Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

a. The premise is false, no liberal lie as claimed exists;
b. One data point and this moron ^^^ comes to a conclusion that guns in the hands of more and more people is good, in spite of the fact that there are many more data points to dispute this claim. have no data points that dispute we have posted over and over, armed Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attacks, including mass public shooters 1,500,000 times a year, according to bill clinton's Department of Justice study on gun violence....also, as more Americans bought and also carried guns...our gun crime rate went down, not up....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And now.....having watched actual witnesses talk about the shootings in Aurora, and is obvious that if those sites had not been gun free zones, more lives would have been saved and the shooters stopped earlier than they were....

You have nothing.....none of the facts, the truth or reality back up what you believe...not one single thing...

With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states | Stanford News

Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

So ?

So that leads to unrest and an increase in violent crime. You don't care about crime?

Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

None of those things are true in many of the most safe civilized countries. Not really clear which ones you reference actually.

Oh, and I reference all the countries that aren’t called America. Your stupid rants are just that. Stupid rants. I. My closet sits three AR15’s as well as many other guns. My children handle them on the regular as do other folks and it will continue to be that way. Gohead and deal with that how you must.
And the children continue to die.
Guns are now the third leading cause of death for U.S. children

Yes, you children continue to lie.
Can't deal with the facts?

Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

None of those things are true in many of the most safe civilized countries. Not really clear which ones you reference actually.

Really? They do it just like us huh? You don’t know what you speak of. Going by what you say one understands why stupid spoild kids get jammed up for shoplifting in China.

Denmark? Germany? Japan?

Dunno. Ask the lady and her boyfriend who this article is about.

Migrant accused of rape in Germany calls victim prostitute | Daily Mail Online

Asylum seeker accused of raping a German woman in front of her boyfriend in terrifying knife-point attack calls her a ‘prostitute’ in furious courtroom outburst

japan-statistics-2.jpg have no data points that dispute we have posted over and over, armed Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attacks, including mass public shooters 1,500,000 times a year, according to bill clinton's Department of Justice study on gun violence....also, as more Americans bought and also carried guns...our gun crime rate went down, not up....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And now.....having watched actual witnesses talk about the shootings in Aurora, and is obvious that if those sites had not been gun free zones, more lives would have been saved and the shooters stopped earlier than they were....

You have nothing.....none of the facts, the truth or reality back up what you believe...not one single thing...

With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states | Stanford News

Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

So ?

So that leads to unrest and an increase in violent crime. You don't care about crime?

Don’t have to worry about it. I am armed and I live in a really good neighborhood.
Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

None of those things are true in many of the most safe civilized countries. Not really clear which ones you reference actually.

Really? They do it just like us huh? You don’t know what you speak of. Going by what you say one understands why stupid spoild kids get jammed up for shoplifting in China.

Denmark? Germany? Japan?

Dunno. Ask the lady and her boyfriend who this article is about.

Migrant accused of rape in Germany calls victim prostitute | Daily Mail Online

Asylum seeker accused of raping a German woman in front of her boyfriend in terrifying knife-point attack calls her a ‘prostitute’ in furious courtroom outburst


And what’s the punishment for murder in Japan?

Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

So ?

So that leads to unrest and an increase in violent crime. You don't care about crime?

Don’t have to worry about it. I am armed and I live in a really good neighborhood.

And very selfish, what a hero.

You obviously get off on it. Your them has trended to children. That supposed to make you more right? More kids are killed by cell phones and cars. Keep flailing mother Teresa.

There is a cure for these deaths. They are very rare with strong gun control. We could save lives, you just choose not to.

Nope. Not really. To many facts say different.
None of those things are true in many of the most safe civilized countries. Not really clear which ones you reference actually.

Really? They do it just like us huh? You don’t know what you speak of. Going by what you say one understands why stupid spoild kids get jammed up for shoplifting in China.

Denmark? Germany? Japan?

Dunno. Ask the lady and her boyfriend who this article is about.

Migrant accused of rape in Germany calls victim prostitute | Daily Mail Online

Asylum seeker accused of raping a German woman in front of her boyfriend in terrifying knife-point attack calls her a ‘prostitute’ in furious courtroom outburst


And what’s the punishment for murder in Japan?
What is the punishment in Germany?

You obviously get off on it. Your them has trended to children. That supposed to make you more right? More kids are killed by cell phones and cars. Keep flailing mother Teresa.

There is a cure for these deaths. They are very rare with strong gun control. We could save lives, you just choose not to.

Nope. Not really. To many facts say different.

Fact is these problems are very rare with strong gun control. You choose to believe lies.
Hm, lets look at some of those countries. Did you know that in a few of those civilized countries you mention peeps can be sentenced to a whipping? Did you also know that the cops, you know, the guys with guns can beat a confession out of a suspect? Did you also know that in about all of them evidance can be gathered on a suspect because investigators feel the need to survail them? So if you feel safer with that type stuff, why not move to Mexico or something? And stop posting the same shit. Switch it up some.

So ?

So that leads to unrest and an increase in violent crime. You don't care about crime?

Don’t have to worry about it. I am armed and I live in a really good neighborhood.

And very selfish, what a hero.

Yup. My famil my property my problem. Move to Japan if you feel so much safer. Just don’t let safety be conflated with freedom. You advocate giving up safety for freedom. That’s just stupid.

So that leads to unrest and an increase in violent crime. You don't care about crime?

Don’t have to worry about it. I am armed and I live in a really good neighborhood.

And very selfish, what a hero.

Yup. My famil my property my problem. Move to Japan if you feel so much safer. Just don’t let safety be conflated with freedom. You advocate giving up safety for freedom. That’s just stupid.

I advocate saving lives of children, cops, wives... The right to life is being trampled.

You obviously get off on it. Your them has trended to children. That supposed to make you more right? More kids are killed by cell phones and cars. Keep flailing mother Teresa.

There is a cure for these deaths. They are very rare with strong gun control. We could save lives, you just choose not to.

Nope. Not really. To many facts say different.

Fact is these problems are very rare with strong gun control. You choose to believe lies.

Really? No haji fuck has raped any of my kids. Burgler types don’t hit this area to much. Is it because of the police? Sure, but it’s mostly because folks here, even the poor ones like me are known to be armed. Your beloved Michael Brown types know this is a good area to get shot stealing shit so they stick to their own kind as they are typically NOT armed.
So my guess is the presumed "original intent" of the Founders is that ordinary citizens should be permitted to keep and bear the standard individual's weaponry of that era, which were standard shoulder and hand firearms, swords and daggers.
Well that’s not a very good guess. They would have written “standard weaponry of today” or “muskets”. They specifically said arms for a reason. The government answers to the people. If the subordinate can have a weapon, the superior sure as hell can.

You obviously get off on it. Your them has trended to children. That supposed to make you more right? More kids are killed by cell phones and cars. Keep flailing mother Teresa.

There is a cure for these deaths. They are very rare with strong gun control. We could save lives, you just choose not to.

Nope. Not really. To many facts say different.

Fact is these problems are very rare with strong gun control. You choose to believe lies.

Really? No haji fuck has raped any of my kids. Burgler types don’t hit this area to much. Is it because of the police? Sure, but it’s mostly because folks here, even the poor ones like me are known to be armed. Your beloved Michael Brown types know this is a good area to get shot stealing shit so they stick to their own kind as they are typically NOT armed.

All you have done is give criminals a good reason to be armed. You insure more death. We have the most concealed carry every now and look what happened:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
You obviously get off on it. Your them has trended to children. That supposed to make you more right? More kids are killed by cell phones and cars. Keep flailing mother Teresa.

There is a cure for these deaths. They are very rare with strong gun control. We could save lives, you just choose not to.

Nope. Not really. To many facts say different.

Fact is these problems are very rare with strong gun control. You choose to believe lies.

Really? No haji fuck has raped any of my kids. Burgler types don’t hit this area to much. Is it because of the police? Sure, but it’s mostly because folks here, even the poor ones like me are known to be armed. Your beloved Michael Brown types know this is a good area to get shot stealing shit so they stick to their own kind as they are typically NOT armed.

All you have done is give criminals a good reason to be armed. You insure more death. We have the most concealed carry every now and look what happened:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

You insure more child rape. We how stupid what you said is? Go sniff more glue and mellow out fag. Your getting pissed.
No.....the Ferguson effect is increasing crime in democrat cities that have attacked their police....

Caused by too many guns. Police rarely shoot people when there is strong gun control.
Most mass shootings happen at night - we should outlaw darkness! What will it cost to light the world?

Makes just as much sense as what you're saying ....

You are conflating one fact with another - and PRESUMING there is a connection.
Mass shootings happen often when there are lots of guns. They are rare when there is strong gun control.
No.....the Ferguson effect is increasing crime in democrat cities that have attacked their police....

Caused by too many guns. Police rarely shoot people when there is strong gun control.
Most mass shootings happen at night - we should outlaw darkness! What will it cost to light the world?

Makes just as much sense as what you're saying ....

You are conflating one fact with another - and PRESUMING there is a connection.
Mass shootings happen often when there are lots of guns. They are rare when there is strong gun control.
I was going to rant and rave about how wrong you are ---- but I decided not to.

Instead, I will only say that you are trying to back into a plausible justification for an untenable position where none exists. Your connectivity of the prevalence of guns to the frequency of mass shootings can't be justified. Yes, there are more guns - yes, there are more mass shootings --- but the number of guns does not increase the number of mass shootings. There is no causal factor proven. There is a correlation, yes - but not a cause. If that were so, eliminating X guns would mean there will be a Y decrease in mass shootings.

There are more people --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of people in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more cars -- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing that we should limit the number of cars in order to prevent more mass shootings? There are more apartments --- there are more mass shootings. Are you proposing we should limit the number of apartments in order to prevent more mass shootings??

Mass shootings are NOT a result of guns - "guns" is merely the methodology. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a societal decrease in concern for others. Mass shootings ARE a direct result of a perception of a lack of ultimate reckoning for their actions. Mass shootings ARE - and I know this will make you uncomfortable - a direct result of a transition of our society from a Christian morality to a secular morality. As our concern for our fellow man has withered, we are more willing to self-justify harm to our fellow man as a viable solution to our confrontations. As man has increasingly come to believe that he is the ultimate authority - which has to be the epitome of arrogance - we have increased our capacity to rationalize our extreme actions.

It is nonsensical to believe that strict gun control will have a positive effect. The proof of the fallacy of this simplistic misinterpretation of the reality is no further than Chicago of Washington DC. Draconian gun control laws have had no effect on the murder rates in these cities - in fact, they can be considered as direct contributors to the death rate.

Guns are NOT the problem - the person pulling the trigger is the problem. As long as you allow yourself to be distracted from addressing the root of the problem, the longer, and the larger, the problem will become. Mass shootings is the symptom - not the disease. You don' kill a tree by cutting off the limbs.

It isn't a coincidence we have the most guns and the most mass killings, cop killings, school shootings, accidental shootings, cops killing the most people, toddler shootings... It is frankly quite silly to think it is a coincidence. These are things that are rare with strong gun control.
I did not speak of coincidence .... I spoke of correlation and causation. Quit trying to change the discussion to fit your preconceived mission.

Here is your task ..... there is an increase in guns, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Then ... there is an increase in people, and an increase in mass shootings. Explain the causation.

Somehow, you seem to believe that just the sight of a gun causes people to go crazy and kill hundreds. Somehow, you seem to believe that, if the gun weren't there - in all its malevolent glory - the person would not harbor ill will and act on it.

Quit fooling yourself ---- address the cause.

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