"Thank God you can't wrap your head around Liberal ideologies"

I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Or he could point out what leftist policy creates and show her California which is drowning in unfunded debt, Illinois which is frantically trying to remain solvent, Detroit, a once fiscal sound city now ran into the ground due to Democrats. Then show her Baltimore, another dem Utopia.
Why worry about states you don't live in? Worry about those poor southern states drowning in ignorance and a lack of teeth.

You moron, why are you worried about states you don't live in then?

I swear, Derp you have to be one of the dimmest bulbs on this forum
In my post to which you were replying, I included a link to where you said what I just now said that you said.
There is not one post by me on the page you linked to. Appears that your tech skills are about as sharp as your logic skills

It's right there, where I linked to it.

As a matter of unalterable, undeniable biological fact, “Jazz” is a teenage boy.

Would you be OK with having your daughter forced to undress and shower with him?
Thanks for displaying your dishonesty when quoting me. I was talking about Jazz and you turn that around and say that I said I was fine with a creepy male pervert going into bathrooms with little girls. Grow up man
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Thanks for displaying your dishonesty when quoting me. I was talking about Jazz and you turn that around and say that I said I was fine with a creepy male pervert going into bathrooms with little girls. Grow up man

“Jazz” is a creepy male pervert. He is a teenaged boy, who pretends to be a girl. And you openly admitted that you would be OK with your daughter being compelled to share a locker room with him, to be compelled to undress and shower in front of him. This is exactly the same thing as saying you'd be fine with a creepy male pervert going into bathrooms with little girls. It's worse, in fact, because it concerns a hypothetical daughter of your own, whose safety and virtue would be your responsibility, as a father, to protect.
Thanks for displaying your dishonesty when quoting me. I was talking about Jazz and you turn that around and say that I said I was fine with a creepy male pervert going into bathrooms with little girls. Grow up man

“Jazz” is a creepy male pervert. He is a teenaged boy, who pretends to be a girl. And you openly admitted that you would be OK with your daughter being compelled to share a locker room with him, to be compelled to undress and shower in front of him. This is exactly the same thing as saying you'd be fine with a creepy male pervert going into bathrooms with little girls. It's worse, in fact, because it concerns a hypothetical daughter of your own, whose safety and virtue would be your responsibility, as a father, to protect.
Oh thanks for the translation. But I don't think like an ignorant redneck so next time you quote me how about you stick to my words and not your warped translation of what you"think" I mean.

Also, nobody forces anybody to undress in front of anybody if they don't want to. I appreciate the complexities of having confused teenage boys in the girls locker room so I wouldnt advocate the green light for everybody. It would have to be something that the school and community decide upon. As for public bathrooms. I'm fine with jazz going to the ladies room. If she went in the men room that's when shit gets weird. Trump is fine with Jenner in the ladies room... one of his more objective common sense moments
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Oh thanks for the translation. But I don't think like an ignorant redneck so next time you quote me how about you stick to my words and not your warped translation of what you"think" I mean.

So, recognizing basic science, biology, and ethics; as well as the responsibility of men to protect women, especially of fathers to protect their daughters, makes be an “ignorant redneck”, does it? You do realize, of course, that this is one of the major ways in which your side so badly lost this last election cycle—by putting forth positions that, on their face, are overtly insane, irrational, and outright evil, and having no rational defense for these positions, merely resorting to puerile insults against those who argued against those positions.

Also, nobody forces anybody to undress in front of anybody if they don't want to. I appreciate the complexities of having confused teenage boys in the girls locker room so I wouldnt advocate the green light for everybody. It would have to be something that the school and community decide upon. As for public bathrooms. I'm fine with jazz going to the ladies room. If she went in the men room that's when shit gets weird.

You're speaking with a forked tongue. You are, at the same time, saying that you are opposed to allowing creepy male perverts into women's rooms, and in the same paragraph defending exactly that “right” for a creepy male pervert to go into women's rooms.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

No way can a sane person wrap their head around liberal 'logic.' Here's some of that tolerance that liberals preach:

Oh thanks for the translation. But I don't think like an ignorant redneck so next time you quote me how about you stick to my words and not your warped translation of what you"think" I mean.

So, recognizing basic science, biology, and ethics; as well as the responsibility of men to protect women, especially of fathers to protect their daughters, makes be an “ignorant redneck”, does it? You do realize, of course, that this is one of the major ways in which your side so badly lost this last election cycle—by putting forth positions that, on their face, are overtly insane, irrational, and outright evil, and having no rational defense for these positions, merely resorting to puerile insults against those who argued against those positions.

Also, nobody forces anybody to undress in front of anybody if they don't want to. I appreciate the complexities of having confused teenage boys in the girls locker room so I wouldnt advocate the green light for everybody. It would have to be something that the school and community decide upon. As for public bathrooms. I'm fine with jazz going to the ladies room. If she went in the men room that's when shit gets weird.

You're speaking with a forked tongue. You are, at the same time, saying that you are opposed to allowing creepy male perverts into women's rooms, and in the same paragraph defending exactly that “right” for a creepy male pervert to go into women's rooms.
Statements like you just made is what makes you an ignorant redneck. When you distort my position and paint a dishonest picture of the subject we are debating. When you deny and ignore the underlying points of your opposers arguement and regurgitate in a manipulated over simplified way so you can inject your bias and claim some kind of moral superiority.

I've asked you about 6 times now to explain this morality arguement. What determines right and wrong? And you can't. Just highlights the fact that you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

You proclaim the LGBT lifestyle as evil, perverted, immoral, and wrong yet you can't explain why... what a dumbass

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