Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Your constant resorting to name-calling just reveals what kind of a lowly person you really are. :)

Do you live in the United States?
Dummy is not a name in this case. It is your mental ability, a highly limited one.

Seems I'm the one capable of rational and reasonable discussion. :) You are the one getting all . . . crazy. I can see why you wouldn't want others to own guns considering your own poor self control. Lol.
Guns are mostly unnecessary now. Does not wanting people to have biological weapons at home make me crazy? Am I a Nazi for wanting a ban on personal nuclear weapons?

Next time, try to think a little.

I guess the police don't need weapons anymore then. They can just karate chop the bad guys. Lol. :lol:
Non-leathal weapons exist. They work.

There is no such thing as a non-lethal weapon. Do you know that more people are killed with fists and feet alone than are by all rifles and shotguns combined?

Of course you don't
No one is out to take your gun away . Is it possible to talk gun control with freaks jumping too "u want to ban all guns !!! "
Not no one, just very few, like me.

Well, thankfully, you are a nobody. :D
And just who are you?

Again, think a bit before posting.

I'm a person who believes in constitutional rights of the American people. :)
So do I, in general, but that still makes you a nobody.
A nobody just like you
I don't call for more laws, I call for fewer guns.

In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.
I don't call for more laws, I call for fewer guns.

In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.
And you think a comparison of Japan to Iraq is a valid one?
I don't call for more laws, I call for fewer guns.

In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.

That's due to culture and not the "tool".
That's incorrect. Iraq was peaceful, before Bush. You can have peace with or without guns. That is what scares your ilk.
We have peace here with guns so what's your problem?
There are so many problems in the US. The left pick up on guns because there's a problem in society, and one very visable way it manifests itself is through gun violence. So they attack the gun violence.


Liberals don't care about people having guns. What bugs them are people being able to defend themselves with guns.

Democrat politicians want people to need government. If people can take care of themselves, then who needs government, right?

The biggest nightmare for the Democrat party is for the public to be much more self sufficient, more responsible, and less dependent on them. It would be the end of the Democrat party forever because Democrats heavily rely on victims and government dependents. By disarming Americans, they create more victims in our society as if we don't have enough already.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.

Oh, so Republican states it is? Gee, I guess in Republican states, there are no liberal cities or people.

Why don't you talk about Republican cities compared to liberal cities........ I know you don't want to go there.

I can talk about the whole thing if you like. In fact I started a whole thread on the matter.

If a US state has Governor, House and Senate (or equivalent) that are all Republican, the average crime rate is 3107
If a US state has Republican in 2 of those positions the average crime rate is 2788
If a US state has Republican in 1 of those positions the average crime rate is 2521
If a US state has a Republican in 0 of those positions the average crime rate is 2777

If a US state voted Republican in the last 4 Presidential elections the average crime rate is 3109
If a US state voted Republican 3 out of the last 4 times the average crime rate is 2792
If a US state voted Republican 2 out of the last 4 times the average crime rate is 3053
If a US state voted Republican 1 out of the last 4 time the average crime rate is 3253
If a US state voted Republican 0 out of the last 4 times the average crime rate 2582

(for one out of 4 there's only 2 states, one has low crime, the other much higher crime, and that's a state with 2 out of three state positions Republican)

But let's look at cities.

I've looked at the top 55 cities for size.

The average size of cities with Democrat mayors is 1.1 million
The average size for cities with Republican mayors is 576,000
The average size for independent mayors is 692,000

Republicans have only one city above 1 million.
Democrats have 9

Republicans have 13 mayors in the top 55, Republicans have 33.

So, the reality is, large cities are far more likely to be Democrat.

Yes, on average Democrat cities are likely to have higher violent crime rates.

However, when you compare the city violent crime rate with the state violent crime rate, you find something a little different.

Seven cities have lower violent crime than the state they're in.

Four in California, two in Texas and one in Virginia.

Three are Republican, two of these are in California and on in Virginia. So, you have Republican cities in Democrat states or in Virginia which is border line, slightly more Republican than Democrat.

There are four Democrat, two in Texas, two in California, so Democrat cities in both Republican and Democrat states.

What seems clear is that these are larger states, with larger cities around them to raise crime rates overall in the city, and therefore make their crime rates relatively (compared to the state) lower.

Basically big cities have higher crime rates as a rule, there is no set pattern of population size to violent crime rate.

There are 17 worse cities for violent crime than Philadelphia which has the worst crime of any city of over 1 million.
In those 17 there are 4 under 300,000, 4 between 400,000 and 499,999, 6 between 600,000 and 699,000. There's one over 700,000

Nothing in the data really points to anything right now, other than Republicans are less likely to run bigger cities.

I can add a lot more data to this, this is just with the basis. What a city constitutes Democrat/Republican wise isn't so clear from just the party of the mayor.

Crime in America 2016: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000 - Law Street (TM)
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.
Guns do kill... People do. Lol

Guns do kill, people do???? What?

Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.
Guns don't kill... People kill... Lol

Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.
No person needs permission from a firearm to kill....
Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.
Guns do kill... People do. Lol

Guns do kill, people do???? What?

Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.
Guns don't kill... People kill... Lol

Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.Maybe you mean to say, people with guns kill people more effectively than people without guns.
No person needs permission from a firearm to kill....

Did you have a point to make here? Or just trying to write "lol" as many times as possible?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Then again how many people have been killed because of guns?

Yeah, the US has a higher murder rate than any other first world country. Yes, guns in the US kill more people than guns in any other first world country.

Maybe if there were a God to be thanked, it would be because he'd kept crime rates low. But oh, Republican states, and religious states, have higher crime than non-Republican states and less Religious states.

Oh, so Republican states it is? Gee, I guess in Republican states, there are no liberal cities or people.

Why don't you talk about Republican cities compared to liberal cities........ I know you don't want to go there.

I can talk about the whole thing if you like. In fact I started a whole thread on the matter.

If a US state has Governor, House and Senate (or equivalent) that are all Republican, the average crime rate is 3107
If a US state has Republican in 2 of those positions the average crime rate is 2788
If a US state has Republican in 1 of those positions the average crime rate is 2521
If a US state has a Republican in 0 of those positions the average crime rate is 2777

If a US state voted Republican in the last 4 Presidential elections the average crime rate is 3109
If a US state voted Republican 3 out of the last 4 times the average crime rate is 2792
If a US state voted Republican 2 out of the last 4 times the average crime rate is 3053
If a US state voted Republican 1 out of the last 4 time the average crime rate is 3253
If a US state voted Republican 0 out of the last 4 times the average crime rate 2582

(for one out of 4 there's only 2 states, one has low crime, the other much higher crime, and that's a state with 2 out of three state positions Republican)

But let's look at cities.

I've looked at the top 55 cities for size.

The average size of cities with Democrat mayors is 1.1 million
The average size for cities with Republican mayors is 576,000
The average size for independent mayors is 692,000

Republicans have only one city above 1 million.
Democrats have 9

Republicans have 13 mayors in the top 55, Republicans have 33.

So, the reality is, large cities are far more likely to be Democrat.

Yes, on average Democrat cities are likely to have higher violent crime rates.

However, when you compare the city violent crime rate with the state violent crime rate, you find something a little different.

Seven cities have lower violent crime than the state they're in.

Four in California, two in Texas and one in Virginia.

Three are Republican, two of these are in California and on in Virginia. So, you have Republican cities in Democrat states or in Virginia which is border line, slightly more Republican than Democrat.

There are four Democrat, two in Texas, two in California, so Democrat cities in both Republican and Democrat states.

What seems clear is that these are larger states, with larger cities around them to raise crime rates overall in the city, and therefore make their crime rates relatively (compared to the state) lower.

Basically big cities have higher crime rates as a rule, there is no set pattern of population size to violent crime rate.

There are 17 worse cities for violent crime than Philadelphia which has the worst crime of any city of over 1 million.
In those 17 there are 4 under 300,000, 4 between 400,000 and 499,999, 6 between 600,000 and 699,000. There's one over 700,000

Nothing in the data really points to anything right now, other than Republicans are less likely to run bigger cities.

I can add a lot more data to this, this is just with the basis. What a city constitutes Democrat/Republican wise isn't so clear from just the party of the mayor.

Crime in America 2016: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000 - Law Street (TM)

Are you going to make a point, or is this a thread of not making a point and just posting not much?
There are so many problems in the US. The left pick up on guns because there's a problem in society, and one very visable way it manifests itself is through gun violence. So they attack the gun violence.


Liberals don't care about people having guns. What bugs them are people being able to defend themselves with guns.

Democrat politicians want people to need government. If people can take care of themselves, then who needs government, right?

The biggest nightmare for the Democrat party is for the public to be much more self sufficient, more responsible, and less dependent on them. It would be the end of the Democrat party forever because Democrats heavily rely on victims and government dependents. By disarming Americans, they create more victims in our society as if we don't have enough already.

Oh please, cut the crap.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
They ignore or do not know the meaning of the term "well regulated Militia". I doubt they know the difference between "keep" and "bear".
It has already been shown that the people not the militia hold the right to keep and bear arms

"bear arms" doesn't have anything to do with whether it's the militia or the people who have the right.

The people have the right to "bear arms", that doesn't stop the right to bear arms being the right to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated quite clearly by the founding fathers.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
They ignore or do not know the meaning of the term "well regulated Militia". I doubt they know the difference between "keep" and "bear".
It has already been shown that the people not the militia hold the right to keep and bear arms

"bear arms" doesn't have anything to do with whether it's the militia or the people who have the right.

The people have the right to "bear arms", that doesn't stop the right to bear arms being the right to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated quite clearly by the founding fathers.

Since the phrase comes from the Bill of Rights, and at that time, the founders were AGAINST a "central military," of course it is referring to citizenry. Derp. All male citizens back in those days were expected to be armed and ready at a "moment's notice." Why don't you learn something about history?
God is positive energy....guns are negative energy that destroys....therefore you worship Satan.

Guns in this country save far more lives than people using them illegally take.....
No one can prove anything of the kind but suicide kills twice as many as crime. That we can prove.

Nope....40 years of research show that guns are used 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.......

that is far more than 2 times the suicide rate......
Your numbers are crap. Just don't bother. What we know are deaths, and guns don't save lives, they take them.

No, there are numerous studies that have calculated that guns do in fact help save lives. If you don't want a gun, it's simple. Don't own one.
If you believe that, you also believe that Satan will win at Armageddon. It's that kind of thinking that has given the U.S. Trump and Clinton for a choice for the next POTUS.
Guns in this country save far more lives than people using them illegally take.....
No one can prove anything of the kind but suicide kills twice as many as crime. That we can prove.

Nope....40 years of research show that guns are used 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.......

that is far more than 2 times the suicide rate......
Your numbers are crap. Just don't bother. What we know are deaths, and guns don't save lives, they take them.

No, there are numerous studies that have calculated that guns do in fact help save lives. If you don't want a gun, it's simple. Don't own one.
If you believe that, you also believe that Satan will win at Armageddon. It's that kind of thinking that has given the U.S. Trump and Clinton for a choice for the next POTUS.

The studies (even Obama's 2010 study) say that they do in fact save lives, as well as many other studies. It's only plain old common sense anyways.
No one can prove anything of the kind but suicide kills twice as many as crime. That we can prove.

Nope....40 years of research show that guns are used 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.......

that is far more than 2 times the suicide rate......
Your numbers are crap. Just don't bother. What we know are deaths, and guns don't save lives, they take them.

No, there are numerous studies that have calculated that guns do in fact help save lives. If you don't want a gun, it's simple. Don't own one.
If you believe that, you also believe that Satan will win at Armageddon. It's that kind of thinking that has given the U.S. Trump and Clinton for a choice for the next POTUS.

The studies (even Obama's 2010 study) say that they do in fact save lives, as well as many other studies. It's only plain old common sense anyways.
Satan will try to win Armageddon with guns, but God will win with "the word". You picked the wrong one.
Nope....40 years of research show that guns are used 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.......

that is far more than 2 times the suicide rate......
Your numbers are crap. Just don't bother. What we know are deaths, and guns don't save lives, they take them.

No, there are numerous studies that have calculated that guns do in fact help save lives. If you don't want a gun, it's simple. Don't own one.
If you believe that, you also believe that Satan will win at Armageddon. It's that kind of thinking that has given the U.S. Trump and Clinton for a choice for the next POTUS.

The studies (even Obama's 2010 study) say that they do in fact save lives, as well as many other studies. It's only plain old common sense anyways.
Satan will try to win Armageddon with guns, but God will win with "the word". You picked the wrong one.

You are obviously a nut bar.

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