Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.

Can you go through the dynamics for us please?

The closest you can come to outlawing firearms is for the new SC court (If Hillary wins) to say that firearm ownership is no longer protected by the Constitution.

What that means is cities and states across the country (more likely liberal) could create laws against ownership or carrying of a firearm. That does not mean that conservative states have to do the same. In fact, conservative states can make guns even more available and easier to get a carry permit than ever.

On a national level, any President wanting to outlaw guns (or confiscate them) would have to get full approval by a majority of Congress and Senate. That's never going to happen..
And even if Democrats were able to pull that off, it would be the end of their leadership for decades in the White House and both Congress and Senate.

But keep dreaming.......we all have dreams you know.
Flying was once a dream, walking on the moon, cars that drive themselves. Time is on my side.

Time is not on your side and neither is your ability to understand how our laws work in this country.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.

Oh, so Republican states it is? Gee, I guess in Republican states, there are no liberal cities or people.

Why don't you talk about Republican cities compared to liberal cities........ I know you don't want to go there.
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.

Can you go through the dynamics for us please?

The closest you can come to outlawing firearms is for the new SC court (If Hillary wins) to say that firearm ownership is no longer protected by the Constitution.

What that means is cities and states across the country (more likely liberal) could create laws against ownership or carrying of a firearm. That does not mean that conservative states have to do the same. In fact, conservative states can make guns even more available and easier to get a carry permit than ever.

On a national level, any President wanting to outlaw guns (or confiscate them) would have to get full approval by a majority of Congress and Senate. That's never going to happen..
And even if Democrats were able to pull that off, it would be the end of their leadership for decades in the White House and both Congress and Senate.

But keep dreaming.......we all have dreams you know.
Flying was once a dream, walking on the moon, cars that drive themselves. Time is on my side.

Time is not on your side and neither is your ability to understand how our laws work in this country.
The same laws you thought would never let gays marry or adopt children? I'm winning, you are not.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.
Guns do kill... People do. Lol
Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.

Can you go through the dynamics for us please?

The closest you can come to outlawing firearms is for the new SC court (If Hillary wins) to say that firearm ownership is no longer protected by the Constitution.

What that means is cities and states across the country (more likely liberal) could create laws against ownership or carrying of a firearm. That does not mean that conservative states have to do the same. In fact, conservative states can make guns even more available and easier to get a carry permit than ever.

On a national level, any President wanting to outlaw guns (or confiscate them) would have to get full approval by a majority of Congress and Senate. That's never going to happen..
And even if Democrats were able to pull that off, it would be the end of their leadership for decades in the White House and both Congress and Senate.

But keep dreaming.......we all have dreams you know.
Flying was once a dream, walking on the moon, cars that drive themselves. Time is on my side.

Time is not on your side and neither is your ability to understand how our laws work in this country.
The same laws you thought would never let gays marry or adopt children? I'm winning, you are not.

You are winning because freaks can now marry--by force no less?

Again, please explain the dynamics of how a SC can rule guns are illegal and need to be confiscated. You don't seem to understand that the SC can only rule if something is constitutional or not. There is nothing in the Constitution that even hints that government can make firearms illegal.
So you trust Iran with one more than anyone here?
Far more. Iran is sane. Pissed, but sane.

So the same people that say that the Holocaust never happened and shout death to Israel and the US everyday you trust more than posters here?

Duly noted.
Words, words, words.

Words, words, words....................mean things.

Unless you are Hillary Clinton. If you are Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
Words in politics or anger aren't worth much.

So you ignore there words?

No wonder you love Hillary and Obama.

What makes you think they are sane and reasonable then?
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That already happens. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Lol. Do you live in this country?
Dummy, I know this but that changes nothing.

Your constant resorting to name-calling just reveals what kind of a lowly person you really are. :)

Do you live in the United States?
Dummy is not a name in this case. It is your mental ability, a highly limited one.

Seems I'm the one capable of rational and reasonable discussion. :) You are the one getting all . . . crazy. I can see why you wouldn't want others to own guns considering your own poor self control. Lol.
Guns are mostly unnecessary now. Does not wanting people to have biological weapons at home make me crazy? Am I a Nazi for wanting a ban on personal nuclear weapons?

Next time, try to think a little.
Biological weapons are as bad or worse than nuclear. A change in direction of the wind and it willl blow back in your face. Not to mention the crap you have to wear for protection. I've worn the military versions and to say they are unconfortable is an under statement.
The same laws you thought would never let gays marry or adopt children? I'm winning, you are not.

If you are "winning", why did you get so badly owned by me on your nonsensical "nuclear weapons" post that you actually had to run away?
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.
That may work for the sheeple in other nations but it will go down like a lead ballon here.
Biological weapons are as bad or worse than nuclear. A change in direction of the wind and it willl blow back in your face. Not to mention the crap you have to wear for protection. I've worn the military versions and to say they are unconfortable is an under statement.

Not only that - but a nuclear weapon has a limited range and a single detonation capability. Biological weapons have no range. They have unlimited capabilities for replicating and spreading.
Far more. Iran is sane. Pissed, but sane.

So the same people that say that the Holocaust never happened and shout death to Israel and the US everyday you trust more than posters here?

Duly noted.
Words, words, words.

Words, words, words....................mean things.

Unless you are Hillary Clinton. If you are Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
Words in politics or anger aren't worth much.

So you ignore there words?

No wonder you love Hillary and Obama.

What makes you think they are sane and reasonable then?
Were we nuts to want nukes? Was the USSR? Israel? France? The UK? No difference.
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Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.
That may work for the sheeple in other nations but it will go down like a lead ballon here.
Lead ballon or not, it's the future.
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.
You mean like cocaine is daily by DEA and other agencies that have confiscated it during raids.....? :cuckoo:

( couldn't possibly manufacture more firearms and bring them in on the black market).

Yes folks....libtards really are this stupid
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.

Can you go through the dynamics for us please?

The closest you can come to outlawing firearms is for the new SC court (If Hillary wins) to say that firearm ownership is no longer protected by the Constitution.

What that means is cities and states across the country (more likely liberal) could create laws against ownership or carrying of a firearm. That does not mean that conservative states have to do the same. In fact, conservative states can make guns even more available and easier to get a carry permit than ever.

On a national level, any President wanting to outlaw guns (or confiscate them) would have to get full approval by a majority of Congress and Senate. That's never going to happen..
And even if Democrats were able to pull that off, it would be the end of their leadership for decades in the White House and both Congress and Senate.

But keep dreaming.......we all have dreams you know.
Flying was once a dream, walking on the moon, cars that drive themselves. Time is on my side.

Time is not on your side and neither is your ability to understand how our laws work in this country.
The same laws you thought would never let gays marry or adopt children? I'm winning, you are not.

You are winning because freaks can now marry--by force no less?

Again, please explain the dynamics of how a SC can rule guns are illegal and need to be confiscated. You don't seem to understand that the SC can only rule if something is constitutional or not. There is nothing in the Constitution that even hints that government can make firearms illegal.
Who said the present Constitution will still be in play then? Not me.
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.
That may work for the sheeple in other nations but it will go down like a lead ballon here.
Lead ballon or not, it's the future.
You guys have been saying that for over 100 years now and all we've seen is gun sales and gun ownership skyrocket :lol:
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.

Can you go through the dynamics for us please?

The closest you can come to outlawing firearms is for the new SC court (If Hillary wins) to say that firearm ownership is no longer protected by the Constitution.

What that means is cities and states across the country (more likely liberal) could create laws against ownership or carrying of a firearm. That does not mean that conservative states have to do the same. In fact, conservative states can make guns even more available and easier to get a carry permit than ever.

On a national level, any President wanting to outlaw guns (or confiscate them) would have to get full approval by a majority of Congress and Senate. That's never going to happen..
And even if Democrats were able to pull that off, it would be the end of their leadership for decades in the White House and both Congress and Senate.

But keep dreaming.......we all have dreams you know.
Flying was once a dream, walking on the moon, cars that drive themselves. Time is on my side.
In your Liberal utopian world the 80 year old lady in the story would have been beaten and probally murdered . In your dreamy world the 80 year old great grandmother has no right to protect herself, home or family.

Great-granny, 80, got a gun, kills a home intruder who attacked husband | Fox News
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
When gun control happens, they won't just be outlawed. They will be collected and destroyed.

Can you go through the dynamics for us please?

The closest you can come to outlawing firearms is for the new SC court (If Hillary wins) to say that firearm ownership is no longer protected by the Constitution.

What that means is cities and states across the country (more likely liberal) could create laws against ownership or carrying of a firearm. That does not mean that conservative states have to do the same. In fact, conservative states can make guns even more available and easier to get a carry permit than ever.

On a national level, any President wanting to outlaw guns (or confiscate them) would have to get full approval by a majority of Congress and Senate. That's never going to happen..
And even if Democrats were able to pull that off, it would be the end of their leadership for decades in the White House and both Congress and Senate.

But keep dreaming.......we all have dreams you know.
Flying was once a dream, walking on the moon, cars that drive themselves. Time is on my side.
In your Liberal utopian world the 80 year old lady in the story would have been beaten and probally murdered . In your dreamy world the 80 year old great grandmother has no right to protect herself, home or family.

Great-granny, 80, got a gun, kills a home intruder who attacked husband | Fox News
Ever heard of non-lethal weapons?
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

Oh yeah?

Chelsea Clinton: Scalia’s Out of the Way, so now we can gut the Second Amendment......

Chelsea Clinton: Post-Scalia Supreme Court will be open to gun control

Watch out folks...
We may be looking at the first

President of the US....

I think Chelsea might be more ambitious then her Mama.....
I'm sure she will spend her life from here on out in Politics...
I don't think she will get a real job anywhere.Government service is for her.
This fails as both a hasty generalization fallacy and slippery slope fallacy.

And yeah, as already correctly noted: the Second Amendment isn't going anywhere – to argue otherwise is delusional paranoia and ridiculous partisan demagoguery.
And yet NUMEROUS people including elected officials and the Clinton's have all said all they need to do is replace one Judge on the Supreme Court to gut the 2nd Amendment. Explain that one?

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