Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The longer the situation was drawn out, the more dangerous it became.
That is just a special kind of stupid. The murder happened first. After that, not much else occurred. It was most dangerous at the beginning, you dimwitted dumb ass.

Partisan hack much? :laugh:
There are far more important things in this world than circle-jerking over guns.
But...there is nothing more important than upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution. Especially the 2nd Amendment.

Now hush. The adults are speaking.
There are far more important things in this world than circle-jerking over guns.
But...there is nothing more important than upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution. Especially the 2nd Amendment.

Now hush. The adults are speaking.
There is nothing more important than God and Family and Country... pretty much in that order.

The Second Amendment is important but it is only one tiny piece of the Constitution and nowhere near the most important part.

You clowns spend your entire lives yapping "Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns"...

Bore... bore... bore...

Guns are merely a defensive mechanism designed to keep Family and Self from harm in the event of a crisis.

They're a tool... not a Major Food Group... get a phukking grip.
Thank a god for humans having rights, what a dope. God had nothing to do with it, it is all a human construct.

Yes, imagine that God wanted there to be human rights, then you'd expect MORE PEOPLE to actually be under systems where human rights exist, wouldn't you? I mean, you'd have to be a pretty useless god to have let China slip.
Especially since all the nations in the world that claim to be Christians, God must not have cared then...

Yeah, he cared so much he made them Muslims and Buddhists and Atheists.

He expects us to actually listen to what he had to say in the Bible, and spread the word on our own.... we aren't his toys or robots, we are individual creations with free will....

So then you go and attack people fro being individual creations.

Doesn't that sound a bit weird? If God created humans and humans created religions, then doesn't God want religions to get along with each other?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
Yes or I wouldn’t have shot this


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Give me one reason why I need a nuclear bomb.
Because your government has one. And despite your wishes otherwise, they are not your mommy & daddy. They don’t get to tell you what you can and cannot own. The government answers to the people, the people do not answer to the government. Helpless dumb ass.
Give me one reason why I need a nuclear bomb.
Give me a reason to believe an individual can even purchase or build a nuke. The entire nation of Iran has been working on getting nukes for decades.
I love that completely irrational, highly immature “argument” by the left. I obliterate it every time (as you just did here).

Give me one reason why I need a nuclear bomb.

Give me one reason why what I own is any of your fucking business.
Give me a reason to believe an individual can even purchase or build a nuke. The entire nation of Iran has been working on getting nukes for decades.

Why shouldn't an individual not be able to purchase a nuke? If Russia wanted to sell you a nuke, why shouldn't you be able to buy it?

If a Russian citizen in the US wanted to bring their nuke with them on holiday, what's the problem?
Give me one reason why I need a nuclear bomb.
Give me a reason to believe an individual can even purchase or build a nuke. The entire nation of Iran has been working on getting nukes for decades.
I love that completely irrational, highly immature “argument” by the left. I obliterate it every time (as you just did here).

How is this "irrational, highly immature "argument""?

Basically any argument must be able to function at the extremes. If I should be allowed to own a firearm and no one can question my desire to own a firearm, then the same thing should hold true for EVERY SINGLE THING.

What is it about nukes that you think should prevent an individual from owning a nuke?

Or is it you don't have anything so you go into your dictionary and pick out some adjectives and fling them in order to try and stop the debate?

So you want to be rational and mature, you can answer my question.

Why should individuals no be able to own nukes? Even if it's just theoretical.

Give me one reason why I need a nuclear bomb.

Give me one reason why what I own is any of your fucking business.
Give me a reason to believe an individual can even purchase or build a nuke. The entire nation of Iran has been working on getting nukes for decades.

Why shouldn't an individual not be able to purchase a nuke? If Russia wanted to sell you a nuke, why shouldn't you be able to buy it?

If a Russian citizen in the US wanted to bring their nuke with them on holiday, what's the problem?
And if I want to smuggle a gay unicorn into the Yemen Republic, I should be allowed and the unicorn should not be thrown from a building.

...because your "Hero" didn't have the guts to pull that trigger.
Typical of the bloodlust left to attempt to belittle a good citizen for showing restraint. Of course, had he actually pulled the trigger, the anti-gun pussy here would be screaming about “murder”. :rolleyes:
Your Hero should NOT have access to any form of firearms since he's not willing to actually pull that trigger.
You continue to illustrate astounding ignorance. It is illegal in all 50 states to shoot a man in the back as he is running away. Had he done that, you left-wing pussies would be demanding he be prosecuted. That’s the problem in the United States today. The left wants to demonize the law abiding citizen and shed tears for the violent criminal.

The knife wielder was aggressing towards the gun wielder. That means that the Knife Wielder would have his front pointed to the gun wielder. Just how stupid can you get or just how stupid do you want the rest of us to be. Not going to happen. The Gun Wielder could have wasted the SOB and not a court in the country would have found him guilty of any crime unless it might have been littering if he didn't police his brass afterwards.

The Knife Wielder had already mortally wounded his Girl Friend and was approaching the Gun Wielder. There was nothing the Gun Wielder could do (nor anyone else) to prevent that death. The Knife Wielder encroaches on the gun wielder and the gun wield keeps saying "Drop the Knife" while moving backwards. He says it a few times. It's obvious that the knife wielder will not drop the knife and keeps coming forward. Another person comes in from the rear quandrant with a hand held taser and hits the knife wielder in the throat with the charge dropping him which was a pretty gutsy move considering the knife was one step above the taser on the scale of weapons.

For argument sake, we remove the Taser person from the equation. Now, let me ask you this, what would have happened if the backward walking Gun Toter had tripped and fallen down? Would the gun had discharged? And where would the projectile have gone? Would the knife wielder have been on him slashing?

I would have given the person two warnings to drop the knife and then center body massed him with a double tap. No walking backwards. The life I would save might have been my own. The other life was already lost. And maybe, had the SOB been dropped faster medical help could have saved the girl, who knows, if it had been gotten there faster. If you aren't willing to pull that trigger, don't pull that weapon.

It's sad that you are taking the side of the Rexall Ranger on this and I am taking the side of just wasting the SOB right away. Says loads about whether you should be wandering around armed or not. If I pull a weapon, rest assured, I am willing to use it, no questions asked. If I am not willing to use it then I won't pull it. I can back away trying to talk him into dropping the knife without the gun just fine if I don't intend to kill him. But at some point, I will stop, draw my weapon, give him one warning and then blow him away if he doesn't immediately comply, no hesitation. And then I am going to have to find a Church. You Rexall Rangers have no concept of a life threatening situation outside of what you see in some fantasy movie.

I watched the clip and saw it come down. And you Rexall Rangers who walk around trying to make your dicks feel bigger need to learn to be a man by being a man, not some gun totin' Rexall Ranger.
The longer the situation was drawn out, the more dangerous it became.
That is just a special kind of stupid. The murder happened first. After that, not much else occurred. It was most dangerous at the beginning, you dimwitted dumb ass.

Partisan hack much? :laugh:

The Murder already happened. What the clip showed was what happened aftewards. And your Hero, the Rexall Ranger with the Gun is an Idiot. The real hero is the one with the Taser. You keep leaving him out of the equation. You Rexall Rangers always want to pat the gun toters on the back. Learn to recognize the real heroes for a change. But since you can't, fruitcake, you end up looking like the idiot you really are.
Why shouldn't an individual not be able to purchase a nuke?
They should be! That’s the point that you are missing. You celebrate the government having nuclear weapons and yet the people - who the government answers to - are somehow told by their subordinates what they can and can’t have.
If Russia wanted to sell you a nuke, why shouldn't you be able to buy it?
You should be able to. But...the federal government does have the constitutional right to control what comes into the country. Article I, Section 8:
“To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations”
If a Russian citizen in the US wanted to bring their nuke with them on holiday, what's the problem?
The problem is they are not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, they don’t have 2nd Amendment rights.

Good grief your arguments have all of the intellect of 2nd grader. :eusa_doh:
How is this "irrational, highly immature "argument""? Basically any argument must be able to function at the extremes.
You just answered your own question, snowflake. Logical, rational, reasonable people do not function in the “extremes”. ISIS functions in the extremes. Adolf Hitler functioned in the extremes.

How are you not embarrassed by your posts?
What is it about nukes that you think should prevent an individual from owning a nuke?
Um...I don’t. At all. People should be able to own nuclear weapons as far as the government is concerned. But here is the reality, my immature and ignorant little friend:

1. What business sells nuclear weapons? Does Google sell them? How about Amazon? Can I get a nuclear weapon on Amazon?

2. Since no corporation sells them, where am I going to get one? I can’t buy it on the black market since the U.S. can constitutionally control what comes into the U.S. (as I just explained to you in my previous post).

3. Even if #2 weren’t an issue, it would cost tens of millions of dollars. Only your believed 1% could afford them. You think Bill Gates is in the market for a nuclear warhead? How about Warren Buffett? Mark Zuckerberg?

4. Nuclear arms require coordinated key codes. Which means, if I owned one, I would need other people to help me launch it. So even if I had a mental health issue, the likelihood that the other people with the codes would be willing to launch is a trillion to one.

Are you done with your immature nonsense now son? Can you grow up and form a logical rational position now? Please?

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