Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

We don't live in Japan or Iraq junior. Try again. How sad is it that you have to point to nations literally all the way across the world to make your case for policy you want here in the U.S.

By the way - if guns are too scary for you and Japan is so wonderful - go live there.

Lastly, why are you even here? You already admitted that the 1st Amendment rights to not extend to the internet (that were your own words). Our founders could have never anticipated computers, much less an interconnected linking of devices across the world. That was not their intent when they created the 1st Amendment. So shut the f' up, turn your computer off, and sit there quietly. :cuckoo:
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Aren't you the sharp one.... :lmao:

It's your side that always uses the absurd excuse of "the founders didn't anticipate the guns that would be available" so I was mocking you with the internet stuff genius.

Now, as far as Japan and Iraq, they prove nothing. Absolutely nothing. For starters, you're too stupid to realize that Saddam Hussein disarmed the entire population when he came into power in the mide-1970's, so they only people that have firearms there are the terrorists. And that is exactly what you are trying to arrange here in America (after acknowledge how bad it is there). Proving how stupid you are yet again.

Secondly, it also proves nothing because we don't live in Japan and Iraq (it's laughable that I have to explain that to you). In the U.S., wherever guns are banned (public schools, college, some movie theaters, etc.) we see horrific mass murders. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, Police Stations, NRA meetings, etc.) we never see a single shooting. Ever. Once again, you lose stupid.

So that's twice now that we've proven that you make shit up. The first time when you said it was "illegal" for people to build "pipe bombs" and the second time when you claimed that Iraq was "full" of guns. :lmao:

No wonder you're so stupid on this issue. You don't have any facts straight.
Japan, few guns and peaceful. Iraq, many guns and a death zone. You lose, Puddles. guns (other than terrorists), extremely violent. How embarrassing that you continue to exhibit your remarkable ignorance on the facts over and over and over. If you weren't a libtard, you'd actually being feeling tremendous shame right now. :lol:

Now compare that to America: full of guns and the most gun deaths of any advanced society on earth.

Obviously if guns made one safer, we'd have almost no gun deaths. Instead we have, by far, the most of any of our peers.

Obviously, more guns only results in more gun deaths; nothing else.

So can you explain why our gun murders and violent crime in general have been on the decrease since the 90's?

Since the 90's, more and more states adopted CCW laws. Not only that, but like my state, have made the laws favor the victim instead of the attacker.
Jack-dressing-like-Jill "logic". I have to point to Iraq for reasons why I want to ban guns in the U.S. :cuckoo:

Um...why can't you point to the U.S. for reasons why you want to ban guns:

Jack-dressing-like-Jill: "Oh....because that proves me wrong. I have to point to nation all the way on the other side of the world, which doesn't have U.S. laws, and then lie about that nation to make some form of an argument".
You said guns equal peace. Wrong.
They do. Tell me junior - how many mass shootings have we experienced in the White House? The place is packed with hundreds of people with access to thousands of fully automatic weapons.

I'm waiting.....
Shall I start by listing mass shootings on military bases? How about at gun ranges? How about street gangs, where they all have guns?

No guns, no mass shootings. Few guns in Japan, and good luck finding a mass shooting. The whole country is a gun-free zone to you.

No, there are guns in Japan, it's just that you have to get a permit to buy one with heavy government oversight, but there are guns.

It's the people that are different--not the guns. You libs don't seem to understand that. Japan is nearly a single culture where ours is multi-cultured. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others.

We had a so-called assault weapons ban. Didn't show any positive results. Australia instituted their gun ban, it didn't do any good and even increased firearm deaths for a while. Same with Great Britain. But guess what? Those places never had a serious violence problem in the first place.
Few guns, much peace. Puddles loses.
Your pitiful "Jedi mind trick" isn't working. No matter how many times you tell this lie, everyone can see me owning you in these posts.
Folks....think about this one. Really think about it. And then enjoy the fits of laughter...

Libtard: "We need to lower the speed limit on the highways from 60mph to 35mph"
Rational Person: "Um.....why?"
Libtard: "Because there have been over 90,000 deaths on the highway in Iraq already in 2016"
Rational Person: "But...but.....we don't live in Iraq"
Libtard: "So? I want the speed limit lowered and this makes my case"
Rational Person: "But...but.....we don't live in Iraq. There have only been 12 deaths on highways in America in 2016"
Libtard: "Yes...but whatever happens in Iraq is certain to come here eventually"
Rational Person: "It is? Why? Based on what?"
Libtard: "Studies have proven it"
Rational Person: "What studies?"
Libtard: "FUCK YOU, you racist, homophobic, bigoted asshole scum bag!!!! I want the speed limit lowered and Iraq proves why I'm right"
Rational Person: "But...but.....we don't live in Iraq"
Okay, from now on we will only discuss things in America? Gun deaths? Too high. Muslims terrorism? Hardly any. Nukes in Iran? Israeli deaths? None of your business so never comment on anything but America.
Jack-dressing-like-Jill "logic". I have to point to Iraq for reasons why I want to ban guns in the U.S. :cuckoo:

Um...why can't you point to the U.S. for reasons why you want to ban guns:

Jack-dressing-like-Jill: "Oh....because that proves me wrong. I have to point to nation all the way on the other side of the world, which doesn't have U.S. laws, and then lie about that nation to make some form of an argument".
You said guns equal peace. Wrong.
They do. Tell me junior - how many mass shootings have we experienced in the White House? The place is packed with hundreds of people with access to thousands of fully automatic weapons.

I'm waiting.....
Shall I start by listing mass shootings on military bases? How about at gun ranges? How about street gangs, where they all have guns?

No guns, no mass shootings. Few guns in Japan, and good luck finding a mass shooting. The whole country is a gun-free zone to you.

No, there are guns in Japan, it's just that you have to get a permit to buy one with heavy government oversight, but there are guns.

It's the people that are different--not the guns. You libs don't seem to understand that. Japan is nearly a single culture where ours is multi-cultured. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others.

We had a so-called assault weapons ban. Didn't show any positive results. Australia instituted their gun ban, it didn't do any good and even increased firearm deaths for a while. Same with Great Britain. But guess what? Those places never had a serious violence problem in the first place.
Few guns, much peace. Puddles loses.

Well we have places in the US where there are not few guns, but no guns. They are called Gun Free Zones, and that's usually where mass murder takes place in this country.
You said guns equal peace. Wrong.
They do. Tell me junior - how many mass shootings have we experienced in the White House? The place is packed with hundreds of people with access to thousands of fully automatic weapons.

I'm waiting.....
Shall I start by listing mass shootings on military bases? How about at gun ranges? How about street gangs, where they all have guns?

No guns, no mass shootings. Few guns in Japan, and good luck finding a mass shooting. The whole country is a gun-free zone to you.

No, there are guns in Japan, it's just that you have to get a permit to buy one with heavy government oversight, but there are guns.

It's the people that are different--not the guns. You libs don't seem to understand that. Japan is nearly a single culture where ours is multi-cultured. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others.

We had a so-called assault weapons ban. Didn't show any positive results. Australia instituted their gun ban, it didn't do any good and even increased firearm deaths for a while. Same with Great Britain. But guess what? Those places never had a serious violence problem in the first place.
Few guns, much peace. Puddles loses.
Your pitiful "Jedi mind trick" isn't working. No matter how many times you tell this lie, everyone can see me owning you in these posts.
You said guns equal peace and I proved you wrong, dead wrong.
You said guns equal peace. Wrong.
They do. Tell me junior - how many mass shootings have we experienced in the White House? The place is packed with hundreds of people with access to thousands of fully automatic weapons.

I'm waiting.....
Shall I start by listing mass shootings on military bases? How about at gun ranges? How about street gangs, where they all have guns?

No guns, no mass shootings. Few guns in Japan, and good luck finding a mass shooting. The whole country is a gun-free zone to you.

No, there are guns in Japan, it's just that you have to get a permit to buy one with heavy government oversight, but there are guns.

It's the people that are different--not the guns. You libs don't seem to understand that. Japan is nearly a single culture where ours is multi-cultured. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others.

We had a so-called assault weapons ban. Didn't show any positive results. Australia instituted their gun ban, it didn't do any good and even increased firearm deaths for a while. Same with Great Britain. But guess what? Those places never had a serious violence problem in the first place.
Few guns, much peace. Puddles loses.

Well we have places in the US where there are not few guns, but no guns. They are called Gun Free Zones, and that's usually where mass murder takes place in this country.
Then explain mass shootings where guns are? There should be zero, right?

And don't forget this, no guns no mass shootings, or any shootings at all.
We don't live in Japan or Iraq junior. Try again. How sad is it that you have to point to nations literally all the way across the world to make your case for policy you want here in the U.S.

By the way - if guns are too scary for you and Japan is so wonderful - go live there.

Lastly, why are you even here? You already admitted that the 1st Amendment rights to not extend to the internet (that were your own words). Our founders could have never anticipated computers, much less an interconnected linking of devices across the world. That was not their intent when they created the 1st Amendment. So shut the f' up, turn your computer off, and sit there quietly. :cuckoo:
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Aren't you the sharp one.... :lmao:

It's your side that always uses the absurd excuse of "the founders didn't anticipate the guns that would be available" so I was mocking you with the internet stuff genius.

Now, as far as Japan and Iraq, they prove nothing. Absolutely nothing. For starters, you're too stupid to realize that Saddam Hussein disarmed the entire population when he came into power in the mide-1970's, so they only people that have firearms there are the terrorists. And that is exactly what you are trying to arrange here in America (after acknowledge how bad it is there). Proving how stupid you are yet again.

Secondly, it also proves nothing because we don't live in Japan and Iraq (it's laughable that I have to explain that to you). In the U.S., wherever guns are banned (public schools, college, some movie theaters, etc.) we see horrific mass murders. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, Police Stations, NRA meetings, etc.) we never see a single shooting. Ever. Once again, you lose stupid.

So that's twice now that we've proven that you make shit up. The first time when you said it was "illegal" for people to build "pipe bombs" and the second time when you claimed that Iraq was "full" of guns. :lmao:

No wonder you're so stupid on this issue. You don't have any facts straight.
Japan, few guns and peaceful. Iraq, many guns and a death zone. You lose, Puddles. guns (other than terrorists), extremely violent. How embarrassing that you continue to exhibit your remarkable ignorance on the facts over and over and over. If you weren't a libtard, you'd actually being feeling tremendous shame right now. :lol:
Guns in Iraq — Firearms, gun law and gun control

34 of every 100 people are terrorists, Puddles? Try again.

No guns in Iraq is why ISIS was able to walk in there, take over the place, and torture people to death by the hundreds. Nobody was able to defend themselves.

ISIS hates us too. Gee, why don't they come here and try to do the same thing?
Folks....think about this one. Really think about it. And then enjoy the fits of laughter...

Libtard: "We need to lower the speed limit on the highways from 60mph to 35mph"
Rational Person: "Um.....why?"
Libtard: "Because there have been over 90,000 deaths on the highway in Iraq already in 2016"
Rational Person: "But...but.....we don't live in Iraq"
Libtard: "So? I want the speed limit lowered and this makes my case"
Rational Person: "But...but.....we don't live in Iraq. There have only been 12 deaths on highways in America in 2016"
Libtard: "Yes...but whatever happens in Iraq is certain to come here eventually"
Rational Person: "It is? Why? Based on what?"
Libtard: "Studies have proven it"
Rational Person: "What studies?"
Libtard: "FUCK YOU, you racist, homophobic, bigoted asshole scum bag!!!! I want the speed limit lowered and Iraq proves why I'm right"
Rational Person: "But...but.....we don't live in Iraq"
Okay, from now on we will only discuss things in America? Gun deaths? Too high. Muslims terrorism? Hardly any. Nukes in Iran? Israeli deaths? None of your business so never comment on anything but America.

No. All I'm saying is that if you're going to make a case for policy in the U.S., it has to be based on what's happening in the U.S. It can't be based on what's happening in Israel. I shouldn't need to explain that to you.
They do. Tell me junior - how many mass shootings have we experienced in the White House? The place is packed with hundreds of people with access to thousands of fully automatic weapons.

I'm waiting.....
Shall I start by listing mass shootings on military bases? How about at gun ranges? How about street gangs, where they all have guns?

No guns, no mass shootings. Few guns in Japan, and good luck finding a mass shooting. The whole country is a gun-free zone to you.

No, there are guns in Japan, it's just that you have to get a permit to buy one with heavy government oversight, but there are guns.

It's the people that are different--not the guns. You libs don't seem to understand that. Japan is nearly a single culture where ours is multi-cultured. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others.

We had a so-called assault weapons ban. Didn't show any positive results. Australia instituted their gun ban, it didn't do any good and even increased firearm deaths for a while. Same with Great Britain. But guess what? Those places never had a serious violence problem in the first place.
Few guns, much peace. Puddles loses.

Well we have places in the US where there are not few guns, but no guns. They are called Gun Free Zones, and that's usually where mass murder takes place in this country.
Then explain mass shootings where guns are? There should be zero, right?

And don't forget this, no guns no mass shootings, or any shootings at all.

There are very few and far between. Most all of mass shootings take place in gun free zones: schools, military bases, movie theaters, churches, those places.
Japan and Iraq completely destroy what you believe. Suck it, Puddles.

And the founders didn't anticipate the guns you love so suck that as well.
Aren't you the sharp one.... :lmao:

It's your side that always uses the absurd excuse of "the founders didn't anticipate the guns that would be available" so I was mocking you with the internet stuff genius.

Now, as far as Japan and Iraq, they prove nothing. Absolutely nothing. For starters, you're too stupid to realize that Saddam Hussein disarmed the entire population when he came into power in the mide-1970's, so they only people that have firearms there are the terrorists. And that is exactly what you are trying to arrange here in America (after acknowledge how bad it is there). Proving how stupid you are yet again.

Secondly, it also proves nothing because we don't live in Japan and Iraq (it's laughable that I have to explain that to you). In the U.S., wherever guns are banned (public schools, college, some movie theaters, etc.) we see horrific mass murders. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, Police Stations, NRA meetings, etc.) we never see a single shooting. Ever. Once again, you lose stupid.

So that's twice now that we've proven that you make shit up. The first time when you said it was "illegal" for people to build "pipe bombs" and the second time when you claimed that Iraq was "full" of guns. :lmao:

No wonder you're so stupid on this issue. You don't have any facts straight.
Japan, few guns and peaceful. Iraq, many guns and a death zone. You lose, Puddles. guns (other than terrorists), extremely violent. How embarrassing that you continue to exhibit your remarkable ignorance on the facts over and over and over. If you weren't a libtard, you'd actually being feeling tremendous shame right now. :lol:
Guns in Iraq — Firearms, gun law and gun control

34 of every 100 people are terrorists, Puddles? Try again.

No guns in Iraq is why ISIS was able to walk in there, take over the place, and torture people to death by the hundreds. Nobody was able to defend themselves.

ISIS hates us too. Gee, why don't they come here and try to do the same thing?
How is 34 guns per 100 persons , just among the civilian population, no guns?
Aren't you the sharp one.... :lmao:

It's your side that always uses the absurd excuse of "the founders didn't anticipate the guns that would be available" so I was mocking you with the internet stuff genius.

Now, as far as Japan and Iraq, they prove nothing. Absolutely nothing. For starters, you're too stupid to realize that Saddam Hussein disarmed the entire population when he came into power in the mide-1970's, so they only people that have firearms there are the terrorists. And that is exactly what you are trying to arrange here in America (after acknowledge how bad it is there). Proving how stupid you are yet again.

Secondly, it also proves nothing because we don't live in Japan and Iraq (it's laughable that I have to explain that to you). In the U.S., wherever guns are banned (public schools, college, some movie theaters, etc.) we see horrific mass murders. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, Police Stations, NRA meetings, etc.) we never see a single shooting. Ever. Once again, you lose stupid.

So that's twice now that we've proven that you make shit up. The first time when you said it was "illegal" for people to build "pipe bombs" and the second time when you claimed that Iraq was "full" of guns. :lmao:

No wonder you're so stupid on this issue. You don't have any facts straight.
Japan, few guns and peaceful. Iraq, many guns and a death zone. You lose, Puddles. guns (other than terrorists), extremely violent. How embarrassing that you continue to exhibit your remarkable ignorance on the facts over and over and over. If you weren't a libtard, you'd actually being feeling tremendous shame right now. :lol:
Guns in Iraq — Firearms, gun law and gun control

34 of every 100 people are terrorists, Puddles? Try again.

No guns in Iraq is why ISIS was able to walk in there, take over the place, and torture people to death by the hundreds. Nobody was able to defend themselves.

ISIS hates us too. Gee, why don't they come here and try to do the same thing?
How is 34 guns per 100 persons , just among the civilian population, no guns?

Yes, one-third of the population, against a fully armed blood thirsty religious group.
Shall I start by listing mass shootings on military bases? How about at gun ranges? How about street gangs, where they all have guns?

No guns, no mass shootings. Few guns in Japan, and good luck finding a mass shooting. The whole country is a gun-free zone to you.

No, there are guns in Japan, it's just that you have to get a permit to buy one with heavy government oversight, but there are guns.

It's the people that are different--not the guns. You libs don't seem to understand that. Japan is nearly a single culture where ours is multi-cultured. Some of our cultures are much more violent than others.

We had a so-called assault weapons ban. Didn't show any positive results. Australia instituted their gun ban, it didn't do any good and even increased firearm deaths for a while. Same with Great Britain. But guess what? Those places never had a serious violence problem in the first place.
Few guns, much peace. Puddles loses.

Well we have places in the US where there are not few guns, but no guns. They are called Gun Free Zones, and that's usually where mass murder takes place in this country.
Then explain mass shootings where guns are? There should be zero, right?

And don't forget this, no guns no mass shootings, or any shootings at all.

There are very few and far between. Most all of mass shootings take place in gun free zones: schools, military bases, movie theaters, churches, those places.
You mean, places where people go in large numbers?

How can there be a mass shooting if guns protect against them and even if true, when there are no guns there will be no shootings, right?
Japan, few guns and peaceful. Iraq, many guns and a death zone. You lose, Puddles. guns (other than terrorists), extremely violent. How embarrassing that you continue to exhibit your remarkable ignorance on the facts over and over and over. If you weren't a libtard, you'd actually being feeling tremendous shame right now. :lol:
Guns in Iraq — Firearms, gun law and gun control

34 of every 100 people are terrorists, Puddles? Try again.

No guns in Iraq is why ISIS was able to walk in there, take over the place, and torture people to death by the hundreds. Nobody was able to defend themselves.

ISIS hates us too. Gee, why don't they come here and try to do the same thing?
How is 34 guns per 100 persons , just among the civilian population, no guns?

Yes, one-third of the population, against a fully armed blood thirsty religious group.
They had far more guns than the terrorists so, why no peace? I guess guns don't equal peace.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
Oh come on now. I rarely hear about people using guns to defend themselves, it's a rare occasion. Most of the time it's people with guns abusing the second amendment and harming, harassing and contributing to crime and contributing to the climate of fear in America.

Would you like me to post some of those stories about people defending themselves with firearms?

Remember that these stories are local so you don't hear of them on a national level. They are out there if you care to look because Google is your friend.

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