mud.

Remember, it doesn't make any sense that we evolved from lower forms of life regardless of genetics and fossils.

It's much more believable that we were magically "shimmered" into being from dirt.

Funny thing about all that knowledge that doesn't mean anything? It works. What do we get from the Bible? Fables.
Like the brontausaurus. How many years have scientists told us that there were brontausaurus? Before they figured out they got the fossils mixed up and just sorta quietly stopped publishing about the funny looking dinosaur

They just changed the name to Apatosaurus.

Everyone knows that God put bones in the ground to (pick one of the following):

a. Give dogs something to dig up.

b. Show us what creatures on other planets looked like.

c. They are not really bones, just unique patterns of rock and mud.


(Am I right? Check the Bible for the answer)
So you admit then that the evidence for creationism is faith and religion and yet you still want to teach it on our schools, then throw a hissy about supposed Islam indoctrination?

That's because the Koran is written by Satan...

and the Torah is written by Jews (and you can't trust 'em)
Everyone knows that God put bones in the ground to (pick one of the following):

a. Give dogs something to dig up.

b. Show us what creatures on other planets looked like.

c. They are not really bones, just unique patterns of rock and mud.

Remember, it doesn't make any sense that we evolved from lower forms of life regardless of genetics and fossils.

It's much more believable that we were magically "shimmered" into being from dirt.

Funny thing about all that knowledge that doesn't mean anything? It works. What do we get from the Bible? Fables.

I prefer the explanation from the Simpsons game

God put the fossils in there as part of the game (all of Earth is a video game) to give the nerds something to do.
Don't forget:


:clap2: you answered your own question :eusa_angel:

So you admit then that the evidence for creationism is faith and religion and yet you still want to teach it on our schools, then throw a hissy about supposed Islam indoctrination?


I didn't say I want to teach Creationism in school, I wouldn't trust the teacher for one thing. But if you're going to offer one totally devoid-of-fact guess,

1. It should not be presented as fact
2. You should give equal time to another belief that has more evidence
Everyone knows that God put bones in the ground to (pick one of the following):

a. Give dogs something to dig up.

b. Show us what creatures on other planets looked like.

c. They are not really bones, just unique patterns of rock and mud.

Remember, it doesn't make any sense that we evolved from lower forms of life regardless of genetics and fossils.

It's much more believable that we were magically "shimmered" into being from dirt.

Funny thing about all that knowledge that doesn't mean anything? It works. What do we get from the Bible? Fables.

Does God put bones in the ground? I haven't seen that lately.

All that knowledge that doesn't mean anything, working? If you're talking about legitimate science, the kind that can show proof, sure, it's ASTOUNDING what modern science and technology can and does do. But adding evolution to the list is, well, it just doesn't belong there. You're constantly disproving yourself and rewritting it as fact again. Laughable really.
:clap2: you answered your own question :eusa_angel:

So you admit then that the evidence for creationism is faith and religion and yet you still want to teach it on our schools, then throw a hissy about supposed Islam indoctrination?


I didn't say I want to teach Creationism in school, I wouldn't trust the teacher for one thing. But if you're going to offer one totally devoid-of-fact guess,

1. It should not be presented as fact
2. You should give equal time to another belief that has more evidence

Yeah more evidence, ok what evidence is there that every animal was formed using magic.

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