Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Dummy, I know this but that changes nothing.

Your constant resorting to name-calling just reveals what kind of a lowly person you really are. :)

Do you live in the United States?
Dummy is not a name in this case. It is your mental ability, a highly limited one.

Seems I'm the one capable of rational and reasonable discussion. :) You are the one getting all . . . crazy. I can see why you wouldn't want others to own guns considering your own poor self control. Lol.
Guns are mostly unnecessary now. Does not wanting people to have biological weapons at home make me crazy? Am I a Nazi for wanting a ban on personal nuclear weapons?

Next time, try to think a little.

Tell that to the Mexican citzens who are being murdered by their government working with the drug cartels.....or the people in Detroit.......
Lots of guns so they should be very peaceful, right?
Your constant resorting to name-calling just reveals what kind of a lowly person you really are. :)

Do you live in the United States?
Dummy is not a name in this case. It is your mental ability, a highly limited one.

Seems I'm the one capable of rational and reasonable discussion. :) You are the one getting all . . . crazy. I can see why you wouldn't want others to own guns considering your own poor self control. Lol.
Guns are mostly unnecessary now. Does not wanting people to have biological weapons at home make me crazy? Am I a Nazi for wanting a ban on personal nuclear weapons?

Next time, try to think a little.

Tell that to the Mexican citzens who are being murdered by their government working with the drug cartels.....or the people in Detroit.......
Lots of guns so they should be very peaceful, right?

Wrong....Mexican Citizens have the right to guns but the government....following morons like you, prevents them from actually owning only the drug cartels and their government allies have guns....and they are dying in their thousands each year...and the cartels have brought back ovens to burn the remains of their victims...their unarmed victims.....
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.
I don't call for more laws, I call for fewer guns.
In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.
We don't live in Japan or Iraq junior. Try again. How sad is it that you have to point to nations literally all the way across the world to make your case for policy you want here in the U.S.

By the way - if guns are too scary for you and Japan is so wonderful - go live there.

Lastly, why are you even here? You already admitted that the 1st Amendment rights to not extend to the internet (that were your own words). Our founders could have never anticipated computers, much less an interconnected linking of devices across the world. That was not their intent when they created the 1st Amendment. So shut the f' up, turn your computer off, and sit there quietly. :cuckoo:
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Yes they did. They already had weapons that fired multiple rounds per second look up the Puckle Gun it was the first weapon to be refereed to as a machine gun. Patented in 1718. Regardless The Constitution says Right to bear arms. It doesn't say right to bear single shot, flint lock, smooth bore musket. .
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance....and we have a lot of experience with gun grabbers...give them one thing...and they use it to ban and confiscate as much as they can....there is no reasoning with you.....

So...from our end...we have all the gun laws we need to keep criminals locked not one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment will be surrendered to you anti-gun nuts....
I don't call for more laws, I call for fewer guns.
In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.
We don't live in Japan or Iraq junior. Try again. How sad is it that you have to point to nations literally all the way across the world to make your case for policy you want here in the U.S.

By the way - if guns are too scary for you and Japan is so wonderful - go live there.

Lastly, why are you even here? You already admitted that the 1st Amendment rights to not extend to the internet (that were your own words). Our founders could have never anticipated computers, much less an interconnected linking of devices across the world. That was not their intent when they created the 1st Amendment. So shut the f' up, turn your computer off, and sit there quietly. :cuckoo:
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Yes they did. They already had weapons that fired multiple rounds per second look up the Puckle Gun it was the first weapon to be refereed to as a machine gun. Patented in 1718. Regardless The Constitution says Right to bear arms. It doesn't say right to bear single shot, flint lock, smooth bore musket. .
Can you own a nuke, yes or no? It's an arm, right?
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance....and we have a lot of experience with gun grabbers...give them one thing...and they use it to ban and confiscate as much as they can....there is no reasoning with you.....

So...from our end...we have all the gun laws we need to keep criminals locked not one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment will be surrendered to you anti-gun nuts....
Japan is free. You don't need guns for that.
Aren't you the sharp one.... :lmao:

It's your side that always uses the absurd excuse of "the founders didn't anticipate the guns that would be available" so I was mocking you with the internet stuff genius.

Now, as far as Japan and Iraq, they prove nothing. Absolutely nothing. For starters, you're too stupid to realize that Saddam Hussein disarmed the entire population when he came into power in the mide-1970's, so they only people that have firearms there are the terrorists. And that is exactly what you are trying to arrange here in America (after acknowledge how bad it is there). Proving how stupid you are yet again.

Secondly, it also proves nothing because we don't live in Japan and Iraq (it's laughable that I have to explain that to you). In the U.S., wherever guns are banned (public schools, college, some movie theaters, etc.) we see horrific mass murders. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, Police Stations, NRA meetings, etc.) we never see a single shooting. Ever. Once again, you lose stupid.

So that's twice now that we've proven that you make shit up. The first time when you said it was "illegal" for people to build "pipe bombs" and the second time when you claimed that Iraq was "full" of guns. :lmao:

No wonder you're so stupid on this issue. You don't have any facts straight.
Japan, few guns and peaceful. Iraq, many guns and a death zone. You lose, Puddles. guns (other than terrorists), extremely violent. How embarrassing that you continue to exhibit your remarkable ignorance on the facts over and over and over. If you weren't a libtard, you'd actually being feeling tremendous shame right now. :lol:
Guns in Iraq — Firearms, gun law and gun control

34 of every 100 people are terrorists, Puddles? Try again,
Pretty much. The country has been invaded by ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their enemy Iran. But I wouldn't expect you to be aware of reality based on your previous posts.
Many guns, no peace. Few guns, much peace. You lose, Puddles.
Now your just pulling words out of your fourth point of contact.
What is is with you anti I posted in another are dim bulbs.......the facts, the truth and the reality do not change your if the facts about guns in this country show you are completely wrong....and the reality shows you are completely wrong....and you refuse to accept them....

F**k you......we know you are going to do everything in your power to confiscate and ban as many guns as you can get your hands no more more treating you as if you are honest brokers in this are can't be are irrational and phobic about guns.....

We will see you in court and the ballot box twits.... genius. Their intent was "the right of the people". Which is why they said "the right of the people".
The intent was to maintain "the security of a free state" and "A well regulated militia being necessary"
was how that intent was achieved during that era.
The security of a free state meant that the citizenry had the means to protect itself from a tyrannical government. The intent was made very clear in other writings by the Framers of the Constitution.
The Lessons Of History - The Founding Fathers On Right To Bear Arms

The 2nd Amendment does not have a but or an except for anywhere in it. If you believe the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringe means it can then the only thing to do is get together with all of the other gun control wackadoodles and call for a constitutional amendment. I doubt you'll get many Representatives stupid enough to bring it up for a vote and you damn sure won't get many votes at the State level so shit out of luck doesn't quiet cover it.

Exactly. The second was put there EXPRESSELY for the purpose of (1) Defense of ones property and family and (2) to be used to overthrow a tyrannical government.

Problem is? Liberals do NOT believe in personal defense and they abhore the idea of "standing up" to the government - the same central government that feeds them.
There are also a few qoutes from the founding Fathers about personal defence of ones home and family out there. It is your right and duty to protect you and yours. The police no longer provent crimes so much as investigate the aftermath.

I should really start myself a link list to all of the articles and qoutes. I know Liberals won't look them up.

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Liberals support current Second Amendment jurisprudence, liberals own guns for self-defense, and liberals correctly understand that government may enact firearm regulatory measures consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Jesus. No matter how hard you try, you STILL show yourself to be a fucking idiot.
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance....and we have a lot of experience with gun grabbers...give them one thing...and they use it to ban and confiscate as much as they can....there is no reasoning with you.....

So...from our end...we have all the gun laws we need to keep criminals locked not one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment will be surrendered to you anti-gun nuts....
Japan is free. You don't need guns for that.

Japan is not free....the police have vast powers and their judicial system has an over 95% conviction rate.....not a free people....

You really are talking out of your ass....
Then explain mass shootings where guns are? There should be zero, right?

And don't forget this, no guns no mass shootings, or any shootings at all.

There are none. Ever. Show me one. I dare you....
How about two guys killed at a gun range? Let's start with that.
First, I see no link (so you might be making this up). Second - two people is not a "mass shooting".

So let's try again. And this time please adhere to the rules (must be a MASS shooting and must be where guns are abundant).
Gun range shootings. Should be the safest place in the world, right?

Shooting at Vermont Gun Range Exposes Safety Loophole
Again....completely nonsensical. That was not a "mass shooting". It was one person. Why do you feel the need to lie in each post?
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance....and we have a lot of experience with gun grabbers...give them one thing...and they use it to ban and confiscate as much as they can....there is no reasoning with you.....

So...from our end...we have all the gun laws we need to keep criminals locked not one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment will be surrendered to you anti-gun nuts....
Japan is free. You don't need guns for that.

here is a look at gun free Japan...all the stories are linked.....

Gangs buying up guns and hitmen.....2015


By proposing high pay, the recruiters are trying to encourage the gang warfare by hinting that those who carry out the first hits will be paid more,” the source said.

A former high-ranking gang member living in the Kanto region said he began receiving calls asking about the availability of loaded guns from around late August, when the Yamaguchi-gumi split came to light.

The calls, eight in total, to the former gangster’s mobile phone continued into September.

Without saying who made the calls, the former gangster said the requests likely came from both sides involved in the Yamaguchi-gumi breakup.

The large number of intermediaries involved in supplying guns made it difficult to pinpoint who was actually going on the shopping spree, the former mobster said.

By Benjamin David Baker
November 20, 2015

Japan Faces a Possible Mob War After Yakuza Gang Fractures

However, few things are more dangerous than when mob families go to war.

This fear seems to have been vindicated. According to the Asahi Shimbun, both the Yamaguchi-gumi and the thirteen splinter groups have been busy buying up weapons and lining up hitmen. The first shots in this mob war might have already been fired outside a hot spring facility in Iida, Nagano Prefecture. The 43-year-old man who was shot and killed outside a bathhouse on October 6 wanted to leave a Yamaguchi-gumi affiliate and join the newly formed rival organization consisting of the rebel gangs.

In what might be retaliation for this murder, a boss in the original Yamaguchi-gumi was killed on Sunday. Tatsuyuki Hishida was found tied up in his apartment after being bludgeoned to death. Police report that the killing was most likely in response to the Yamaguchi-gumi’s split.

The Japanese government has good reason to fear a gang war. Between 1985 and 1987, 25 Yakuza members were killedand around 70 were injured in a feud involving affiliated rival gangs. That bloodshed was triggered in part over disagreement over who should become the head of the Yamaguchi-gumi. A few years ago, another war broke out between two rival gangs on the southern island of Kyushu, in which mobsters attacked each other with machine guns and grenades.

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members).

It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)

On June 11, senior members of the Dojin-kai and the Kyushu Seido-kai (a.k.a. Seido-kai) visited the Fukuoka Police Kurume Police Station with an official announcement that they were ending the conflict. TheSeido-kai brought a virtual white flag, a notification of their dissolution (解散届け), in which they wrote, “For a long time we have made everyone ill at ease, disturbed people, and been a nuisance to society. We have decided our breakup is the only way to restore peace.” The Dojin-kai in turn proclaimed, “Since the Seido-kai is dissolved, this situation is over and we apologize to people and the authorities for the a
nxiety we have caused.”

Handouts for Hand Grenades: Yakuza Gang War Leads to an Explosive Bounty

TOKYO -- Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture Police have become the first in Japan to offer cash rewards to anyone who reports finding a hand grenade (or "pineapples" in yakuza slang) starting today, April 2. A long-running gang war in the prefecture has raised public fear in the area, and the handy hand-grenade has increasingly become the weapon of choice amongst rival gang members. As Japan has put into place increasingly harsher laws regulating the actions of the Japanese mafia, aka the yakuza, forcing many out of business--the remaining thugs are fighting viciously over what's left of the pie

When gang members aren't lobbing grenades or shooting at each other, they are shooting at the offices of companies trying to cut organized crime Last year, on Nov. 26, Toshihiro Uchino, the 72-year-old president of Hakushin Construction --which was trying to cut ties to local gangs---was shot to death outside his home in Kitakyushu.

The most violent of the groups and considered the primary user of hand grenades is the Kyushu Seidokai. The Kyushu Seidokai has expanded into Tokyo, setting up several front companies, and joined forces with Tadamasa Goto, a former Yamaguchi-gumi boss turned Buddhist priest, who has now re-emerged as a powerful player in Japan's underworld. Tokyo Police are also worried that "pineapples" may be thrown around the metropolis in the near future. "A coalition between Goto and the Kyushu Seido-kai doesn't bode well for the public safety," said a detective who works organized crime. "We’re not excited about the possibility of yakuza lobbing grenades into Tokyo offices and homes."

Japan braces for violence among 'yakuza' crime gangs

TOKYO — Japan is bracing for war.

Not with other countries, but with the nation's notorious gangsters.

A 43-year-old man was gunned down in the parking lot of a hot springs resort in western Japan earlier this month in what authorities say they fear could be the start of a deadly war among the nation's largest organized crime gangs, known collectively as the yakuza.

The powerful Yamaguchi-gumi crime syndicate, which marked its 100th anniversary this year, split into two rival groups in September. Police arrested a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi in the hot springs shooting and identified the victim as a member of the breakaway group.

Analysts said the rupture was due to long-running disputes over succession plans and high fees that member groups were required to pay Yamaguchi-gumi leaders.


When you confiscate and ban guns.......only the criminals and cops will have the above links show....
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance....and we have a lot of experience with gun grabbers...give them one thing...and they use it to ban and confiscate as much as they can....there is no reasoning with you.....

So...from our end...we have all the gun laws we need to keep criminals locked not one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment will be surrendered to you anti-gun nuts....
Japan is free. You don't need guns for that.

Japan is not free....the police have vast powers and their judicial system has an over 95% conviction rate.....not a free people....

You really are talking out of your ass....

Well, let's be real here. America has lost many of its freedoms too. Usually at the hand of cowardly liberals. And not to dismiss republicans, the "Patriot Act"'is anything but....
Then explain mass shootings where guns are? There should be zero, right?

And don't forget this, no guns no mass shootings, or any shootings at all.

There are none. Ever. Show me one. I dare you....
How about two guys killed at a gun range? Let's start with that.
First, I see no link (so you might be making this up). Second - two people is not a "mass shooting".

So let's try again. And this time please adhere to the rules (must be a MASS shooting and must be where guns are abundant).
Gun range shootings. Should be the safest place in the world, right?

Shooting at Vermont Gun Range Exposes Safety Loophole
Again....completely nonsensical. That was not a "mass shooting". It was one person. Why do you feel the need to lie in each post?

It isn't a need as it is a part of their DNA.....the left cannot tell the truth....they just are physically incapable of it.......we have seen it over and over.....we provide facts...and down the road they lie and pretend they never saw them....and lie about guns some more........

If they don't lie, they can't pass gun control laws.....
For people who don't think gun control is possible here, you guys sure piss yourselves like schoolgirls.

No, we just are rational about it. You can't control guns, and if you think you can, tell us how?

If you say create more laws, then please explain to us how our recreational drug laws are doing these days. Because heroin has been illegal as long as I've been on this planet, and yet, we have more heroin overdoses than ever before in this country. In fact, the US has the highest percentage of her people locked up behind bars compared to any other industrialized country in the world, and most of that is due to drugs.
In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.
We don't live in Japan or Iraq junior. Try again. How sad is it that you have to point to nations literally all the way across the world to make your case for policy you want here in the U.S.

By the way - if guns are too scary for you and Japan is so wonderful - go live there.

Lastly, why are you even here? You already admitted that the 1st Amendment rights to not extend to the internet (that were your own words). Our founders could have never anticipated computers, much less an interconnected linking of devices across the world. That was not their intent when they created the 1st Amendment. So shut the f' up, turn your computer off, and sit there quietly. :cuckoo:
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Yes they did. They already had weapons that fired multiple rounds per second look up the Puckle Gun it was the first weapon to be refereed to as a machine gun. Patented in 1718. Regardless The Constitution says Right to bear arms. It doesn't say right to bear single shot, flint lock, smooth bore musket. .
Can you own a nuke, yes or no? It's an arm, right?
The worst weapon for personal defense. You can't target shoot with a nuke, sure as hell can't hunt with one, and the radiation a damaged one puts out will make you have a bad day. Liberals always pull that nuke shit out of their asses in a last ditch effort to win an argument.
Laws will just be the start. And no guns can be done but you'll hate it.

Well, I know you liberals hate logic, but can we try it here anyway?
  • Marijuana is universally outlawed (federal law trumps state law chief so don't even attempt to point to Oregon or Colorado). Yet it is rampant.
  • Heroin is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Cocaine is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Crack is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Meth is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Prostitution is universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
  • Many forms of gambling are universally outlawed. Yet it is rampant and readily available.
So tell us again how outlawing guns is going to make them disappear? :slap:
I just saw an article....the Japanese Yakuza are ramping up for their next gang war......the article was from March 20, 2016......
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.
We don't live in Japan or Iraq junior. Try again. How sad is it that you have to point to nations literally all the way across the world to make your case for policy you want here in the U.S.

By the way - if guns are too scary for you and Japan is so wonderful - go live there.

Lastly, why are you even here? You already admitted that the 1st Amendment rights to not extend to the internet (that were your own words). Our founders could have never anticipated computers, much less an interconnected linking of devices across the world. That was not their intent when they created the 1st Amendment. So shut the f' up, turn your computer off, and sit there quietly. :cuckoo:
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Yes they did. They already had weapons that fired multiple rounds per second look up the Puckle Gun it was the first weapon to be refereed to as a machine gun. Patented in 1718. Regardless The Constitution says Right to bear arms. It doesn't say right to bear single shot, flint lock, smooth bore musket. .
Can you own a nuke, yes or no? It's an arm, right?
The worst weapon for personal defense. You can't target shoot with a nuke, sure as hell can't hunt with one, and the radiation a damaged one puts out will make you have a bad day. Liberals always pull that nuke shit out of their asses in a last ditch effort to win an argument.
It's an arm, not around 200 years. Should you be able to own one, yes or no?

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