"Thank God Trump is a Hulkamaniac"

WTF? "The wrestling knowledge of Donald Trump"? Are you for real? Even the fake ass wrestlers of professional wrestling would kick the crap outta the orange gas bag in a match. And, God help him if he actually had to be in a real competition. Even a high school wrestler several weight classes below Trump would wipe the floor with him, as he's an outta shape know nothing.

Apparently you missed President Trump competing in the Showcase of the Immortals, Wrestlingmania in Detroit.

Trump successfully managed Bobby Lashley over Vince McMahon managing Umaga, even though McMahon had decades of experience in wrestling since the early 70's.

Further, Trump slammed McMahon using his patented "Hostile Takeover" move.

Donald J. Trump is the first US President to be a WWE Hall of Fame enshrinee, and was elected on the first ballot since he was eligible.
Apparently you missed President Trump competing in the Showcase of the Immortals, Wrestlingmania in Detroit.

Trump successfully managed Bobby Lashley over Vince McMahon managing Umaga, even though McMahon had decades of experience in wrestling since the early 70's.

Further, Trump slammed McMahon using his patented "Hostile Takeover" move.

Donald J. Trump is the first US President to be a WWE Hall of Fame enshrinee, and was elected on the first ballot since he was eligible.

It's readily apparent that you know about as much about wrestling as Trump. Hate to tell you, but just about all of that "professional" wrestling stuff is pure crap. They make up a script to make the person who is most liked the "winner", and the others are the ones that get beat in the ring. Trump, having the popularity that he does (also the skills of a con man), probably cajoled them into making it appear he knew what he was doing. Like I said, nothing more than a scripted con. And, if Trump were to go up against an actual wrestler (not the actors on the professional circuit, but someone with actual experience in the sport), he'd get his ass handed to him by all of them. But, keep up with the delusion in thinking professional wrestling is an actual sport, or that Trump has any kind of sports expertise. It's almost as cute as watching a 3 year old pretend to be a police officer.
It's readily apparent that you know about as much about wrestling as Trump. Hate to tell you, but just about all of that "professional" wrestling stuff is pure crap. They make up a script to make the person who is most liked the "winner", and the others are the ones that get beat in the ring. Trump, having the popularity that he does (also the skills of a con man), probably cajoled them into making it appear he knew what he was doing. Like I said, nothing more than a scripted con. And, if Trump were to go up against an actual wrestler (not the actors on the professional circuit, but someone with actual experience in the sport), he'd get his ass handed to him by all of them. But, keep up with the delusion in thinking professional wrestling is an actual sport, or that Trump has any kind of sports expertise. It's almost as cute as watching a 3 year old pretend to be a police officer.
ABS....you are wasting your time....this guy thinks wrestling is real....he thinks the Iron Sheik is a loyal Iranian even though he has lived in the US since 1970 and was the assistant coach to the USA team for the 72 Olympics....he doesnt realize that the sheik was his wrestling persona.....its amazing i know....
ABS....you are wasting your time....this guy thinks wrestling is real....he thinks the Iron Sheik is a loyal Iranian even though he has lived in the US since 1970 and was the assistant coach to the USA team for the 72 Olympics....he doesnt realize that the sheik was his wrestling persona.....its amazing i know....

I was a wrestler for a lot of my school years. My Uncle Bill (bless his heart..............in the way Southerners mean it) was a fan of WWF, and watched it religiously every Saturday. Well, since I was looking to make him proud of me, I joined the wrestling team in school, and after only a month or so, I figured out that WWF was a bunch of bullshit. I told him so, and also tried to explain about keeping your center of gravity low, as well as why some of the WWF moves would never work on a real wrestler.

I didn't make him proud, I just pissed him off.

I've since determined that ANYONE who watches "professional" wrestling and thinks it's real is a certified idiot.
the Sheik to his credit was real wrestler and was on the Iranian 68 Olympic team....He then moved to the United States and became the assistant coach of two U.S. Olympic squads in the 1970s..... In 1971, he was the Amateur Athletic Union Greco-Roman wrestling champion and gold medalist at 180.5 pounds; he later became assistant coach to the USA team for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich......his real name is Hossein Vaziri.....he married an American white chick and had 3 daughters one was murdered by her boyfriend and has 5 grand kids.....the polish guy believed the sheik when he said he was going to take the heavyweight wrestling title back to Iran.....lol....amazing...
the Sheik to his credit was real wrestler and was on the Iranian 68 Olympic team....He then moved to the United States and became the assistant coach of two U.S. Olympic squads in the 1970s..... In 1971, he was the Amateur Athletic Union Greco-Roman wrestling champion and gold medalist at 180.5 pounds; he later became assistant coach to the USA team for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich......his real name is Hossein Vaziri.....he married an American white chick and had 3 daughters one was murdered by her boyfriend and has 5 grand kids.....the polish guy believed the sheik when he said he was going to take the heavyweight wrestling title back to Iran.....lol....amazing...

I didn't know the Iron Sheik personally, but he did have an ayatollah serving as his manager, Ayatollah Freddie Blassie.

So the evidence would indicate that he was on the up and up. You don't get to associate with ayatollahs unless you are loyal to the nation's supreme leader.
I didn't know the Iron Sheik personally, but he did have an ayatollah serving as his manager, Ayatollah Freddie Blassie.

So the evidence would indicate that he was on the up and up. You don't get to associate with ayatollahs unless you are loyal to the nation's supreme leader.
geezus.....see what i mean ABS?.....now blassie is an ayatollah.....polish dude...you are what blassie used to call a pencil neck geek....
geezus.....see what i mean ABS?.....now blassie is an ayatollah.....polish dude...you are what blassie used to call a pencil neck geek....

Blassie admitted to being an ayatollah and dressed in an ayatollah's uniform.

I don't think he would have done that if he wasn't.

I didn't know the Iron Sheik personally, but he did have an ayatollah serving as his manager, Ayatollah Freddie Blassie.

So the evidence would indicate that he was on the up and up. You don't get to associate with ayatollahs unless you are loyal to the nation's supreme leader.

Really? You believe the bullshit you post? Nowhere in his biography on Wiki does it refer to him as an ayatolla, nor does it say he was Muslim. Got news for you dude, that was part of his WWF persona. You can't differentiate between real and fantasy, can you? BTW, he was born in the US, and served in the Navy.
geezus.....see what i mean ABS?.....now blassie is an ayatollah.....polish dude...you are what blassie used to call a pencil neck geek....

Polishboy doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality apparently. But, like I said earlier, ANYONE who thinks that professional wrestling is real in any shape, form, or fashion is an idiot of the first water. Because Polishboy said what he did, that caused me to look up his bio on the 'net, and there is nothing in there that states he was Muslim or an Ayatollah. I'm pretty sure if he had been, there would have been a mention of it somewhere in his bio.

His coining the term "pencil necked geek" was in there however, and yeah, I think that Polishboy qualifies as one. "Neck like a stack of dimes" was especially funny to me.
It's readily apparent that you know about as much about wrestling as Trump. Hate to tell you, but just about all of that "professional" wrestling stuff is pure crap. They make up a script to make the person who is most liked the "winner", and the others are the ones that get beat in the ring. Trump, having the popularity that he does (also the skills of a con man), probably cajoled them into making it appear he knew what he was doing. Like I said, nothing more than a scripted con. And, if Trump were to go up against an actual wrestler (not the actors on the professional circuit, but someone with actual experience in the sport), he'd get his ass handed to him by all of them. But, keep up with the delusion in thinking professional wrestling is an actual sport, or that Trump has any kind of sports expertise. It's almost as cute as watching a 3 year old pretend to be a police officer.
Like Kurt Angle you moron ?

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