Textbook Indoctrination in Public Schools

That's right Jen ignore ALL those nasty little FACTS that don't support your THEORY of a God!

Theory, nothing.

Theory's don't tell me to slow down just before all lanes on the highway turned into headlights coming right at me. And even though I was going dangerously slow when they appeared, I was able to pull over with a narrow miss onto a soft shoulder that would have wiped me out if I hit it at the speed I was originally going.

You will never convince me God is only a theory.

Every breath that me and my sons take is directly attributable to Him (no matter how that may disappoint some of you).

And that is why I'm one of the few moms that were willing to take on the school system even though it cost all of us.
That's right Jen ignore ALL those nasty little FACTS that don't support your THEORY of a God!

Theory, nothing.

Theory's don't tell me to slow down just before all lanes on the highway turned into headlights coming right at me. And even though I was going dangerously slow when they appeared, I was able to pull over with a narrow miss onto a soft shoulder that would have wiped me out if I hit it at the speed I was originally going.

You will never convince me God is only a theory.

Every breath that me and my sons take is directly attributable to Him (no matter how that may disappoint some of you).

And that is why I'm one of the few moms that were willing to take on the school system even though it cost all of us.

Oh yippy dippy skippy. I really don't give a shit about your "near death" moment I care more about the fact that my father's life was saved be a great brain surgen who had at his disposal SCIENTIFIC FACTS and didn't stop the PRAY during surgery.
That's right Jen ignore ALL those nasty little FACTS that don't support your THEORY of a God!

Theory, nothing.

Theory's don't tell me to slow down just before all lanes on the highway turned into headlights coming right at me. And even though I was going dangerously slow when they appeared, I was able to pull over with a narrow miss onto a soft shoulder that would have wiped me out if I hit it at the speed I was originally going.

You will never convince me God is only a theory.

Every breath that me and my sons take is directly attributable to Him (no matter how that may disappoint some of you).

And that is why I'm one of the few moms that were willing to take on the school system even though it cost all of us.

Oh yippy dippy skippy. I really don't give a shit about your "near death" moment I care more about the fact that my father's life was saved be a great brain surgen who had at his disposal SCIENTIFIC FACTS and didn't stop the PRAY during surgery.

Cmon---doctors with all of the SCIENTIFIC FACTS still can't save everyone. There's plenty of room for spirituality until they can.
Does God put bones in the ground? I haven't seen that lately.

All that knowledge that doesn't mean anything, working? If you're talking about legitimate science, the kind that can show proof, sure, it's ASTOUNDING what modern science and technology can and does do. But adding evolution to the list is, well, it just doesn't belong there. You're constantly disproving yourself and rewritting it as fact again. Laughable really.

Uh, then were do they come from?

I never said they don't come from the ground. I just don't know that God ever specifically put them there. Things pretty much got rearranged from the flood. (or have scientists been able to explain why mountain tops have evidence of being undersea...I suppose they would say mountains just popped up that way all on their own...)[/QUOTE]

That is so funny. Mountains actually did just pop up all on their own. From at least two different methods, volcanoes and plate tectonics.

The Flood? Ha ha. Where did all the water go? Did God "drink it"? Millions of species on a wooden boat with hundreds of species of termites, beavers and woodpeckers? What did they eat? Ha ha.

So tell me, do you go to a medical doctor? Have you asked your doctor if they studied evolutionary medicine? I'm telling you now, if you go to a medical doctor, you are being a hypocrite. Stop it now. You must go to a "faith healer".

Funny about those bones. If there had been a "flood", they would be all mixed up instead of laying carefully in layers, the less complex on the bottom, the more complex on top. We found that out at the Grand Canyon, because it's two billion years old. Unless you think that came from a flood? ha ha ha. Still doesn't explain the bones. Man, God was "neat". Ha ha ha ha ho ho tee hee giggle snicker.
I believe that promoting a religion in public schools should be prevented, as such a policy is
un-Constitutional. Secular Humanism, believe it or not, is in fact a religion and should face the same restrictions as any other religion and be banned from public schools in the US.

A few years back a twisted political in California, Shelia James Kuehl, supported a policy that would make all school curriculum "gender neutral" under (SB777). The implications of such a twisted agenda is beyond the scope of this post, my main point is provide an example of the extreme social goals of the humanists. Often, secular humanists are considered to be more rational and ethical but such policies as the one mentioned in this post contradict this assumption. The religion of "secular humanism" has inflicted more harm on the minds of students then the belief in "creationism" ever could.
I believe that promoting a religion in public schools should be prevented, as such a policy is
un-Constitutional. Secular Humanism, believe it or not, is in fact a religion and should face the same restrictions as any other religion and be banned from public schools in the US.

A few years back a twisted political in California, Shelia James Kuehl, supported a policy that would make all school curriculum "gender neutral" under (SB777). The implications of such a twisted agenda is beyond the scope of this post, my main point is provide an example of the extreme social goals of the humanists. Often, secular humanists are considered to be more rational and ethical but such policies as the one mentioned in this post contradict this assumption. The religion of "secular humanism" has inflicted more harm on the minds of students then the belief in "creationism" ever could.

Below is a pretty good def on Secular Humanism. Perhaps drop down to "tenets"? You can see it's a rejection of magic and the occult. That is one of the problems with those with occult beliefs, they desperately want to paint non belief as another form of belief. Well it's not. It is exactly what it is, "a lack of supernatural beliefs", period. IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE!!!!

Creationism is crap disguised as something other than crap. Those that have pushed that crap have caused questioning minds to turn away from science. Who knows what fine minds we may have lost due to those pushing crap?

One thing the religious do it a vain attempt to make a connection between evil people that have no mystical beliefs and those that simply have no mystical beliefs. Example: Stalin was an atheist, so atheism is evil. Wrong, atheism is a lack of belief. Meaning "nothing". You can't build a connection from "nothing" because it's "nothing". Get it? Nothing.

A lack of belief isn't a belief. It's like "cold" is the absence of "heat". The religious person would say, "Heat is the absence of "cold". But a scientist would say, "heat" is "energy". Cold is the absence of heat. You see the difference? You don't take away the cold, you add heat so it's less cold, but cold is nothing - like atheism. The concept is so simple, but for some reason, far, far beyond the ability to comprehend by many religious.


Def of Secular humanism is a humanist philosophy that espouses reason, ethics, and justice, and specifically rejects the supernatural and the spiritual as the basis of moral reflection and decision-making. Like other types of humanism, secular humanism is a life stance that focuses on the way human beings can lead good, happy and functional lives.

secular humanism: Definition from Answers.com
Let's see I guess since we are all so terrified of them nasty MOOSLIMS we should keep Alegebra out of public schools huh?


Was algebra inspired by Islam teachings or words of the Koran or was it just invented by Muslims? If it's the first then you can claim it's relevant if it's the second it means nothing.
That's right Jen ignore ALL those nasty little FACTS that don't support your THEORY of a God!

Theory, nothing.

Theory's don't tell me to slow down just before all lanes on the highway turned into headlights coming right at me. And even though I was going dangerously slow when they appeared, I was able to pull over with a narrow miss onto a soft shoulder that would have wiped me out if I hit it at the speed I was originally going.

You will never convince me God is only a theory.

Every breath that me and my sons take is directly attributable to Him (no matter how that may disappoint some of you).

And that is why I'm one of the few moms that were willing to take on the school system even though it cost all of us.

Oh yippy dippy skippy. I really don't give a shit about your "near death" moment I care more about the fact that my father's life was saved be a great brain surgen who had at his disposal SCIENTIFIC FACTS and didn't stop the PRAY during surgery.

First of all I'm glad it went well for your dad.

Secondly, your doctor probably depended on God's design, your dad's living body, doing what God designed it to do, which is heal. Sending the blood rushing with all the right balances of platelets etc to heal. It's astounding what the body does in order to survive. The more doctors study and more about it, the harder time they have denying there wasn't a Creator.

If it wasn't for the body's God-given ability to heal, nobody would have a chance after surgery. Nobody. Doctors depend on God all the time and most of them know it.
I believe that promoting a religion in public schools should be prevented, as such a policy is
un-Constitutional. Secular Humanism, believe it or not, is in fact a religion and should face the same restrictions as any other religion and be banned from public schools in the US.

A few years back a twisted political in California, Shelia James Kuehl, supported a policy that would make all school curriculum "gender neutral" under (SB777). The implications of such a twisted agenda is beyond the scope of this post, my main point is provide an example of the extreme social goals of the humanists. Often, secular humanists are considered to be more rational and ethical but such policies as the one mentioned in this post contradict this assumption. The religion of "secular humanism" has inflicted more harm on the minds of students then the belief in "creationism" ever could.

Below is a pretty good def on Secular Humanism. Perhaps drop down to "tenets"? You can see it's a rejection of magic and the occult. That is one of the problems with those with occult beliefs, they desperately want to paint non belief as another form of belief. Well it's not. It is exactly what it is, "a lack of supernatural beliefs", period. IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE!!!!

Creationism is crap disguised as something other than crap. Those that have pushed that crap have caused questioning minds to turn away from science. Who knows what fine minds we may have lost due to those pushing crap?

One thing the religious do it a vain attempt to make a connection between evil people that have no mystical beliefs and those that simply have no mystical beliefs. Example: Stalin was an atheist, so atheism is evil. Wrong, atheism is a lack of belief. Meaning "nothing". You can't build a connection from "nothing" because it's "nothing". Get it? Nothing.

A lack of belief isn't a belief. It's like "cold" is the absence of "heat". The religious person would say, "Heat is the absence of "cold". But a scientist would say, "heat" is "energy". Cold is the absence of heat. You see the difference? You don't take away the cold, you add heat so it's less cold, but cold is nothing - like atheism. The concept is so simple, but for some reason, far, far beyond the ability to comprehend by many religious.


Def of Secular humanism is a humanist philosophy that espouses reason, ethics, and justice, and specifically rejects the supernatural and the spiritual as the basis of moral reflection and decision-making. Like other types of humanism, secular humanism is a life stance that focuses on the way human beings can lead good, happy and functional lives.

secular humanism: Definition from Answers.com

Like darkness and light. It's cold in the dark. And it can't resist the Light.
That's right Jen ignore ALL those nasty little FACTS that don't support your THEORY of a God!

Theory, nothing.

Theory's don't tell me to slow down just before all lanes on the highway turned into headlights coming right at me. And even though I was going dangerously slow when they appeared, I was able to pull over with a narrow miss onto a soft shoulder that would have wiped me out if I hit it at the speed I was originally going.

You will never convince me God is only a theory.

Every breath that me and my sons take is directly attributable to Him (no matter how that may disappoint some of you).

And that is why I'm one of the few moms that were willing to take on the school system even though it cost all of us.

...and here I thought all the backwards signs (a sure indication that you're going the wrong way) would have given you a clue..
Theory, nothing.

Theory's don't tell me to slow down just before all lanes on the highway turned into headlights coming right at me. And even though I was going dangerously slow when they appeared, I was able to pull over with a narrow miss onto a soft shoulder that would have wiped me out if I hit it at the speed I was originally going.

You will never convince me God is only a theory.

Every breath that me and my sons take is directly attributable to Him (no matter how that may disappoint some of you).

And that is why I'm one of the few moms that were willing to take on the school system even though it cost all of us.

Oh yippy dippy skippy. I really don't give a shit about your "near death" moment I care more about the fact that my father's life was saved be a great brain surgen who had at his disposal SCIENTIFIC FACTS and didn't stop the PRAY during surgery.

First of all I'm glad it went well for your dad.

Secondly, your doctor probably depended on God's design, your dad's living body, doing what God designed it to do, which is heal. Sending the blood rushing with all the right balances of platelets etc to heal. It's astounding what the body does in order to survive. The more doctors study and more about it, the harder time they have denying there wasn't a Creator.

If it wasn't for the body's God-given ability to heal, nobody would have a chance after surgery. Nobody. Doctors depend on God all the time and most of them know it.

Oh golly so why did "GOD" make my dad an alchoholic that caused him to fall and bash his head open? Why did "God's great creation to get DOUBLE PNUMONIA and DIE two years later?
Uh, then were do they come from?

I never said they don't come from the ground. I just don't know that God ever specifically put them there. Things pretty much got rearranged from the flood. (or have scientists been able to explain why mountain tops have evidence of being undersea...I suppose they would say mountains just popped up that way all on their own...)[/QUOTE]

That is so funny. Mountains actually did just pop up all on their own. From at least two different methods, volcanoes and plate tectonics.

The Flood? Ha ha. Where did all the water go? Did God "drink it"? Millions of species on a wooden boat with hundreds of species of termites, beavers and woodpeckers? What did they eat? Ha ha.

So tell me, do you go to a medical doctor? Have you asked your doctor if they studied evolutionary medicine? I'm telling you now, if you go to a medical doctor, you are being a hypocrite. Stop it now. You must go to a "faith healer".

Funny about those bones. If there had been a "flood", they would be all mixed up instead of laying carefully in layers, the less complex on the bottom, the more complex on top. We found that out at the Grand Canyon, because it's two billion years old. Unless you think that came from a flood? ha ha ha. Still doesn't explain the bones. Man, God was "neat". Ha ha ha ha ho ho tee hee giggle snicker.

There are plenty of sites where fossils have been all mixed together, I don't know what you're laughing about.

I think what's laughable is how they claimed carbon dating was state-of-the-art and undeniable, until they found the flaws.

Oh but now there are new ways of dating material. Until they find better ones, than these will be admittedly flawed.

You guys crunch the numbers that you need to in order to get the results that you want and you KNOW it, it depends on what you feed into all that "complex" data.
Oh yippy dippy skippy. I really don't give a shit about your "near death" moment I care more about the fact that my father's life was saved be a great brain surgen who had at his disposal SCIENTIFIC FACTS and didn't stop the PRAY during surgery.

First of all I'm glad it went well for your dad.

Secondly, your doctor probably depended on God's design, your dad's living body, doing what God designed it to do, which is heal. Sending the blood rushing with all the right balances of platelets etc to heal. It's astounding what the body does in order to survive. The more doctors study and more about it, the harder time they have denying there wasn't a Creator.

If it wasn't for the body's God-given ability to heal, nobody would have a chance after surgery. Nobody. Doctors depend on God all the time and most of them know it.

Oh golly so why did "GOD" make my dad an alchoholic that caused him to fall and bash his head open? Why did "God's great creation to get DOUBLE PNUMONIA and DIE two years later?

Actually, God didn't make your dad an alcoholic.

Your dad made your dad an alcoholic. Nobody else.

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